Sunday, March 1, 2015

So....How'd I do this weekend??

I have to say  that I'm pretty proud of myself for my weekend restraints!  I did waaaaaaay better than last weekend.  I had a lot of opportunities to mess up, but I really didn't want to feel like I did last Saturday so it was hard.....but I resisted!  So let me walk you through my weekend....

Saturday we were invited to go to a friend's house to watch a mini marathon of House of Cards, not my cup of tea, but I went for the association haha.  I was excited but nervous at the same time, because my friend is an AWESOME cook!  She really knows her way around the kitchen, and doesn't skimp on the flavor.  I was a little worried about what she was going to make because I knew I wasn't going to be able to resist it.  I had my lunch shake, tea, and pills, and then packed up some for my trip over there so I could be sure and at least take those before I ate.  To my surprise and happiness, she ended up making Tortilla Soup, which was pretty healthy and still tasted sooooooo good!  Thanks to my tea and pills, I was able to be satisfied with 1 bowl of it :-)  I think everyone else had at least 2, my hubby having 3 (not judging).  When we left it was pretty late, and my hubby and his friend were getting hungry, so they decided to stop by Jack in the Box.  The food looked good to me, but I had to resist it!!! It was soooooo hard, even tho their food isn't really that great tasting.  I do admit that I ate 1 chicken nugget and a few fries from Skyla's kids meal, but I'll take that over a big greasy meal any day.  We had rode with our friends over to our other friend's house, so when we got back to their house, we still had to drive home.  I have to admit that I had the BIGGEST urge to drive to In & Out burger and just order animal style and be happy, but it took a lot of restraint from me and the encouraging, but annoying words from my hubby haha.  I tell him to help me but sometimes get aggrivated that he's telling me not to do something....makes complete sense right?  Oh to be a woman..... ANYwho, I was able to resist and just go straight home and go to sleep.

Sunday *today* my husband wanted to have a shake and take my pills along with me.  I don't know why, but I got all excited to share this with him.  Maybe it just made me feel good that I wasn't the only one having a shake instead of food.  Either way it was nice, and I could tell it made him feel good.  Our dinner choice wasn't super healthy, but I kind of didn't mind since I restrained so much over weekend.  We had Fuzzy's taco, and I had a Grilled Chicken sandwhich, which is pretty much a Torta.  It was delicious! If you have a Fuzzy's in your area, go try it, you won't regret it!  I'm still so full from dinner, and that was 3 hours ago!

 I ordered a scale, and  I'm super excited to get it in so I can weigh myself.  I haven't weighed since starting Herbalife, so I'm so curious to see if there are any changes to my body.  I've also decided to go ahead and get the key to our little gym here at our apartment complex.  You're probably wondering why I haven't already...well I'll tell ya.  I was looking into getting a regular gym membership that had childcare in it so that I could workout during the day without it cutting into any evening time with my hubby.  Eusevio gets off work late (between 7-10) So I usually try to spend as much time with him as I possibly can.  If I decide to workout here at this gym, I couldn't do it until Eusevio got home to watch Skyla, which would cut into the time I get to spend with him.  But after looking at gym prices and child care in those gyms, it would just be cheaper to workout at the gym here.  I may have to sacrifice a little time with Eusevio, but it won't be too much.  Maybe one of these days I'll have the energy to wake up early in the morning before he goes to work.........yea right ;-)  

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but in May we're all going on a cruise!  This really is a big reason why I'm so determined to lose weight in a few month time period, because I want to look good by then!  I know I won't be super skinny, or even close to my goal weight by then, but I'm determined to get down as much as possible by that time.   I think it's good to have a certain event coming up to set as a goal to works towards kind of gives you motivation to keep going!  If it wasn't for me going on the cruise, I'm not sure if I'd have the determination I do now.  Which throughout these weeks I've changed my mindset on a lot of things, and cruise or not I'd stick to what I'm doing, but I'm just not sure if I would've been like that to begin with.  Who knows!  I just know I feel great, and I'm so excited how it's changed my attitude so much on health!!

By the way, I probably won't be posting any more recipes for my shakes because I'm pretty much using the same recipes.  I will sometimes mix it up by a few ingrediants, but they stay the same for the most part.  I haven't grown tired of the recipes really, but I'm still going to get different shake flavors just because I'm curious about them.  I'll still post my dinner recipes I try, because I'll be focusing more on that as time goes on.  It's all about healthy eating habits, not necessarily herbalife shakes, altho I know they are helping me tremendously right now.

Until next time!!!


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