Monday, April 27, 2015

I wasn't ready for that!

This day came too fast, meaning that  I said I was going to measure myself and post my measurements!  I have been dreading it so much because I haven't stuck to diet at all!  I've been eating out a lot, and not really making the best food choices.  I haven't done any herbalife anything in at least half a week.  Eusevio and I haven't been walking for half a week, I haven't been doing my BABB or Arms.  So pretty much I stopped EVERYTHING.  Last week I made myself a schedule to deep clean every room in my house, not only for the sake of having a nice clean house, but I really wanted my whole house to be spotless before I left on my cruise.  That's really all I did last week, was get my house in order.  I think the only good thing I can say about any of my decisions was that I still always ate half my portions, and drank lots of water.

Although I have to say I was reaaaaally surprised when I took my measurements, in a good way!  I forgot to weigh myself in the morning before I had my shake, so I don't know how much of a difference it made, but my weight was 200lbs.  Not too happy about that, but I'll weigh myself tomorrow morning when there's nothing in my system and see if that makes any difference.   So at that point I was down, and so mad at myself, but continued to take measurements, and here they are....
New Measurements:
Left arm: 11 3/4   Right arm: Same
Waist: 36
Stomach: 39 1/2
Hips : 40
Booty: 42 1/2 
Thigh left: 25"   Right: Same

Obviously I don't expect you to remember my last measurements lol so I'll post the difference here:
Arms: 1/4 Inch (Lost)
Waist: 1" (Lost)
Stomach: 1/2" (Lost)
Hips: 2 1/2" (Lost)
Booty: 1 1/2" (Lost)
Thighs: 1" (Gained)

I'm so happy about this!  They aren't super huge losses, but this is over a period of 2 weeks, and this is with me not eating healthy every single day.  I may not be seeing a dramatic weight loss as far as the scale goes, but I am still losing inches.  I saw the biggest loss in my hips, and booty area.  I kind of expected this because I've been doing that BABB program, and usually you have to lose a little fat first to start gaining muscle in the area.  I'm not even mad at gaining an inch on my thighs, because I've been working them out as well!  

My hubby has been telling me that he really sees a difference in my weight, but I kept brushing it off because I knew I hadn't been making good food choices.  So in my head I just couldn't see how I'd be losing any inches at all!  So this was a nice little surprise this morning :-)  I only have 6 days left until I'm leaving on the cruise, so I really don't have much time to lose anymore I don't think, but the whole week I will be sticking to Herbalife so I can get my body ready.  I'm gonna be honest, I really don't think I'll be sticking to my diet on the ship lol.  I will stick to portion control, and no pop.  But this is vacation ya'll, I want to experience mutil-cultural foods and drink alcoholic drinks, and have delicious desserts haha!  

I will say that this passed Saturday I had like 1/2 C. worth of Coke Zero.  We had some friends over Friday, and I had made dinner and got some drinks from the store, because I know that not everyone likes water like me.  It was just staring me in the face, and I was like man I really want a coke.  Coke Zero was the best choice out of that and regular coke.  So I drank a little.  As soon as it hit my mouth I was like ugh nevermind I don't want this anymore.  It instantly gave me a headache!  So yea I was over that real quick!   So I guess you could say my 'no coke' streak was broken Saturday, but I don't feel super bad about it because I really didn't drink much at all, and it didn't change my mind on anything.  It just doesn't taste the same after you've gone so long without it.  

Alright I think that's all I have to post.  I'm super excited about our cruise!! We head down that way this Saturday, and Sunday we'll actually be getting onto the boat to head out.  I don't know if I mentioned this before, but last year we were supposed to go on a cruise as well, but I ended up finding out I didn't have the right documentation for Skyla.  So we had to stay with our friends that live in that area for a week, because my mom and friend were with us and they still went on the cruise!  So I'm extra excited about this one, because It's almost like I've been waiting 2 years to go on it lol.  I've never been on one, or out of country at that, so I'm just really excited to experience it all.  Not to mention BEACH uh HELLO.  I'm such a beach bum so this is right up my alley!  

I'll try to post before my cruise, but no promises, because I have a ton to do towards the end of the week :-)  Until next time guys!

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