Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sunday Funday

So today my Hubby and I decided we wanted to have a cheat meal since we've deprived ourselves of so many things this week lol.  Taco Bueno was the final decision, I was alright with it because I really haven't eaten there in so long and I used to love it.  I had some nachos (not the whole thing, not even half) and a party bean burrito.  I think I got my Bueno fix for the  year.  It just wasn't good to me, and it made my stomach crampy.  I know it's probably because my body was like "Hey woman you just cleansed me of this stuff, no way Jose!"

For dinner I was craving fried chicken, so I decided to make it myself because I knew I could make a healthier version.  For the flour I used coconut flour, and for the liquid I cooked it in I used Olive Oil.  Probably the healthiest I could get it to, to satisfy the craving and still not feel super horrible about it.  I did make mashed potatoes (with butter ha!), and bread sticks...because I missed my bread ya'll!

So I called this Sunday Funday because I had 2 cheat meals :-)  Not something I plan to do at all in the future, but I think it was just so tempting since I deprived myself of things this whole week.  I still want to keep getting recipes from Whole30, and Paleo websites on Pinterest because I still like the idea of it.  There will be more times than not that I will leave out dairy and breads, but I won't feel bad what-so-ever if I want a dang sandwich ya'know?

Hope everyone's weekend was awesome and eventful and everything you ever wanted in a weekend ;-)  Until next time!

P.S.  Probably won't be blogging daily, unless I just feel the urge.

Le' Struggle is Real!

This Whole30 program is no joke I tell you!  The passed 2 days I have gone back and forth, trying to decide if I really want to continue this program or not.  This diet is SO SO restrictive, I feel like it's turning me into a bitter person.  So on that note I've decided to stop doing the Whole30.  I know I know, call me a quitter, say I haven't given it long enough yet, say what you will I can take it!  I'll just share with you guys the reasons I have for making this decision so maybe you'll understand why.

Ok so I started this program to reset my relationship on food, and my habits for healthy eating.  If you've read any of my previous blogs from earlier this year, I was actually doing really good at eating healthy and going to the gym, and I was losing weight with that routine.  When I got back from my Colorado trip that's when things went downhill.  I started developing unhealthy habits, not cooking at home, not going to the gym, not caring really.  I went through a lot at the time with getting my meds regulated and that really affected my motivation and moods.  So yea I needed something to help me get back into healthier habits again.  My friend has done Whole30 for 2 months and she has had awesome results, so of course I was like "Yea I'm on bored with this, I'm down, I can do this too."

I never knew how difficult it would really be on this program.  I have had upset stomach pretty much this whole time, which I know usually comes with detoxing, but never experienced it for that many days consecutive.  I have not experienced this awesome energy that people have talked about while on this program, for me it's been the exact opposite.  I mean I'm falling asleep on the couch while watching shows by 9 p.m. which isn't me at all, considering I really don't wake up early in the day.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving up on healthy foods at all.  Doing this for the week really has helped me get back into the habit of cooking homeade meals that are healthy.  I will continue to eat healthy as I move along.  I just won't be so restrictive with dairy and grains.  I mean c'mon, brown rice........corn tortillas.....those aren't so bad for you.  I understand if people want to eliminate those out of their diets, but I am telling the world now that I can't, and I really don't want to.

This does mean that I will stop giving myself lee-way of missing my gym workouts.  If I decide to not stick to this program I need to be in the gym with the same routine I was having before I fell off the bandwagon.

So here's what I'm taking away from this experience and how I'm moving forward......
I will continue to eat healthy and have smaller meals throughout the day
I will start my gym routine again to help burn calories
I will not restrict myself to no grains, dairy, legumes all together, but I am more aware of not adding too much of all of them in certain meals.

So yea hopefully you guys aren't too hard on me for being a quitter, I'm for sure not a person who gives up on something.  I've thought long and hard about this for 2 solid days, and it's just something I feel is right for me.  I know what kind of things it was making me want to eat a whole cake or sheet of breadsticks....and I know that if you are feeding your body what it needs, you don't have the need or want to binge on certain things.

To finally wrap this up I'm excited to have my desire to make healthy foods again.  I'll be in the gym tomorrow kick starting the routine so cheers to that lol.  Check in with you guys tomorrow!

Friday, December 4, 2015

Day 5...some serious cravings going on here

Alright I'm 2 days away from making it a full week!  Today went pretty dang well I have to say, but towards the end of the day I started getting some serious sweet cravings.  I'll touch on that more when I get to it.  Let's start with breakfast shall we...

Last night I was looking for some approved pancake recipes, because I miss my pancakes!  I would seriously have pancakes twice up to 3 times a week before I started this.  For all types of meals, it wasn't always for the breakfast yea I love me some pancakes.  Well I found one that looked pretty easy, involved coconut flour (which I have) and simple ingredients.  I'll just show you a picture of it before I describe the taste.

 So they don't look to bad really, but I can't say they tasted too great.  I made my almond butter sauce (Almond butter, coconut milk, almond milk, heated on the stove to thicken) to put on top to kind of give me creamy consistency , sorta like syrup but not as runny of course, but it just couldn't make these taste better.  They were so bland and dry as heck.  Let's face it, syrup makes me love pancakes.  The other things I could think of to make these better just wasn't allowed in this diet so yea BUMMER.  Needless to say I'll probably just bite the bullet and not even mess with pancakes through the rest of this process *sad face*  The only good thing that came out of all that was me finally figuring out a good mixture to add to my coffee.  Almond milk, coconut milk, and a little vanilla, all blended in the blender to make sure everything was mixed really well.
*Side note, you will most likely see me use coconut milk and almond milk A LOT through this whole thing, it's really the power duo in this diet*

Ok so let's move on to more positive things!  Lunch was great :-)  I just had leftovers from last night's dinner *Creamy spaghetti squash*  It was as creamy and delicious as it was last night!  You know how when you re-heat regular spaghetti, it always comes out dry and taste different?  Not this I said it was still creamy.  I got really excited about that :-) Little things right?

For dinner I made Basque Chicken W/Bell peppers and tomatoes.  It turned out really good, more like a stew type. I really wanted Corn tortillas with it, or even rice, but of course can't have those.  So I decided to have steamed broccoli and cauliflower.  It actually went together pretty well.
 I did add more juices to this dish after I took the picture, just wanted you guys to see what it looked like before I made it look a mess.  I kind of added my own spices to it because it was very simple on it's flavors.  It calls for whole canned tomatoes, but next time I make this I'll probably use smaller ones so I can eat them.  These were harder to eat whole, even when I tried to break them down.

