Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sunday Funday

So today my Hubby and I decided we wanted to have a cheat meal since we've deprived ourselves of so many things this week lol.  Taco Bueno was the final decision, I was alright with it because I really haven't eaten there in so long and I used to love it.  I had some nachos (not the whole thing, not even half) and a party bean burrito.  I think I got my Bueno fix for the  year.  It just wasn't good to me, and it made my stomach crampy.  I know it's probably because my body was like "Hey woman you just cleansed me of this stuff, no way Jose!"

For dinner I was craving fried chicken, so I decided to make it myself because I knew I could make a healthier version.  For the flour I used coconut flour, and for the liquid I cooked it in I used Olive Oil.  Probably the healthiest I could get it to, to satisfy the craving and still not feel super horrible about it.  I did make mashed potatoes (with butter ha!), and bread sticks...because I missed my bread ya'll!

So I called this Sunday Funday because I had 2 cheat meals :-)  Not something I plan to do at all in the future, but I think it was just so tempting since I deprived myself of things this whole week.  I still want to keep getting recipes from Whole30, and Paleo websites on Pinterest because I still like the idea of it.  There will be more times than not that I will leave out dairy and breads, but I won't feel bad what-so-ever if I want a dang sandwich ya'know?

Hope everyone's weekend was awesome and eventful and everything you ever wanted in a weekend ;-)  Until next time!

P.S.  Probably won't be blogging daily, unless I just feel the urge.

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