Thursday, July 16, 2015

I'm Baaaaaaack....again.....

So I'm back, I'm sort of motivated again, and it only took me 2 months!  More like 5 years in gym/health time.  Better late than never right?  That's what I'm telling myself at this point.  I never knew how badly going on that cruise would sabotage my diet and exercise.  I mean geez when I came back from that vacation I didn't want to do anything anymore!  I was like, "I have nothing else to work for."  "I miss eating food." "I hate working out now."  Lol words of the lazy :-S

I've gone through a lot of feelings the past 2 months.  For a week or 2 after my trip I did absolutely nothing in regards to my herbalife or workout routine.  I went through a big depression bit, and it was hard for me to be motivated to do anything!  After I passed through that, I told myself, "Ok Kylah, get back on it! You've wasted enough time already!"  So I went ahead and ordered  twice the amount of herbalife shakes to give myself variety and well my hubby said he was going to join me too.  Well I didn't even stick to any routine.  I would go through a detox phase of being back on it, and it would seriously turn me off to taking Herbalife because I just didn't have time to be in bathroom with  cramps and the runs (Sorry for such gross detail, but it is what it is).  

So I was thinking to myself maybe Herbalife just isn't the diet for me.  I love food, and I'd rather try something else that involves me being able to eat every meal.  So I signed up for Weight Watchers.  Guess how long that lasted?  1 day hahaha.  Hear me out on this though.  When I signed up I was looking through the program in more detail, and seeing the system, and I just realized that it's all about portion control and eating healthier foods!  Why pay money monthly, when I can just do that myself?  So I started cutting my portions, and trying to eat healthier the last couple weeks.  Also up-ing my water intake again because I had been slacking hardcore on that! Things so far have been going good on  that, I feel like I have more self control over it all now.  I wasn't going to do Herbalife anymore, but I've decided to stick with it.  I probably won't replace 2 meals a day, but just 1.  If anything Herbalife helps me with my calorie intake and portion control, so I'll stick with it for now.

Now for exercise!  It seems I have been more active, as far as taking my kid to the park, or just getting up and moving around more.  But I still haven't gone to the gym to work out specific parts of my body like I need to.  I seriously do NOT want to workout in the evening, and if I stay at my home gym, that's the only option I have.  So next paycheck, the 23rd, I'll be getting a gym membership that has day care in it.  That way I can go during the day, and still be able to have someone watch Skyla for me.  I finally made myself think of a goal event to work towards, and that'll be our Regional Bible Convention.  It's August 21-23, so I'll have about 1 month to get down some pounds.  I think if I go to the gym atleast 5 days a week, and keep watching my portions and calories, that I can get down 10 to 15 pounds in that amount of time.   So my goal is to atleast lose 10 pounds by August 21st!  My 5 year anniversary is August 28th, so it wouldn't hurt to look better by then too ;-)  I was a little excited to check my weight today.  Of course I gained weight when I got back from cruise, but last I checked I was 205 lbs.  Today when I weighed I was 203lbs.  So I've already started this process on a good foot, and I know once I start at the gym it'll only get better!

I'm hoping I can keep this positive attitude.  I hope that I get into a great routine at the gym and make no excuses.  I know I'll have my "I'm only a fat human" moments and slack here and there.  But I just don't want to stop completely this time.  Ok  that's all I have for now....feel free to keep track of my blogs again and keep me in check!  


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