Now for dessert!  Dessert you say?  Aren't you just so curious what I had!  I mentioned before that I was having serious sweet cravings, like I wanted cookies so bad.  It got so bad that I was sitting here thinking to myself, "Why am I doing this diet? I know I can still eat clean and healthy and allow myself to have breads and occasional snacks, and still lose weight because it'll be better than before."  I had to snap myself out of that thinking, because I'm doing this super restrictive diet for a reason!  That being that I do need to reset my body into having a better relationship with food again, and to get rid of the crap I've been putting into it.  So I searched Pinterest, there HAS to be something that I can have, and I found it......
Whole30 Chocolate pudding!  It's literally 3 smashed bananas & 100% dark chocolate cocoa powder.  I mixed the 2 with a mixer and added a little coconut milk to give it more of a creamy texture.  I also heated mine up a bit because I like warm pudding.  I ground up some cashews to put on top for that crunch factor.  I looked up the sugar on the cocoa powder and it said 0g sugar, so I was like surely this is allowed.  I looked up on the website to see if infact it was, and apparently the creators of the Whole30 program  are split on it lol.  They don't tell you not to, but they don't tell you to either.  I know for myself, I'm not going to make this every single day and justify it, even tho it seems to be ok to do.  I also know that if I don't treat myself to this every once in awhile, I'll go crazy and I will most likely back track in a bad way.  Fact is, is that I know what foods I need to eat....I know what foods are good for me.  I was actually doing really good before, this is why I'm doing this program, to get me back to how I was.  Kind of get me out of my funk I was having.  This is pretty extreme lol, but seeing my friend's results on it really helped push me in this direction.  I think it also helps that she's still doing it.  She's awesome about checking up on me and being there if I have questions or hard times through it.  I'm glad I made the decision to do this!

I'm starting to get some sort of motivation back to go to gym so I'm trying to run with that feeling!  I will most likely just start out by doing cardio sessions, then work my way up to strength training.

I think that's about all I have for today :-)  I'll be back tomorrow to let you guys know how it goes

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Day 3...oh yea and 4

I totally forgot to blog about my day yesterday, so I'll be bunching yesterday's and today's festivities together.  

I'll start with yesterday....of course...I had officially run out of all the good foods in my house, and still hadn't gone to the store.  I was experiencing moment of weakness and I ordered delivery from Fuzzy's  Taco.  I had ground beef nachos....In hindsight it's really not the most unhealthiest food I could have eaten, but on the grounds of Whole30 it's not aloud because it has Feta cheese, and tortilla chips.  Which I though that corn tortillas, and tortilla chips were ok to eat, but nope found out they aren't on the Whole30 program :-(  I felt bad for even that small slip up!  I FINALLY went to the store though (the clouds parted, and the angels sang) I came home actually excited to have all this healthy food in the house knowing that I could snack and eat without feeling guilty!  I ended up making Sweet Potato & Chicken Sausage Skillet for dinner.  For some reason I didn't put chicken sausage on my grocery list, I put turkey sausage.  So the minor change was I made it was turkey sausage.  

Despite the look of it lol, it was actually really good!  It did feel more like a filling for something, like I really wanted to put it in some corn tortillas and chow down.  I found a recipe for Coconut flour tortillas, so yea that's going to happen!  All in all I would for sure make this again for a filling for possibly Coconut flour tortillas or something like that.

Later that evening I had a bowl of mixed fruit with a sauce I made from Almond butter and Almond milk for my "Dessert".  I probably should've emitted the almond butter mixture and saved that for fruit like apples, but it gave me that sweet I was craving.    End of Day 3 :-D

Today I did tons better, simply because I had everything in the house that I needed.  I should've had breakfast but I didn't.  For lunch I had tomato, turkey bacon, and chicken sandwich meat roll up...?....I kind of made it up so I don't know what to call it.  Here's a picture of that...
I just put sliced tomatoes and pieces of turkey bacon on the chicken breast sandwich meat and rolled it up.  The flavor was really good, and 4 of these little things actually filled me up.  For some reason I didn't buy lettuce of any kind at the store, but I'll most likely go and get some, because I think something like this needed the crunch and texture of lettuce around it.  A good and easy idea for lunches :-)
I was excited to tell you about it so bad that I get super excited about food??
In any case, I made Creamy Chicken Spaghetti Squash
These pictures crack me up, because it doesn't make my food look good lol, but I assure you it tasted so delicious!  I'll post the 2 recipes down at bottom if you're interested in looking these up.  I honestly didn't even miss the pasta noodles in this dish.  The sauce was good, flavorful, and truly creamy.  The 2 things I left out was the sliced sausage, and asparagus.  Honestly I didn't want to add asparagus to this meal, but I didn't grab turkey smoked sausage like I usually do at the store so that's why I didn't add it.  I wish I had though, because I know it would've been even better!  I'm excited about this sauce, I know I'll be putting it on other stuff :-D

I haven't gone to the gym yet, I don't know why I have such a lack of motivation on that.  I'm hoping to get some before Monday, but by Monday I won't let myself get by without going.  I'll have to just force myself to go.  

I still feel really good though.  I'm always really tired by the end of the day which is strange because I usually don't ever feel tired at night.  Seems like it's easier for me to fall asleep, no running thoughts that occupy my mind.  I feel lighter, not so weighed down, most likely because I don't feel like I'm retaining so much water and not bloated.  I'm not missing other foods as much as I thought I would.  I mean I've never gone this long without having chocolate....and I haven't really even craved it! 

Okie dokie that's all for today, I'll check in with you guys tomorrow :-)  STAY STRONG  my fellow Whole-30ers  WE GOT THIS

Recipe Links:
*Sweet Potato & Chicken Sausage Skillet -  (You'll see they used sliced sausage, I for some reason got a different kind of sausage, in any case it still tasted good)
*Creamy Spaghetti Squash -

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Has it been 30 days yet?

I'm such a baby in the first week of dieting I swear.  This is my 2nd day and I'm already planning my cheat meal at the end of the 30 days.  Is that normal?   I do have to say I'm pretty proud of myself though, I have't cheated at all.  Yesterday went pretty well, I found myself really hungry a couple hours after dinner though.  I would go open the fridge, look around, find nothing I could eat, go to the pantry....find nothing....repeat that process several times before I finally just ate a banana.  It's not that I can't eat food, I just still haven't gone to the store to stock up on the foods I can eat.  I have no choice but to go tomorrow though, I really ran out of all my protein I had in house, and I have no more fresh veggies.  

Today's food was super simple...
*Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled, 2 pieces turkey bacon, and I had Orange Passionfruit Green Tea
*Lunch - Banana, strawberry herbalife shake
*Dinner - Grilled chicken pecan salad
*After dinner snack.....I have a cup of fruit waiting for me to eat in a little bit because I know I'll get hungry before going to bed.

As far as how I feel, I already feel great! My motivation to get up and get stuff around the house has increased so I've been getting things done that I've been wanting to tackle for along time now.  Feels good to kick the lazy procrastination in the butt!  And  I kid you not I stepped on the scale this morning and it said 204lbs.  It's been 2 solid days on this, and I'm already down 4lbs then from what I started out.  I give that thanks to my Herbalife supplements and that's why I love them so much.  They seriously get rid of water weight, and bloating.  Let me know if you're interested in getting any of the products, my friend sells it and he can hook you up!  I know that none of that is actually body fat, it's purely water weight I'm sure....still I feel lighter and less bloated, and that's such a great way start to it all.  

I really can't wait to go to store so I can have more good foods in my house.  I can tell my metabolism is starting to pick up again, so I'm hungry every few hours.  Usually I'll have a healthy snack in between meals to keep my hunger at bay, so I for sure need some healthy snacks so I'm not starvin like marvin!  

