Friday, December 4, 2015

Day 5...some serious cravings going on here

Alright I'm 2 days away from making it a full week!  Today went pretty dang well I have to say, but towards the end of the day I started getting some serious sweet cravings.  I'll touch on that more when I get to it.  Let's start with breakfast shall we...

Last night I was looking for some approved pancake recipes, because I miss my pancakes!  I would seriously have pancakes twice up to 3 times a week before I started this.  For all types of meals, it wasn't always for the breakfast yea I love me some pancakes.  Well I found one that looked pretty easy, involved coconut flour (which I have) and simple ingredients.  I'll just show you a picture of it before I describe the taste.

 So they don't look to bad really, but I can't say they tasted too great.  I made my almond butter sauce (Almond butter, coconut milk, almond milk, heated on the stove to thicken) to put on top to kind of give me creamy consistency , sorta like syrup but not as runny of course, but it just couldn't make these taste better.  They were so bland and dry as heck.  Let's face it, syrup makes me love pancakes.  The other things I could think of to make these better just wasn't allowed in this diet so yea BUMMER.  Needless to say I'll probably just bite the bullet and not even mess with pancakes through the rest of this process *sad face*  The only good thing that came out of all that was me finally figuring out a good mixture to add to my coffee.  Almond milk, coconut milk, and a little vanilla, all blended in the blender to make sure everything was mixed really well.
*Side note, you will most likely see me use coconut milk and almond milk A LOT through this whole thing, it's really the power duo in this diet*

Ok so let's move on to more positive things!  Lunch was great :-)  I just had leftovers from last night's dinner *Creamy spaghetti squash*  It was as creamy and delicious as it was last night!  You know how when you re-heat regular spaghetti, it always comes out dry and taste different?  Not this I said it was still creamy.  I got really excited about that :-) Little things right?

For dinner I made Basque Chicken W/Bell peppers and tomatoes.  It turned out really good, more like a stew type. I really wanted Corn tortillas with it, or even rice, but of course can't have those.  So I decided to have steamed broccoli and cauliflower.  It actually went together pretty well.
 I did add more juices to this dish after I took the picture, just wanted you guys to see what it looked like before I made it look a mess.  I kind of added my own spices to it because it was very simple on it's flavors.  It calls for whole canned tomatoes, but next time I make this I'll probably use smaller ones so I can eat them.  These were harder to eat whole, even when I tried to break them down.

Now for dessert!  Dessert you say?  Aren't you just so curious what I had!  I mentioned before that I was having serious sweet cravings, like I wanted cookies so bad.  It got so bad that I was sitting here thinking to myself, "Why am I doing this diet? I know I can still eat clean and healthy and allow myself to have breads and occasional snacks, and still lose weight because it'll be better than before."  I had to snap myself out of that thinking, because I'm doing this super restrictive diet for a reason!  That being that I do need to reset my body into having a better relationship with food again, and to get rid of the crap I've been putting into it.  So I searched Pinterest, there HAS to be something that I can have, and I found it......
Whole30 Chocolate pudding!  It's literally 3 smashed bananas & 100% dark chocolate cocoa powder.  I mixed the 2 with a mixer and added a little coconut milk to give it more of a creamy texture.  I also heated mine up a bit because I like warm pudding.  I ground up some cashews to put on top for that crunch factor.  I looked up the sugar on the cocoa powder and it said 0g sugar, so I was like surely this is allowed.  I looked up on the website to see if infact it was, and apparently the creators of the Whole30 program  are split on it lol.  They don't tell you not to, but they don't tell you to either.  I know for myself, I'm not going to make this every single day and justify it, even tho it seems to be ok to do.  I also know that if I don't treat myself to this every once in awhile, I'll go crazy and I will most likely back track in a bad way.  Fact is, is that I know what foods I need to eat....I know what foods are good for me.  I was actually doing really good before, this is why I'm doing this program, to get me back to how I was.  Kind of get me out of my funk I was having.  This is pretty extreme lol, but seeing my friend's results on it really helped push me in this direction.  I think it also helps that she's still doing it.  She's awesome about checking up on me and being there if I have questions or hard times through it.  I'm glad I made the decision to do this!

I'm starting to get some sort of motivation back to go to gym so I'm trying to run with that feeling!  I will most likely just start out by doing cardio sessions, then work my way up to strength training.

I think that's about all I have for today :-)  I'll be back tomorrow to let you guys know how it goes

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