Sunday, December 6, 2015

Le' Struggle is Real!

This Whole30 program is no joke I tell you!  The passed 2 days I have gone back and forth, trying to decide if I really want to continue this program or not.  This diet is SO SO restrictive, I feel like it's turning me into a bitter person.  So on that note I've decided to stop doing the Whole30.  I know I know, call me a quitter, say I haven't given it long enough yet, say what you will I can take it!  I'll just share with you guys the reasons I have for making this decision so maybe you'll understand why.

Ok so I started this program to reset my relationship on food, and my habits for healthy eating.  If you've read any of my previous blogs from earlier this year, I was actually doing really good at eating healthy and going to the gym, and I was losing weight with that routine.  When I got back from my Colorado trip that's when things went downhill.  I started developing unhealthy habits, not cooking at home, not going to the gym, not caring really.  I went through a lot at the time with getting my meds regulated and that really affected my motivation and moods.  So yea I needed something to help me get back into healthier habits again.  My friend has done Whole30 for 2 months and she has had awesome results, so of course I was like "Yea I'm on bored with this, I'm down, I can do this too."

I never knew how difficult it would really be on this program.  I have had upset stomach pretty much this whole time, which I know usually comes with detoxing, but never experienced it for that many days consecutive.  I have not experienced this awesome energy that people have talked about while on this program, for me it's been the exact opposite.  I mean I'm falling asleep on the couch while watching shows by 9 p.m. which isn't me at all, considering I really don't wake up early in the day.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving up on healthy foods at all.  Doing this for the week really has helped me get back into the habit of cooking homeade meals that are healthy.  I will continue to eat healthy as I move along.  I just won't be so restrictive with dairy and grains.  I mean c'mon, brown rice........corn tortillas.....those aren't so bad for you.  I understand if people want to eliminate those out of their diets, but I am telling the world now that I can't, and I really don't want to.

This does mean that I will stop giving myself lee-way of missing my gym workouts.  If I decide to not stick to this program I need to be in the gym with the same routine I was having before I fell off the bandwagon.

So here's what I'm taking away from this experience and how I'm moving forward......
I will continue to eat healthy and have smaller meals throughout the day
I will start my gym routine again to help burn calories
I will not restrict myself to no grains, dairy, legumes all together, but I am more aware of not adding too much of all of them in certain meals.

So yea hopefully you guys aren't too hard on me for being a quitter, I'm for sure not a person who gives up on something.  I've thought long and hard about this for 2 solid days, and it's just something I feel is right for me.  I know what kind of things it was making me want to eat a whole cake or sheet of breadsticks....and I know that if you are feeding your body what it needs, you don't have the need or want to binge on certain things.

To finally wrap this up I'm excited to have my desire to make healthy foods again.  I'll be in the gym tomorrow kick starting the routine so cheers to that lol.  Check in with you guys tomorrow!

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