I still haven't gone to gym yet.... Can you tell I'm just a hermit at heart?  For some reason it is so hard for me to leave the house sometimes.  I'm trying to work on that, and it has gotten better ever since I got my depression leveled out.  Hoping I will get the balls to go to gym tomorrow, or at least sometime this week.  I know for sure by next Monday I'll need to be in it because obviously just a diet won't give me the results I want!  

That's pretty much the whole gist of my day today! 
2 days down, 28 to go :-D

Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 1- Whole30

So here it is, another "start" to bettering my health.  I feel like I've started too many of my blogs like this.  In any case, this will be my start to the Whole30 wouldn't really call this a diet per-say, I'm hoping this will be more of what I can get my body to get used to eating.  

So what exactly is Whole30 you ask?  Well it's pretty much eating clean with no breads, no dairy, and no sugars.  I can't have my pasta, rice, cakes, garlic bread....any bread :-O :-(.  THE hardest part about this whole process will be the no bread, pasta, and cheeeese.  It's pretty similar to a paleo type diet from what I've seen on some recipes, but I really can't say how close because I haven't researched all things paleo.  

Why I chose to do this particular system:  I actually had never heard of Whole30 until my friend told me a couple months ago that she was going to start it.  At that time I was eating pretty healthy and going to gym almost every day, so I really didn't look too much into it.  My friend stuck with it, and has gotten some awesome results!  Seeing as how I've pretty much gone downhill on my diet and exercise, I've been researching stuff to help me get back into  healthier eating habits.  I looked up this Whole30 program and I knew that's what I wanted to do!  

How it works:  I call it a program, but it's not really one I don't think.  This is all free to do, no paying for ebooks, or recipes on it.  You literally go to the website and it gives you a grocery list, or a list of foods you're allowed to eat.  Then it gives you recipe ideas as well!  You stick to this for atleast 30 days and people have lost anywhere from 15-30 lbs in that short amount of time just from eating clean!  My friend lost almost 20lbs just in 30 days from this, of course she did exercise along with it.

What my plan is:  My plan is to stay strict to this program for the full 30 days, even tho I can already tell giving up my sweets will be so hard!  I am getting back into my gym routine as well.  Atleast 4 to 5 days a week I'll be going.  My husband and I actually made a bet, we both put how much weight we wanted to lose by January 2nd, and whoever reaches their goal, they get a gift that was chosen they wanted.  Mine is a KitchenAid Mixer...I've been wanting that for forever!  Eusevio's goal is to lose 18lbs, and mine is to lose 20lbs.  This might be far-fetched but dangit I'm gonna try my hardest!  

It's been along time since I've felt this motivated so I'm just happy that I feel excited about something again.  Today was my first day on it and this is what I had to eat.......
*Breakfast/Lunch (I woke up fairly late today...don't judge): Herbalife Meal Replacement Shake.
*Snack: About 7 or 8 pieces of cubed Cantelope
*Dinner: Grilled Lemon Chicken, and steamed broccoli 
I also drank a ton of water!

I haven't gone to the grocery store yet, I will probably make a late run tonight, so this is just some fresh ingredients I had in the house.  I plan on making more interesting meals that aren't so boring, but that are still in the guidelines I need to be in!  

I'll be posting daily blogs to tell how I feel, the foods  I ate , and all that fun stuff.  I know I read a blog about someone who did this program and it really helped me to start it.  

So with all that I say.....Day 1 down, 29 to go!!

*Weight & Measurements:

Weight: 208.1 lbs
Body Fat %: 35.5
Water: 47.2

Arms: R- 13 1/2  L- 13 1/2
Chest/Back: 37
Area right under breasts (I don't know what the technical name is): 37 1/2
Waist: 37 1/2
Belly: 43 1/2
Hips: 44 1/2
Thighs: R- 26  L- 26

*I took belly pictures, but I just can't share them.  I might share them at the end of the 30 days depending on how I feel.  

Monday, November 2, 2015

Well here it goes...again

Man I really need to stop re-starting this whole journey!  I feel like I get on a roll with it and then something knocks be back for a few weeks so I feel like I have to re-start it again.  Pretty much ever since I got back from my Denver trip I just haven't been doing great.  The 2nd week after I was back I literally went every day and just did cardio.  I was actually feeling great and kind of worked out a new stradegy for my weight loss, but then after that weekend I just didn't go and haven't gone since.   I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it before, if not I'll say it now, I deal with pretty severe depression.  Since I was 19 I've been on medication for it, and I really can't be off of it anymore without getting to a dark place.  I've always been the kind of person that doesn't like that idea of medication, and as much as I tried to deny the fact that I needed to be on meds for my depression, I really do need to be.  I started out on the lowest dosage there is (10 mgs) and unfortunately I have an appt. to go tomorrow to get on a higher dosage.  I've pretty much been in a "funk" since being back from my trip and I honestly don't know why, and I don't know why I can't shake it.  Depression for me makes me not want to do anything at all, it completely changes the person that I am.  In the passed 2 weeks I've cooked a homeade dinner twice, which if anyone who knows me can tell you that I LOVE to cook, and I pretty much cook every night.  I can count on 1 hand how many times I've actually left the house in the last 2 weeks, most of those trips being on the weekend because I have not  left the house during the week at all.  I hate when I feel like a prisoner in my own body.  Also when I'm not on my depression meds, I have a very short fuse, I hate when that happens because I know my husband doesn't deserve the way I treat him when this happens.  Long story short, I'm very excited to go to doctor tomorrow to get my meds fixed so that I can get my life sort of back on track.  

Today I've started my "diet" again.  I don't really follow any certain diets really, just watch my portion control, and eat as much clean foods as possible.  I went to store yesterday and got all kinds of healthy snacks so that I can get my metabolism back on track by having small meals throughout the day.  I'm starting to get back into drinking  Green Tea instead of so much coffee, which I have several flavors to help me not get so bored with them.  Today I actually ordered SkinnyMint Tea Tox, and I chose the 28 day Tea Tox.  A friend of mine had used this specific brand and loved it, so anything that helps with bloating is great for me!  I got all of my Herbalife supplements in to help with hunger control and bloating and bathroom issues as well.  So really I feel super set to get back into the swing of things!  

Later today my hubby and I are going to go to the gym, which I'm excited because even tho we really don't workout together, it's still awesome going with him.  Gives me some sort of confidence knowing he's there!  And gives me a sexy guy to stare at when I'm lifting weights ;-)  He's really ready to get back on track too, so I know I'll have some help in getting back to it.  

I'm going to give myself a week of getting back on track and then weigh myself and measure myself.  I really haven't measured in along time, so that'll be interesting!  O_o  

Also as far as my workouts go, I'm going to kind of focus more on cardio then I have before.  I will still do booty and leg workouts, and a little bit of arm.  But I'm most likely not going to  go as hard on them for about the first month.  After that first month I'll start incorporating more of the strength training.  I know this sounds backwards, but this is just something I'm going to try for the 1st month.  

So here we go again...ugh I need a different phrase because I say that too much!  Atleast I haven't quit all together...positive thinking right?  


