Wednesday, April 22, 2015

This is for you Janelle!

So my friend texted me this morning to ask why I haven't posted in awhile since it's been over a week.  I honestly didn't even realize it had been that long, but I guess it has!  I was planning on waiting until Sunday or Monday to post because I was going to take another set of measurements and post them.  I'll still do it, but I'll catch everyone up now because I have free time.

I've come to the conclusion that weekends are the devil, and all my self control seems to go out the window!  I don't know what it is about it.  Is it because I have my hubby here all day and I cater more to him than me?  Is it because it's the weekend and I'm seriously over cooking all the meals from the weekdays?  I really don't know!  I'd say that Friday and Saturday's eating festivities were due to depression and stress.  I was able to kind of recharge over the weekend though, and relax from daily wifely duties, and just chill!  By Sunday I was recharged, soul-wise.  I had made myself a schedule of exercise for the week that I was going to try to stick to!  I do have to add that last week, all week my hubby and I would walk around our apartment complex, which measures to about a mile.  So even if I didn't do any strength building exercises, I'd still get cardio in thanks to him!   Ok back to this week.  So Monday I started my shakes again, 2 a day, regular meal in evening.  I think there was 1 day that I had an actual healthy meal, The others weren't so much.  I have been sticking to adding all my meals in MyFitnessPal app, and I've still been under my calorie goal.  I don't by any means think that these Herbalife shakes are miracle shakes, but they really do help with my calorie intake control.

I do have to admit that I haven't been looking forward to them lately though.  It's either because I only have Chocolate left, and don't get me wrong I love chocolate, but when you have it for breakfast and lunch it gets old fast.  The other reason could be that for some reason the consistency has been hit or miss.  I like my shakes sort of thick, but not super thick.  Definitely not runny though, and sometimes they'll either be super runny, or super thick.  I used to not have this problem, and I haven't been changing the way I make them,  so I really don't know!  I'm ordering a new flavor today so I'm hoping that'll get me out of this funk of not wanting these shakes.   I know they're sort of like a crutch to an extent, but I just don't fully trust myself to eat great for all meals lol.  I haven't weighed myself lately, and I'm kind of nervous to do it.  I wouldn't know what to expect, because I have been doing strength training stuff, so I'm hoping I'm building muscle.  I don't know how that'll translate into my weight.  That's why I'm measuring myself so I can go by inches.  I'll weigh myself too, but I just am super scared for some reason to see what it says.

All in all things have been going pretty good.  It's been stormy last couple days, so hubby and I haven't gone walking in 2 days, but when the skies clear we'll be right back out there!  Our cruise is in 11 days, and while I'm super excited about it, I'm also wondering what I can think of next after that to help keep my motivation going.  There's really no other "event" happening that is making me go "Man I gotta get in shape for that!"  So I'll be happy when I think of one!

I haven't lost as much weight as I really wanted to before I started this whole process, but I am really happy with what I have lost.  Almost everyone I know has seen a physical difference in my weight, so that's made me feel good.  I'm by no means 'skinny' or even close to being that, but I am happy with how my body feels right now.  I still haven't had any sodas, so I know that's a huge thing for me!  If I can just kick this sweet tooth, and greasy food tooth (not a thing, but I made it one haha)  I feel like I can do good!  I don't mind having cheat meals, but I really need to make them a lesser occurrence.  I feel like I let myself have multiple cheat meals in a week, as opposed to 1 or 2 meals.

So until Sunday, or Monday guys!  Wish me luck on the motivation lol


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