Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Updating the picture *Drum Roll*

Well here it is......

I always get nervous to take pictures for some reason.  I think it's because I've never stuck to anything before so for some reason I think I'm afraid I won't see results!  Well I am continuing to see the results!  It's so strange because I've only dropped 1 lb since last time, so I'm 204lbs, but I'm thinner still.  It's with all the weight training I guess, but I honestly thought I'd drop on the scale as well as inches.  Maybe I just had THAT much fat lol.  I'm not going to post these pictures, but I also took ones with just my training bra and underwear on because I had taken some pictures like that really early on.  I can't believe the differences!  I can tell the squats are reaaaallly working!  Overall I just feel more toned everywhere, less jiggle it seems.  I still have a lot of jiggle don't get me wrong, and look at them bag wings still......I blame that on my wrist.  I really messed it up, and yesterday was the first day I got to kind of do some arm exercises.  I was still limited on what I could do.  Hopefully my wrist will get better fast though.

I'm trying to think of goals that I can set for myself that will help me along with the weight loss.  I was watching my favorite youtube person Brenda Lee Turner (I'll post her info below) and she had mentioned that doing cardio twice a day is optimum for getting to your weight loss goals faster.  To break up cardio into 2 times a day for 20-30 mins each time, 1 in morning, then 1 in late afternoon.  It helps rev up your metabolism at both those times in the day so you end up burning more calories as opposed to just 1 long cardio session a day.  Which that makes total sense!  I have the schedule to do this, it's just the doing it part I need to do.  I like the idea of it, and I think it'll help me with losing some weight along with inches, but I'm hesitating for some reason!  So I'm going to try and start it up next week.  Somehow starting something at the beginning of the week is just better for me, not sure if that's an OCD thing or not hehe.

Next week will also be a challenge for me because I'll be going to visit my mom for half the week.  I always tend to fall off when I go visit.  BUT she has a gym membership too, so I'm going to go to her gym with her.  Whether we both feel like it or not, I'll make myself go!  It drives me crazy to miss just more than 1 day of exercise, so I'm going to try hard.

I will take my measurements here in a week or 2 since I've been taking them a lot lately.  I know I need to give more time in between measurements!  So that's all I have for now guys!

Seriously go check out this girl on youtube!  She really knows her stuff, and I love how she's more about natural way of doing things.

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