*Currently my fav. mid-day snack:  Gluten free rice cake (this flavor is chocolate, never tried it before but HELLO chocolate, so of course I loved it), almond butter, and Green Tea (2 bags) Regular flavor and Purple Acai Blueberry.  Everything was super delicious and a low calorie snack!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Where have YOU been?

I really don't write a lot in this blog because I know no one really reads it haha, but some days *days like this* writing in this thing really helps me.  So update on where I'm at is that I'm still at 204 lbs, not really sure about my measurements because I haven't taken those in awhile.  Last week from Thursday-Sunday my husband and I flew to Denver Colorado for his anniversary present to me.  We spent some time exploring Denver & Morrison.  We also got to see a concert at the Red Rocks Ampitheater while we were there...Panic @ the Disco!  One of my favorite bands, so yea that was an awesome gift my hubby gave me :-)

So I have only flown once in my life, and that was from OKC to Houston then back, so it was a short flight, small plane, no biggie.  That was back in 2008 when I was 18, so yea quite awhile back.  I can now say that I have a legitimate fear of flying, I'm not talking about just heart beating fast....I'm talking about heart pounding out of my chest, grabbing the seat, shaking so bad I can't even get a cup to my mouth FEAR.  I thought the flight to Denver was a little shaky and thought the flight back would be better since I kind of knew what would happen...WRONG.  Our plane coming back was old as crap, and it was smaller than the first, and I felt like it was literally going to fall apart in the sky.  It even made my hubby nervous, and he was great the whole time.   Anywho I feel stupid saying this, but I feel traumatized by the whole experience.  The first night I was back, I was laying in bed just having flashbacks of the plane and all the anxiety I felt and then I started getting horrible anxiety.  The 2nd night I was a little better, but then I heard a noise and it flashed me back to being in plane and hearing certain noises which made me...guess it....yep get bad anxiety.  Anxiety then kicked up my depression to where not even my meds are working.  It's just been a crazy sucky week for me  as far as my depression & anxiety have gone. I haven't even left the house since being back, I have no motivation to...not even for the gym.  Oh yea THE GYM....I have had no motivation to go what so ever.   I kind of feel myself slowly getting back to wanting to go thanks to tons of youtube videos of fitness gurus, & the biggest loser (starting from the 1st season).

So what's my plan from here....
I'm kind of just starting over from this point.  I'm going to view my starting weight from this point on.  Of course at the end of my journey I'll take it allllll into consideration, but as of today, my starting weight will be what I weigh today.  Eusevio just told me yesterday that he's going to be getting a good commission check, so what do I want to splurge on?  Personal Training!  I've always thought the prices at my gym were rediculous, and I always thought I did pretty good at getting ideas from youtube and pinterest.  But I just feel like if I can afford it, I'm going to try it!  I'd really like for someone to just tell me what to eat every week, and what specific exercises to do every time I go to get where I want to be.  It is my ultimate goal to lose 50 lbs, so I know I'll need a lot of help to do that.  I feel like I've gotten a pretty good head start with that so far as far as exercise and diet have gone, but I feel like I need that extra push of feeling accountable to someone.  Who better than a personal trainer!

So after this super long blog post, I feel a little better.  Trying to kick the anxiety and depression, trying to get that motivation back, trying to get my diet back on track.

I'll try to be more consistent in my blog post!  I even kick around the idea of starting youtube videos, who knows we'll see :-)

I stole this from Panic @ the Disco's fb page.  We had awesome seats!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Updating the picture *Drum Roll*

Well here it is......

I always get nervous to take pictures for some reason.  I think it's because I've never stuck to anything before so for some reason I think I'm afraid I won't see results!  Well I am continuing to see the results!  It's so strange because I've only dropped 1 lb since last time, so I'm 204lbs, but I'm thinner still.  It's with all the weight training I guess, but I honestly thought I'd drop on the scale as well as inches.  Maybe I just had THAT much fat lol.  I'm not going to post these pictures, but I also took ones with just my training bra and underwear on because I had taken some pictures like that really early on.  I can't believe the differences!  I can tell the squats are reaaaallly working!  Overall I just feel more toned everywhere, less jiggle it seems.  I still have a lot of jiggle don't get me wrong, and look at them bag wings still......I blame that on my wrist.  I really messed it up, and yesterday was the first day I got to kind of do some arm exercises.  I was still limited on what I could do.  Hopefully my wrist will get better fast though.

I'm trying to think of goals that I can set for myself that will help me along with the weight loss.  I was watching my favorite youtube person Brenda Lee Turner (I'll post her info below) and she had mentioned that doing cardio twice a day is optimum for getting to your weight loss goals faster.  To break up cardio into 2 times a day for 20-30 mins each time, 1 in morning, then 1 in late afternoon.  It helps rev up your metabolism at both those times in the day so you end up burning more calories as opposed to just 1 long cardio session a day.  Which that makes total sense!  I have the schedule to do this, it's just the doing it part I need to do.  I like the idea of it, and I think it'll help me with losing some weight along with inches, but I'm hesitating for some reason!  So I'm going to try and start it up next week.  Somehow starting something at the beginning of the week is just better for me, not sure if that's an OCD thing or not hehe.

Next week will also be a challenge for me because I'll be going to visit my mom for half the week.  I always tend to fall off when I go visit.  BUT she has a gym membership too, so I'm going to go to her gym with her.  Whether we both feel like it or not, I'll make myself go!  It drives me crazy to miss just more than 1 day of exercise, so I'm going to try hard.

I will take my measurements here in a week or 2 since I've been taking them a lot lately.  I know I need to give more time in between measurements!  So that's all I have for now guys!

Seriously go check out this girl on youtube!  She really knows her stuff, and I love how she's more about natural way of doing things.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Newest measurements

Hey I almost lasted a week since I measured last!  Progress ;-)

I was itching to know whether I had lost anymore inches, because my scale is still saying I weigh 205 lbs.  I'm starting to think that my scale is defective because my hubby weighed himself at his work and it said something totally different.  I'll have to invest in another one!

I have kinda been on a salad kick lately.  Maybe it's because it's easy to make, maybe it's because it taste delicious, but it's a good kick to be on :-)  My favorite way to make my salad is to just throw in the greens, add some grilled chicken, cheese (I go back and forth between shredded cheddar and feta), lots of pecans, and sugar free vinegarettte.  Super simple, but really flavorful!  Usually between lunch and dinner I get a little hungry, so I've been munching on carrots and hummus, sometimes just carrots.  I'm surprised that I'm content with this, but it really does hit the spot!  I haven't had any coke at all, haven't even craved it!  I've cut down on my chocolate intake SIGNIFICANTLY, again I just don't crave it as much.  Altho this passed week was a little tough because it was that time of the month every women loves, and I seriously craved chocolate, and cheesy cheese stuff!  I didn't give into my cravings as much, but I did eat more chocolate than normal.  I'd try to make it a little better by making chocolate covered strawberries, or bananas lol.

