Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Back to the real world :-(

Do I seriously have to come back to reality so soon???  A week never went by so fast for me, and I left my heart at the beach.  Vacation was AWESOME!  Gave my family and I time to recharge the batteries and just slip away from reality for a bit.  We went on a Carnival cruise to Montego Bay Jamaica, Caymen Islands, and Cozumel Mexico.  I've never been out of country before, so of course I was so excited for each port, and amazed at the beauty in it all.  I'll add some pictures later so you guys can appreciate it with me ;-)

So now for the diet part of this blog.  I have to say that I did not care what I ate or drank AT ALL the whole trip.  I kind of planned on it....a little, but honestly as soon as I stepped foot on that boat I was like nope, vacation mode lol.  Thankfully they really have a lot of healthy options on the ship, and I didn't eat bad foods as much as I thought I would!  I do have to say that I ate more than I'm used to. Annnnnd there were a lot of late night sandwhich eating, since room service is 24 hours.  I managed to gain 4 lbs while I was gone, but I'm gonna weigh myself in a couple days just to see how big of a difference it'll make once I get rid of a lot of my water weight.  I didn't take any of my herbalife pills, which really helps me not retain water, so I felt bloated a lot.  I didn't drink as much water as I should've.  I had a couple cokes.....ahhhhhh I know....I broke my 3 month streak.  But I really don't crave them still, so it won't be hard to not drink them here.  I tried to stick to Tea and water, with a few drinks here and there ;-)

I'm already facing the reality that I'm going to pretty much have to start from scratch with my diet and workout.  I got used to eating bigger portions on the boat, and so now I'm going to have to cut down my portions again.  I'm going to have to get used to drinking meal replacement shakes in place of delicious foods, I'm going to have to get back into the swing of working out again.  I'm still in vacation mode it seems, or maybe it's just me refusing to accept that I'm back home, so I'm trying to find the motivation to do all this stuff.  I did wake up and have my morning shake, and all my pills, so that's a start.  I ran out of protein mix, so I won't be able to have my shakes for a week or so, but I still have my pills to help with everything, so I'll just have to make a better effort on eating healthier foods.

I walked a ton while on the ship, and of course off on all the ports, but I did no muscle workouts.  So I'm sure I'll be SUPER sore when I get back in the routine of my leg and arm workouts.  I told my hubby that I'll have to figure out what to use as my motivation since I really don't have an event coming up that makes me wanna say "Dang I need to get fit for that!".  

Ok enough of the diet talk, I'm going to talk more about my trip :-)

So I wasn't sure what to expect on a cruise.  My expectations were both met, and not at the same time.  They have this daycare type place for kids Skyla's age on the boat, Camp Ocean.  You can drop your kid off at 10 p.m. - 12:45a.m.  so parents can enjoy certain things if they want.  In my head, I thought Skyla would be totally fine for an hour or 2 each day since there would be other kids there to play with her.  The first day she stayed for 45 mins, which was very hard for Eusevio and I to leave her because we've never left her at a place where we didn't know anyone.  But we checked in on her a couple times, plus they give you a little cell phone so they can get ahold of you anytime.  The next day we tried it again, and she only lasted 30 mins.  The 3rd day, she started freaking out by just seeing the entrance of the doorway.  So after that we didn't even try anymore, I didn't know if I was traumatizing my child, which I'm sure I wasn't, but I can't stand to think she's screaming for me, and I didn't want the daycare people to have to put up with that.  So Eusevio and I didn't get to catch a lot of the shows and stuff we wanted to while on the ship.   Skyla was more difficult to handle, mainly because they really don't have a lot to do on the ship for little kids her age.  Other than swimming pool, and little tiny splash pad.  Some days I just stayed in the room for a few hours at a time inbetween meals so she could just run around.  Eusevio and I had to do a lot of things seperately which made me kind of sad because I was really thinking we'd get to experience most of it together.  Don't get me wrong, we didn't alllllways do things seperately, but there were a few times we just had to so each other could enjoy some stuff.

Off the boat was a completely different story.  We were always together, and we got to enjoy touring stuff, and spending time at the beach and swimming!  Skyla LOVES the water, she's a little mermaid just like her mommy.  So we all had so much fun at the beach.

Also I just have to say that Carnival realllllly knows how to cater to you.  Everyone takes such great care of you there.  Your waiters and waitresses are AMAZING, never rude.  Even the cleaning guy memorized our names, and was the sweetest guy.  I've never felt so pampered before, and I tell ya, I got used to it haha.  Now I'm home, and I have to cook and clean again :-( spoiled I know ugh.

Ok that's about all for now.  Sorry for the long blog!  This month will just be getting back into the swing of things, and going over again what I want to accomplish.  Until next time!


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