Sunday, March 8, 2015

Did I lose weight, or not?

I officially got my scale in the mail yesterday!  It was an exciting, yet scary moment.  So many thoughts ran through my head like, "What if I haven't lost any weight?"  "What if I've actually GAINED weight?"  I was making myself anxious for some reason.  I know I said that I was going to wait and weigh myself until this morning, but I just couldn't wait!!  The results.....I've lost 8lbs!  I was so happy to see that!  I have been doing Herbalife for 3 weeks straight now, so in those 3 weeks I've lost 8 lbs.  It's so nice to see that my hard work has been paying off.  I celebrated by finally breaking the ice and working out in my apartment gym.  My hubby went with me to just check it out, and I think it's going to be easy to keep going!  There's not a ton of machines, but I think they have the exact ones I need.  They also have a T.V. with cable in there which I was excited because I'm weird and I like to watch t.v. while working out instead of listening to music.  It keeps my attention focused on it as opposed to music which I can lose my attention span pretty easy with it.  

So for my workout yesterday I did a little bit of everything...cardio, arms, abs, and legs.  I just wanted to get my stats on everything like what weight I was able to do, how many reps. That way I can keep track of my progress and see how much I can build on it.  There was a few machines I didn't try out simply because someone else came into the gym, and I got all anxiety ridden and I just decided to leave.  I had already worked out for 45 min. though, so I felt it was an ok time to leave.  I need to get passed my fear of being around people! Especially if they're there doing the same thing I am, getting fit.  I think it'll happen soon enough...I hope.  Anywho, the workout went better than I thought!  I'm really sore today, but it's a good sore.  The only machine that I sort of struggled on was the Leg Extenstions....the one where you lay down on your belly and curl the weight upwards....yea I found out that muscle sucks lol.  I was only able to do 20lbs. and 30 reps.  I cut them into 10 rep increments though.  The last 10 reps were so hard!  I just kept telling myself to push through and finish it up.  I seriously thought I was going to have a muscle cramp after that, but I didn't!  I was able to do 10 mins. on treadmill, which I wish I would've done more, because at the time I thought I was going to finish up my workout by doing 10 mins. on elliptical, but that person came in and used the treadmill which is right next to the elliptical, so that's when I chickened and and just left :-/    Next time though I plan on doing 15 mins. treadmill, the rounds of all the other arm and leg machines, then finish up with 10 mins. of elliptical.  I haven't done elliptical in a VERY long time, so I'm hoping to work up to a longer time on it, but to start out I'll do 10 mins. 

After my workout I was pretty hungry, I tried eating some almonds, but they weren't cutting it.  So I decided to make myself a shake.  I'm glad I did because it hit the spot, and didn't make me feel guilty for having it!  Yesterday Eusevio told me he was super proud of me for everything I've been doing, and the commitment I've had to all of this.  I know it sounds dumb, but that really made me feel sooooo good!  You know those people who strive to gain acceptance and approval from whomever they look up to, yea I felt like that.  I never feel like I have to gain his approval, but ever since I've known him, he's been the one to be health conscious and be super active and try his hardest to make good food choices.  Me on the other hand almost fought him on it! I always had the attitude that I never wanted to restrict myself, that I wanted to be happy, and good food made me happy.  Well now that I'm making better choices, and am being active, I can tell I'm making him proud and that just makes me feel really good about myself.  

Today is grocery day!  I've already got my list of healthy recipes for the week, so it'll be easier to stick to eating good :-)   Until tomorrow guys!

Starting weight: 208lbs
Current weight: 200lbs


  1. I'm SO proud of you!! I almost got teary eyed. I hate working out around people, too. I'm so glad you're liking your apt gym. Have you made an inspo board? Im working on one. Are you gonna do rewards?

    1. Ahhhh what is an inspo board or rewards? Thank you btw, I swear you're one of my biggest inspirations. I love reading your blog and I feel like I can relate to you so much.

    2. Right back at you, forreals. Inspiration board. Kinda like a collage of magazine cut outs and pictures and quotes, etc. It's a nice little project. Nice to look at, too, when you need the motivation.
      To go along with that, some people will reward themselves with a non food reward when they reach goals. Whether it be hitting a certain number on the scale, or a physical activity you can't do at the moment, or maybe fitting into an old (or new) pair of pants. Rewards can be whatever you want. A mani/pedi, new shoes, a massage or whatever. I haven't set any yet. Want to, though.

    3. Oh ok I got ya, that inspo. board really does sound like a good idea. Probably a pinterest project since I'm on it all the time anyways ;-). I've been trying to figure out what I want my reward to this point I'm just so focused on sticking to everything I'm doing. I'm just happy to be losing any weight at this moment. I do have a pair of jeans that I'm trying to get into that I've had for years!

  2. Maybe a new bathing suit for your cruise?