By the way, if you've never tried yoga, and you're on this journey to getting healthier....TRY IT.  Yoga has this weird way of making me hate it, then completely love it...I'll explain.  My friend and I go to classes on Saturday's (mainly because that's the only day our schedules can link together)  We take 2 classes back to back.  The first class is the one that gives you a challenge for real!  I sweat so much, my muscles  feel like they'll give out because the poses they do really give me a challenge!  The 2nd class we take is a restoration one, so it's a lot of stretches and relaxing (my favorite ;-)   But when I'm in the first class I'm like OH MY GOD can I even do this anymore, and then I get to the 2nd class and it rejuvenates me, and I'm hooked on going haha.  Love/Hate relationship I guess.  But I really would suggest going to anyone who wants a challenge and relaxation.  My abs are always sore after the classes, and after yesterday, my legs are super sore because we did a ton of lunges!

Alright that's all for now!  I love seeing these results, I feel so great as it is, and I know I'll just continue to learn to love myself and body through this process!


New Measurements:
Arms:  R-13    L-13      Total Lost: 1/2"
Chest/Back: 42 1/2       Total Lost: 1 1/2"
Bust Line:  38"             Same as Start
Waist: 36 1/2               Total Lost: 1 1/2"
Belly:  42 1/2               Total Lost: 1 1/2
Hips:  44 1/2"               Same as Last Measurement
Thighs: R- 26 1/2     L- 26 1/2        Same as the Start

So since beginning the measuring process which was 8/26/15, I've lost a total of 5" all over!  So I've been going to the gym for a good month and a half-ish, and been eating healthier around the same time!  I've seen great results so far, in my opinion!  I really wish I started taking measurements right off so I could've seen what they were when I really started, but oh well!  I'll try to remember to weigh myself at my gym to see if that scale says something different.  

Keep pushing ya'll!!! When it becomes a routine, it gets so much better.  Especially if you can finally see results.  Makes you feel so great, and accomplished to know you work your butt off for something and it's paying off!

Monday, August 31, 2015

I'm losing it!

Fat that is.... ;-)

I was looking at the scale today and was so sad because it shows I haven't lost any weight, but I did splurge a little over the weekend seeing as how it was my 5 year anniversary!  I didn't go crazy, but I definitely ate more than I have been.  So I decided to take the risk and take my measurements which is funny because I just did this not even a week ago.  I don't plan on doing this every week, but for some reason I was just curious.  I have lost some inch-age (a new word I just made up) so I'll be putting those down at the bottom!  It's not an insane difference, but in under a week's time, I'm happy with it!

I finally got the CLA supplement in the mail that I had been waiting on.....
From what I've read about this, is that it's a natural supplement, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (say that 5 times fast!), which is found in all our meats we eat.  It's just that when we cook our meat, this specific thing gets cooked out so we don't get that absorbed into our bodies.  This is supposedly a good fat that helps block bad fats, specifically from the stomach.  I'm just going off my memory on this explanation, I may not be getting everything exact, so if you're interested in this product pleeeease do your research to decide.  Anywho, they are 1000 ML each pill, and you're supposed to take 1, 3x a day.  You have to take 3000 ML a day in order for it to even be effective.  It is recommended for optimum results to take up to 6000 ML a day, so I'm going to do that! On the bottle it'll tell you to take 1-2 pills 3x a day with a meal, so I'm going to take 2, 3x a day with my meals.  As with all the products I take, I don't expect this to be a magic pill, I'm still going to be diligent on my diet and exercise.  This is just supposed to amp up my results!  I wasn't going to take my Herbalife pills, but I may take 1 or 2 of them still, because this CLA doesn't curb your appetite or anything.  One of the herbalife pills helps with my hunger control, and there's another one that helps me not retain water.  I'll still take this CLA alone for about a week and see how I feel, but depending on everything, I may still take my herbalife supplements along with this.

Another thing I wanted to share with you is my first set of pictures.  Ewwwwe I hate sharing pictures of myself, but hey pictures don't lie.  If you're going to see any results, you'll see them in your pictures.  So I'm going to show you my first comparison pictures since starting this!

The pictures on the left were taken 8/14/15, which was about 2 weeks into my gym routine.
The pictures on the right were taken today, 1 month into my gym routine.

In the top picture it's really hard to see the belly difference, but I can def. tell the diff. in my waist. I have more of my hour glass definition!  It may just be wishful thinking, but my thighs seem to be slimmer too lol.

In the bottom picture I saw a pretty good decrease in my belly!  It doesn't seem to stick out as much.  Trust me I know I have along way to go still.  But these are just my 1 month differences, and I'm pretty damn stoked about it!

My goal is to keep doing my cardio, which I've ditched the treadmill and just going to stick with elliptical.  I have flat feet, and treadmill just hurts my feet too bad.  Elliptical is easier on my body, and I just feel like it engages more muscles when I'm on it.

My leg day routine is definitely more intense than my arm day.  I just would rather focus on legs and booty.   I want my  arms toned, but I'm not really trying to build those muscles up.  I still do about a 30 min. arm routine (not including a 25 min cardio session).  But my leg day usually lasts almost 2 hours (cardio included into that time).

Anywho that's my update for now!   I still feel as motivated as ever to continue this process.  It's funny because when I'm certain places (mostly restaurants) in my head I'm just like, "Man I kinda wish I was at the gym right now".  I mostly do that if I've gone more than 1 day without going to gym.  I just don't want to fall behind at all!!  I'll post the measurements below :-)  Until next time guys!


Updated Measurements:
*Chest/Back: 43"
*Waist: 371/2"
*Hips: 44 1/2"

As you can see I've just posted the ones that I've lost.  All the other measurements have stayed the same.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I really need to write my thoughts more often!

I don't know why I've been slacking on writing in this blog, but when I do write in it, it helps me stay motivated.  So let's not have such a HUGE gap next time shall we ;-)

A little update on myself....I've been consistently going to the gym for about 3 weeks now.  I joined a gym 1 month ago, but it took me about a week to stay consistent with going.  I feel SO GREAT!  I know I tried to stick to routines at home and go to my apartment gym, but I never stayed on track.  There's something about paying for something that makes you use it to the full!   Plus Skyla LOVES the little kid's club they have there.  I was so scared of how she was going to do, but she gets super excited to go, and never wants to leave.

I've noticed a huge difference in myself since staying consistent with everything.  I don't really trust my scale 100% as of lately, but I do know that I've lost 6lbs so far!  I should've measured myself in the beginning (like I always intend to)  But I have my measurements now, so I'll post those below.
I was looking at my previous blog when I posted my last measurements, and they are definitely bigger than those. Of course I was down to 195 lbs then, and I gained quite a bit back since that time, so I'm not super concerned about it.

My diet has been more controlled as well.  I just hate the idea of sabotaging my gym sessions with bad foods, so it's been easier to make better food choices.  No one is EVER perfect of course, so there were some meals where I had food that wasn't good for me.  But my portion control was there, so at least that right?   I sometimes take the Herbalife shakes still, like for breakfast, or sometimes before my workouts.  For the most part tho I don't take them as meal replacements anymore.  They were kind of a crutch, so for me personally I just need to learn what foods to eat that would help me, and just go with that!  I do still take the supplements because I believe they help me with breaking down bad food fats, hunger control, and not retaining water.  I did order a new supplement from, it's called CLA.  I've heard really good things about it, so when I get it, I'll actually stop taking all my herbalife supplements and just take this CLA and see how it compares.  It's supposed to help with weight loss, speed things up I guess.  We shall see which one I like better!  Of course the CLA is cheaper, but if I don't like it, I will most likely stick with the herbalife ones.

