Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Has it been 30 days yet?

I'm such a baby in the first week of dieting I swear.  This is my 2nd day and I'm already planning my cheat meal at the end of the 30 days.  Is that normal?   I do have to say I'm pretty proud of myself though, I have't cheated at all.  Yesterday went pretty well, I found myself really hungry a couple hours after dinner though.  I would go open the fridge, look around, find nothing I could eat, go to the pantry....find nothing....repeat that process several times before I finally just ate a banana.  It's not that I can't eat food, I just still haven't gone to the store to stock up on the foods I can eat.  I have no choice but to go tomorrow though, I really ran out of all my protein I had in house, and I have no more fresh veggies.  

Today's food was super simple...
*Breakfast - 2 eggs scrambled, 2 pieces turkey bacon, and I had Orange Passionfruit Green Tea
*Lunch - Banana, strawberry herbalife shake
*Dinner - Grilled chicken pecan salad
*After dinner snack.....I have a cup of fruit waiting for me to eat in a little bit because I know I'll get hungry before going to bed.

As far as how I feel, I already feel great! My motivation to get up and get stuff around the house has increased so I've been getting things done that I've been wanting to tackle for along time now.  Feels good to kick the lazy procrastination in the butt!  And  I kid you not I stepped on the scale this morning and it said 204lbs.  It's been 2 solid days on this, and I'm already down 4lbs then from what I started out.  I give that thanks to my Herbalife supplements and that's why I love them so much.  They seriously get rid of water weight, and bloating.  Let me know if you're interested in getting any of the products, my friend sells it and he can hook you up!  I know that none of that is actually body fat, it's purely water weight I'm sure....still I feel lighter and less bloated, and that's such a great way start to it all.  

I really can't wait to go to store so I can have more good foods in my house.  I can tell my metabolism is starting to pick up again, so I'm hungry every few hours.  Usually I'll have a healthy snack in between meals to keep my hunger at bay, so I for sure need some healthy snacks so I'm not starvin like marvin!  

I still haven't gone to gym yet.... Can you tell I'm just a hermit at heart?  For some reason it is so hard for me to leave the house sometimes.  I'm trying to work on that, and it has gotten better ever since I got my depression leveled out.  Hoping I will get the balls to go to gym tomorrow, or at least sometime this week.  I know for sure by next Monday I'll need to be in it because obviously just a diet won't give me the results I want!  

That's pretty much the whole gist of my day today! 
2 days down, 28 to go :-D

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