Sunday, September 6, 2015

Newest measurements

Hey I almost lasted a week since I measured last!  Progress ;-)

I was itching to know whether I had lost anymore inches, because my scale is still saying I weigh 205 lbs.  I'm starting to think that my scale is defective because my hubby weighed himself at his work and it said something totally different.  I'll have to invest in another one!

I have kinda been on a salad kick lately.  Maybe it's because it's easy to make, maybe it's because it taste delicious, but it's a good kick to be on :-)  My favorite way to make my salad is to just throw in the greens, add some grilled chicken, cheese (I go back and forth between shredded cheddar and feta), lots of pecans, and sugar free vinegarettte.  Super simple, but really flavorful!  Usually between lunch and dinner I get a little hungry, so I've been munching on carrots and hummus, sometimes just carrots.  I'm surprised that I'm content with this, but it really does hit the spot!  I haven't had any coke at all, haven't even craved it!  I've cut down on my chocolate intake SIGNIFICANTLY, again I just don't crave it as much.  Altho this passed week was a little tough because it was that time of the month every women loves, and I seriously craved chocolate, and cheesy cheese stuff!  I didn't give into my cravings as much, but I did eat more chocolate than normal.  I'd try to make it a little better by making chocolate covered strawberries, or bananas lol.

By the way, if you've never tried yoga, and you're on this journey to getting healthier....TRY IT.  Yoga has this weird way of making me hate it, then completely love it...I'll explain.  My friend and I go to classes on Saturday's (mainly because that's the only day our schedules can link together)  We take 2 classes back to back.  The first class is the one that gives you a challenge for real!  I sweat so much, my muscles  feel like they'll give out because the poses they do really give me a challenge!  The 2nd class we take is a restoration one, so it's a lot of stretches and relaxing (my favorite ;-)   But when I'm in the first class I'm like OH MY GOD can I even do this anymore, and then I get to the 2nd class and it rejuvenates me, and I'm hooked on going haha.  Love/Hate relationship I guess.  But I really would suggest going to anyone who wants a challenge and relaxation.  My abs are always sore after the classes, and after yesterday, my legs are super sore because we did a ton of lunges!

Alright that's all for now!  I love seeing these results, I feel so great as it is, and I know I'll just continue to learn to love myself and body through this process!


New Measurements:
Arms:  R-13    L-13      Total Lost: 1/2"
Chest/Back: 42 1/2       Total Lost: 1 1/2"
Bust Line:  38"             Same as Start
Waist: 36 1/2               Total Lost: 1 1/2"
Belly:  42 1/2               Total Lost: 1 1/2
Hips:  44 1/2"               Same as Last Measurement
Thighs: R- 26 1/2     L- 26 1/2        Same as the Start

So since beginning the measuring process which was 8/26/15, I've lost a total of 5" all over!  So I've been going to the gym for a good month and a half-ish, and been eating healthier around the same time!  I've seen great results so far, in my opinion!  I really wish I started taking measurements right off so I could've seen what they were when I really started, but oh well!  I'll try to remember to weigh myself at my gym to see if that scale says something different.  

Keep pushing ya'll!!! When it becomes a routine, it gets so much better.  Especially if you can finally see results.  Makes you feel so great, and accomplished to know you work your butt off for something and it's paying off!

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