Well I think this is long enough for now.  I'll post my stats below, and hopefully I'll remember to keep up in this blog again!  I've never felt so motivated and good about myself in awhile, so it's been easier to stick with this.


SW- 210lbs   (Ugh I know I can't believe I went back up to 210 from 195)
CW - 203lbs

Now it's time for measurements ugh I don't like this part .....
Arms:  R- 13 1/2"      L- 13 1/2"
Chest/Back:  44"
Bust Line:  38"
Waist: 38"
Belly:  44"
Hips:  45"
Thighs: R- 26 1/2"    L- 26 1/2"

I'll always keep track of my weight, but I'm going to be more diligent about keeping up with my measurements.  I'm trying to build muscle as well, so I know the scale won't show my true weight loss like my measurements will!  Stay tuned :-)
I just wanted to add one of my recent personal best!  When I first started at the gym, the longest I could last on the elliptical was 5 mins!  What a pansy I know, but I was THAT out of shape.  I worked my way up to 10 mins. and was happy, but still felt like I could push myself more.  The other day I made it up to 15 mins. with 2102 strides.  I was super excited then too!  Yesterday I topped myself!  22 mins, 2736 strides and burned 205 calories.  I was so happy with myself, mainly because I pushed myself harder, and I seriously could've kept going, but I had to go get Skyla from the kid's club.  So here's to pushing yourself harder each time!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

I'm Baaaaaaack....again.....

So I'm back, I'm sort of motivated again, and it only took me 2 months!  More like 5 years in gym/health time.  Better late than never right?  That's what I'm telling myself at this point.  I never knew how badly going on that cruise would sabotage my diet and exercise.  I mean geez when I came back from that vacation I didn't want to do anything anymore!  I was like, "I have nothing else to work for."  "I miss eating food." "I hate working out now."  Lol words of the lazy :-S

I've gone through a lot of feelings the past 2 months.  For a week or 2 after my trip I did absolutely nothing in regards to my herbalife or workout routine.  I went through a big depression bit, and it was hard for me to be motivated to do anything!  After I passed through that, I told myself, "Ok Kylah, get back on it! You've wasted enough time already!"  So I went ahead and ordered  twice the amount of herbalife shakes to give myself variety and well my hubby said he was going to join me too.  Well I didn't even stick to any routine.  I would go through a detox phase of being back on it, and it would seriously turn me off to taking Herbalife because I just didn't have time to be in bathroom with  cramps and the runs (Sorry for such gross detail, but it is what it is).  

So I was thinking to myself maybe Herbalife just isn't the diet for me.  I love food, and I'd rather try something else that involves me being able to eat every meal.  So I signed up for Weight Watchers.  Guess how long that lasted?  1 day hahaha.  Hear me out on this though.  When I signed up I was looking through the program in more detail, and seeing the system, and I just realized that it's all about portion control and eating healthier foods!  Why pay money monthly, when I can just do that myself?  So I started cutting my portions, and trying to eat healthier the last couple weeks.  Also up-ing my water intake again because I had been slacking hardcore on that! Things so far have been going good on  that, I feel like I have more self control over it all now.  I wasn't going to do Herbalife anymore, but I've decided to stick with it.  I probably won't replace 2 meals a day, but just 1.  If anything Herbalife helps me with my calorie intake and portion control, so I'll stick with it for now.

Now for exercise!  It seems I have been more active, as far as taking my kid to the park, or just getting up and moving around more.  But I still haven't gone to the gym to work out specific parts of my body like I need to.  I seriously do NOT want to workout in the evening, and if I stay at my home gym, that's the only option I have.  So next paycheck, the 23rd, I'll be getting a gym membership that has day care in it.  That way I can go during the day, and still be able to have someone watch Skyla for me.  I finally made myself think of a goal event to work towards, and that'll be our Regional Bible Convention.  It's August 21-23, so I'll have about 1 month to get down some pounds.  I think if I go to the gym atleast 5 days a week, and keep watching my portions and calories, that I can get down 10 to 15 pounds in that amount of time.   So my goal is to atleast lose 10 pounds by August 21st!  My 5 year anniversary is August 28th, so it wouldn't hurt to look better by then too ;-)  I was a little excited to check my weight today.  Of course I gained weight when I got back from cruise, but last I checked I was 205 lbs.  Today when I weighed I was 203lbs.  So I've already started this process on a good foot, and I know once I start at the gym it'll only get better!

I'm hoping I can keep this positive attitude.  I hope that I get into a great routine at the gym and make no excuses.  I know I'll have my "I'm only a fat human" moments and slack here and there.  But I just don't want to stop completely this time.  Ok  that's all I have for now....feel free to keep track of my blogs again and keep me in check!  


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Back to the real world :-(

Do I seriously have to come back to reality so soon???  A week never went by so fast for me, and I left my heart at the beach.  Vacation was AWESOME!  Gave my family and I time to recharge the batteries and just slip away from reality for a bit.  We went on a Carnival cruise to Montego Bay Jamaica, Caymen Islands, and Cozumel Mexico.  I've never been out of country before, so of course I was so excited for each port, and amazed at the beauty in it all.  I'll add some pictures later so you guys can appreciate it with me ;-)

So now for the diet part of this blog.  I have to say that I did not care what I ate or drank AT ALL the whole trip.  I kind of planned on it....a little, but honestly as soon as I stepped foot on that boat I was like nope, vacation mode lol.  Thankfully they really have a lot of healthy options on the ship, and I didn't eat bad foods as much as I thought I would!  I do have to say that I ate more than I'm used to. Annnnnd there were a lot of late night sandwhich eating, since room service is 24 hours.  I managed to gain 4 lbs while I was gone, but I'm gonna weigh myself in a couple days just to see how big of a difference it'll make once I get rid of a lot of my water weight.  I didn't take any of my herbalife pills, which really helps me not retain water, so I felt bloated a lot.  I didn't drink as much water as I should've.  I had a couple cokes.....ahhhhhh I know....I broke my 3 month streak.  But I really don't crave them still, so it won't be hard to not drink them here.  I tried to stick to Tea and water, with a few drinks here and there ;-)

I'm already facing the reality that I'm going to pretty much have to start from scratch with my diet and workout.  I got used to eating bigger portions on the boat, and so now I'm going to have to cut down my portions again.  I'm going to have to get used to drinking meal replacement shakes in place of delicious foods, I'm going to have to get back into the swing of working out again.  I'm still in vacation mode it seems, or maybe it's just me refusing to accept that I'm back home, so I'm trying to find the motivation to do all this stuff.  I did wake up and have my morning shake, and all my pills, so that's a start.  I ran out of protein mix, so I won't be able to have my shakes for a week or so, but I still have my pills to help with everything, so I'll just have to make a better effort on eating healthier foods.

