Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Monday, Funday

I would say that yesterday was good and not so good.  I did my shakes, and took my pills, and had 2 teas (spaced out apart I assure you)  I was able to half-way catch up on laundry and organize some stuff around the house, and then it hit me  BOOM  major headache.

If you don't like to listen to nitty gritty stuff, skip this paragraph!
Ok so after my breakfast shake I had my tea as usual, and as usual it made me go to the bathroom.  That time was fine, but after that time, I started having Diarrhea :-(   Gross I know....and I even expected it because I knew my body had to detox from the past half week.  It wasn't easy though, because I had a huge headache, I had the runs, and then I had the huge desire to just go to the gym.  I knew I wouldn't be able to do during that whole time though, so I just tried to focus on my house work first.

Ok passed all the nitty gritty....
Between lunch and dinner I ate some almonds, because I still had my headache, and I was thinking I needed something since I wasn't keeping anything in.  It kind of made my head feel better.  Hubs texted me and was saying how pumped he was to go to the gym, and I honestly thought I would be up to it since all things had subsided, so when he got off at 6, we just went straight to the gym.  There were 2 people in there, a girl and guy.  The girl was on the treadmill (Hey that's mine! Lol)  and the dude was warming up with some martial arts stuff....I don't really know what that was he was doing, but I thought he was weird haha.  Seeing as how my beloved treadmill was taken, I decided to warm up on the bike.  I was able to do that for 10 minutes, but that's all I could do!  It was so stuffy in there, no air flow at all...my head started pounding like crazy.  I had to get out of there or else I'm sure I would've thrown up everywhere.  Eusevio and I decided to just walk in the fresh air around our apartment complex, which is pretty dang big.  So I at least got some cardio in.  We ended up eating subway to keep the meal light and somewhat healthy.

I'm just hoping today is going to be better.  I feel like yesterday was detox day, and hoping today is recover day!  I have so much more to do on my house, but I've already decided that after I finish my lunch shake and tea (which I'm downing right now)  I'm gonna go straight to the gym and go hard!  Eusevio and I are going on a date tonight, yaaaaaaaay, so I just know that I won't work out this evening.  I'm also hoping no one will be in the gym at this off time, so that I can have access to all my machines.  I felt so guilty for not being able to do anything yesterday at the gym, but Eusevio kept assuring me that I still did cardio, and that it wasn't my fault that my head was hurting so much.  I love how he always makes me feel better when I'm so down on myself!

Ok so I should get off here so I can drink my tea and get ready to go to the gym!  Wish me well, I'm sure I'll be sore as crap


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