Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 1- Whole30

So here it is, another "start" to bettering my health.  I feel like I've started too many of my blogs like this.  In any case, this will be my start to the Whole30 wouldn't really call this a diet per-say, I'm hoping this will be more of what I can get my body to get used to eating.  

So what exactly is Whole30 you ask?  Well it's pretty much eating clean with no breads, no dairy, and no sugars.  I can't have my pasta, rice, cakes, garlic bread....any bread :-O :-(.  THE hardest part about this whole process will be the no bread, pasta, and cheeeese.  It's pretty similar to a paleo type diet from what I've seen on some recipes, but I really can't say how close because I haven't researched all things paleo.  

Why I chose to do this particular system:  I actually had never heard of Whole30 until my friend told me a couple months ago that she was going to start it.  At that time I was eating pretty healthy and going to gym almost every day, so I really didn't look too much into it.  My friend stuck with it, and has gotten some awesome results!  Seeing as how I've pretty much gone downhill on my diet and exercise, I've been researching stuff to help me get back into  healthier eating habits.  I looked up this Whole30 program and I knew that's what I wanted to do!  

How it works:  I call it a program, but it's not really one I don't think.  This is all free to do, no paying for ebooks, or recipes on it.  You literally go to the website and it gives you a grocery list, or a list of foods you're allowed to eat.  Then it gives you recipe ideas as well!  You stick to this for atleast 30 days and people have lost anywhere from 15-30 lbs in that short amount of time just from eating clean!  My friend lost almost 20lbs just in 30 days from this, of course she did exercise along with it.

What my plan is:  My plan is to stay strict to this program for the full 30 days, even tho I can already tell giving up my sweets will be so hard!  I am getting back into my gym routine as well.  Atleast 4 to 5 days a week I'll be going.  My husband and I actually made a bet, we both put how much weight we wanted to lose by January 2nd, and whoever reaches their goal, they get a gift that was chosen they wanted.  Mine is a KitchenAid Mixer...I've been wanting that for forever!  Eusevio's goal is to lose 18lbs, and mine is to lose 20lbs.  This might be far-fetched but dangit I'm gonna try my hardest!  

It's been along time since I've felt this motivated so I'm just happy that I feel excited about something again.  Today was my first day on it and this is what I had to eat.......
*Breakfast/Lunch (I woke up fairly late today...don't judge): Herbalife Meal Replacement Shake.
*Snack: About 7 or 8 pieces of cubed Cantelope
*Dinner: Grilled Lemon Chicken, and steamed broccoli 
I also drank a ton of water!

I haven't gone to the grocery store yet, I will probably make a late run tonight, so this is just some fresh ingredients I had in the house.  I plan on making more interesting meals that aren't so boring, but that are still in the guidelines I need to be in!  

I'll be posting daily blogs to tell how I feel, the foods  I ate , and all that fun stuff.  I know I read a blog about someone who did this program and it really helped me to start it.  

So with all that I say.....Day 1 down, 29 to go!!

*Weight & Measurements:

Weight: 208.1 lbs
Body Fat %: 35.5
Water: 47.2

Arms: R- 13 1/2  L- 13 1/2
Chest/Back: 37
Area right under breasts (I don't know what the technical name is): 37 1/2
Waist: 37 1/2
Belly: 43 1/2
Hips: 44 1/2
Thighs: R- 26  L- 26

*I took belly pictures, but I just can't share them.  I might share them at the end of the 30 days depending on how I feel.  

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