I walked a ton while on the ship, and of course off on all the ports, but I did no muscle workouts.  So I'm sure I'll be SUPER sore when I get back in the routine of my leg and arm workouts.  I told my hubby that I'll have to figure out what to use as my motivation since I really don't have an event coming up that makes me wanna say "Dang I need to get fit for that!".  

Ok enough of the diet talk, I'm going to talk more about my trip :-)

So I wasn't sure what to expect on a cruise.  My expectations were both met, and not at the same time.  They have this daycare type place for kids Skyla's age on the boat, Camp Ocean.  You can drop your kid off at 10 p.m. - 12:45a.m.  so parents can enjoy certain things if they want.  In my head, I thought Skyla would be totally fine for an hour or 2 each day since there would be other kids there to play with her.  The first day she stayed for 45 mins, which was very hard for Eusevio and I to leave her because we've never left her at a place where we didn't know anyone.  But we checked in on her a couple times, plus they give you a little cell phone so they can get ahold of you anytime.  The next day we tried it again, and she only lasted 30 mins.  The 3rd day, she started freaking out by just seeing the entrance of the doorway.  So after that we didn't even try anymore, I didn't know if I was traumatizing my child, which I'm sure I wasn't, but I can't stand to think she's screaming for me, and I didn't want the daycare people to have to put up with that.  So Eusevio and I didn't get to catch a lot of the shows and stuff we wanted to while on the ship.   Skyla was more difficult to handle, mainly because they really don't have a lot to do on the ship for little kids her age.  Other than swimming pool, and little tiny splash pad.  Some days I just stayed in the room for a few hours at a time inbetween meals so she could just run around.  Eusevio and I had to do a lot of things seperately which made me kind of sad because I was really thinking we'd get to experience most of it together.  Don't get me wrong, we didn't alllllways do things seperately, but there were a few times we just had to so each other could enjoy some stuff.

Off the boat was a completely different story.  We were always together, and we got to enjoy touring stuff, and spending time at the beach and swimming!  Skyla LOVES the water, she's a little mermaid just like her mommy.  So we all had so much fun at the beach.

Also I just have to say that Carnival realllllly knows how to cater to you.  Everyone takes such great care of you there.  Your waiters and waitresses are AMAZING, never rude.  Even the cleaning guy memorized our names, and was the sweetest guy.  I've never felt so pampered before, and I tell ya, I got used to it haha.  Now I'm home, and I have to cook and clean again :-( spoiled I know ugh.

Ok that's about all for now.  Sorry for the long blog!  This month will just be getting back into the swing of things, and going over again what I want to accomplish.  Until next time!


Monday, April 27, 2015

I wasn't ready for that!

This day came too fast, meaning that  I said I was going to measure myself and post my measurements!  I have been dreading it so much because I haven't stuck to diet at all!  I've been eating out a lot, and not really making the best food choices.  I haven't done any herbalife anything in at least half a week.  Eusevio and I haven't been walking for half a week, I haven't been doing my BABB or Arms.  So pretty much I stopped EVERYTHING.  Last week I made myself a schedule to deep clean every room in my house, not only for the sake of having a nice clean house, but I really wanted my whole house to be spotless before I left on my cruise.  That's really all I did last week, was get my house in order.  I think the only good thing I can say about any of my decisions was that I still always ate half my portions, and drank lots of water.

Although I have to say I was reaaaaally surprised when I took my measurements, in a good way!  I forgot to weigh myself in the morning before I had my shake, so I don't know how much of a difference it made, but my weight was 200lbs.  Not too happy about that, but I'll weigh myself tomorrow morning when there's nothing in my system and see if that makes any difference.   So at that point I was down, and so mad at myself, but continued to take measurements, and here they are....
New Measurements:
Left arm: 11 3/4   Right arm: Same
Waist: 36
Stomach: 39 1/2
Hips : 40
Booty: 42 1/2 
Thigh left: 25"   Right: Same

Obviously I don't expect you to remember my last measurements lol so I'll post the difference here:
Arms: 1/4 Inch (Lost)
Waist: 1" (Lost)
Stomach: 1/2" (Lost)
Hips: 2 1/2" (Lost)
Booty: 1 1/2" (Lost)
Thighs: 1" (Gained)

I'm so happy about this!  They aren't super huge losses, but this is over a period of 2 weeks, and this is with me not eating healthy every single day.  I may not be seeing a dramatic weight loss as far as the scale goes, but I am still losing inches.  I saw the biggest loss in my hips, and booty area.  I kind of expected this because I've been doing that BABB program, and usually you have to lose a little fat first to start gaining muscle in the area.  I'm not even mad at gaining an inch on my thighs, because I've been working them out as well!  

My hubby has been telling me that he really sees a difference in my weight, but I kept brushing it off because I knew I hadn't been making good food choices.  So in my head I just couldn't see how I'd be losing any inches at all!  So this was a nice little surprise this morning :-)  I only have 6 days left until I'm leaving on the cruise, so I really don't have much time to lose anymore I don't think, but the whole week I will be sticking to Herbalife so I can get my body ready.  I'm gonna be honest, I really don't think I'll be sticking to my diet on the ship lol.  I will stick to portion control, and no pop.  But this is vacation ya'll, I want to experience mutil-cultural foods and drink alcoholic drinks, and have delicious desserts haha!  

I will say that this passed Saturday I had like 1/2 C. worth of Coke Zero.  We had some friends over Friday, and I had made dinner and got some drinks from the store, because I know that not everyone likes water like me.  It was just staring me in the face, and I was like man I really want a coke.  Coke Zero was the best choice out of that and regular coke.  So I drank a little.  As soon as it hit my mouth I was like ugh nevermind I don't want this anymore.  It instantly gave me a headache!  So yea I was over that real quick!   So I guess you could say my 'no coke' streak was broken Saturday, but I don't feel super bad about it because I really didn't drink much at all, and it didn't change my mind on anything.  It just doesn't taste the same after you've gone so long without it.  

Alright I think that's all I have to post.  I'm super excited about our cruise!! We head down that way this Saturday, and Sunday we'll actually be getting onto the boat to head out.  I don't know if I mentioned this before, but last year we were supposed to go on a cruise as well, but I ended up finding out I didn't have the right documentation for Skyla.  So we had to stay with our friends that live in that area for a week, because my mom and friend were with us and they still went on the cruise!  So I'm extra excited about this one, because It's almost like I've been waiting 2 years to go on it lol.  I've never been on one, or out of country at that, so I'm just really excited to experience it all.  Not to mention BEACH uh HELLO.  I'm such a beach bum so this is right up my alley!  

I'll try to post before my cruise, but no promises, because I have a ton to do towards the end of the week :-)  Until next time guys!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

This is for you Janelle!

So my friend texted me this morning to ask why I haven't posted in awhile since it's been over a week.  I honestly didn't even realize it had been that long, but I guess it has!  I was planning on waiting until Sunday or Monday to post because I was going to take another set of measurements and post them.  I'll still do it, but I'll catch everyone up now because I have free time.

I've come to the conclusion that weekends are the devil, and all my self control seems to go out the window!  I don't know what it is about it.  Is it because I have my hubby here all day and I cater more to him than me?  Is it because it's the weekend and I'm seriously over cooking all the meals from the weekdays?  I really don't know!  I'd say that Friday and Saturday's eating festivities were due to depression and stress.  I was able to kind of recharge over the weekend though, and relax from daily wifely duties, and just chill!  By Sunday I was recharged, soul-wise.  I had made myself a schedule of exercise for the week that I was going to try to stick to!  I do have to add that last week, all week my hubby and I would walk around our apartment complex, which measures to about a mile.  So even if I didn't do any strength building exercises, I'd still get cardio in thanks to him!   Ok back to this week.  So Monday I started my shakes again, 2 a day, regular meal in evening.  I think there was 1 day that I had an actual healthy meal, The others weren't so much.  I have been sticking to adding all my meals in MyFitnessPal app, and I've still been under my calorie goal.  I don't by any means think that these Herbalife shakes are miracle shakes, but they really do help with my calorie intake control.

I do have to admit that I haven't been looking forward to them lately though.  It's either because I only have Chocolate left, and don't get me wrong I love chocolate, but when you have it for breakfast and lunch it gets old fast.  The other reason could be that for some reason the consistency has been hit or miss.  I like my shakes sort of thick, but not super thick.  Definitely not runny though, and sometimes they'll either be super runny, or super thick.  I used to not have this problem, and I haven't been changing the way I make them,  so I really don't know!  I'm ordering a new flavor today so I'm hoping that'll get me out of this funk of not wanting these shakes.   I know they're sort of like a crutch to an extent, but I just don't fully trust myself to eat great for all meals lol.  I haven't weighed myself lately, and I'm kind of nervous to do it.  I wouldn't know what to expect, because I have been doing strength training stuff, so I'm hoping I'm building muscle.  I don't know how that'll translate into my weight.  That's why I'm measuring myself so I can go by inches.  I'll weigh myself too, but I just am super scared for some reason to see what it says.

All in all things have been going pretty good.  It's been stormy last couple days, so hubby and I haven't gone walking in 2 days, but when the skies clear we'll be right back out there!  Our cruise is in 11 days, and while I'm super excited about it, I'm also wondering what I can think of next after that to help keep my motivation going.  There's really no other "event" happening that is making me go "Man I gotta get in shape for that!"  So I'll be happy when I think of one!

I haven't lost as much weight as I really wanted to before I started this whole process, but I am really happy with what I have lost.  Almost everyone I know has seen a physical difference in my weight, so that's made me feel good.  I'm by no means 'skinny' or even close to being that, but I am happy with how my body feels right now.  I still haven't had any sodas, so I know that's a huge thing for me!  If I can just kick this sweet tooth, and greasy food tooth (not a thing, but I made it one haha)  I feel like I can do good!  I don't mind having cheat meals, but I really need to make them a lesser occurrence.  I feel like I let myself have multiple cheat meals in a week, as opposed to 1 or 2 meals.

So until Sunday, or Monday guys!  Wish me luck on the motivation lol


Monday, April 13, 2015


So here comes a not so good blog entry....
I'm pretty disappointed in myself in the last few days.  I've mentioned before that I deal with depression, and I never know when I'm going to get hit hard with it.  Well it happened Thursday and lasted all weekend!  When depression hits, my energy is drained.  I literally feel like doing nothing, I don't want to leave the house, I don't want to talk to anyone.  I just slip into my own world and tune everyone out, and seclude myself (as much as I can with a kid).  The hard part is knowing that I do all this, and not having the ability to stop feeling that way!  For the most part I stuck with my herbalife routine, and if I didn't I ate healthy, except for yesterday.  Yesterday turned into not caring what I ate at all, and I'm paying for it today for sure!  I did my BABB program Friday, but I was limited in just that because my muscles from my rib still bothered me, and I barely made it thru that without being so sore.  Saturday and Sunday my muscles ceased up and I couldn't relax them at all.  I felt like I was walking around shrugging my shoulders all day, I didn't know how to release the muscles....and I'm a massage therapist!!!  I even had my hubby try to massage it, but despite his awesome effort, it needed a professional.  I tried making a massage appointment, but it was too short notice, no one had a Sunday evening appt.   So all that on top of my depression this weekend I just felt like a big mess.

I try not to get disappointed in myself in this whole process, because despite all of this, I'm still in a better place then I've ever been health wise.  I've never stuck to eating healthier for so long.  Even if it's not every single meal, it's still more than I've ever eaten healthy before.  I just don't think I'm pushing myself enough!  I've stopped going to my gym here, and just been doing my home programs.  Which at least I'm doing stuff, but I haven't been doing as much cardio at all, and I know I NEED to get that in to help with this whole process.  My friend and I had talked about meeting up during the week and going to a park walking track and walking with our kids, but I haven't gone yet because honestly I have a weird fear of leaving the house.  Yesterday I got ahold of 2 of my friends to make definite plans to get together to walk or go to someones house to do zumba or SOMETHING so that I will just force myself out of the house on a regular basis.  It's weird most people die to get out of the house, but I just have my comfort zone here, and I swear I'm a hermit.  I used to not be this way, but it's gotten worse since moving to Texas away from most my friends and all my family!

Today I'm getting back on track on the shakes, and my hubby is going to help me with everything else.  He's trying to lose a little weight too, so he's going to hold himself and me more accountable now.  It's easier when I have that support behind me saying "NO let's not get that, let's eat healthy".  Sometimes I'm good on my own, but other times it's hard when you're staring at the delicious food someone else has and you're eating grilled chicken and veggies.  It's a struggle everyone has to go thru I guess when they're going thru this process, but it's hitting hard for some reason right now.  I just need to get more exercise in....I feel like that'll help me feel better about myself even if I do eat bad.  So that's my weekly goal right now, workout this week atleast 5 days!  I'm going to set weekly goals so I can be sure to stick with it.  I'll put my schedule I plan to stick to down below.

I also took my measurements today....FINALLY!  I should've done this in the beginning because I know I've lost inches since first starting, and I reeeeeeally would've liked to see the difference.  But I didn't, so here are the first stats on the measurements.  
Arms: L-12"  R-12"
Waist: 37"
Stomach: 40"
Hips:42 1/2"
Thighs: L-24  R-24"

Those are some big girl measurements!  I do know that I've lost about 2" in my waist, because before I started I got a 40" bra, and now it's too big for me.  In one way it's annoying because I just invested in a nice victoria secret bra, but I can't be too mad at it because I lost weight in that area so I'm good lol.  I'm not happy at all about the stomach and hip measurements tho.  I have a lot to work on with those!  The thighs I don't mind as much, I actually have no problem with my  thighs other than the fact that they need to be toned up to get rid of that jiggle and dimples :-P  I'm hoping my BABB program will help with that tho!

Ok that's all I have to post today.  I'm just going to try and get back in the groove of things this week and hold myself more accountable for missing any workouts and eating crappy foods.  I try not to be super hard on myself, but I think I need to be harder!  

Here's my workout schedule for this week:
Monday:  BABB/Abs
Tuesday: Cardio/Arms
Wednesday: Cardio/Abs
Thursday: BABB
Friday: Arms/Cardio
Saturday: Cardio/Abs
Sunday: Rest
