Monday, March 16, 2015

It's been 5 days!

Man I kind of dropped the blogging ball didn't I?  I guess  I haven't blogged as much, because I haven't really done much lately.  Thursday, the day after my last workout, I was so sore I decided to rest up a bit, and I was supposed to do cardio only that night when my hubby got home.  Well....he ended up getting off super late, and by that time I had to eat dinner finnnnnaallly (I admit I was a little hangry by then lol it was late).  After all was said and done I didn't end up going because it was really late at night, and I had to put Skyla to sleep and go to sleep myself.  Friday I already knew I wasn't going to be able to workout because I had to go dress shopping for a wedding we were going to that Saturday.  I think it worked out pretty well anyway, because we walked around for a few hours, so I got some cardio in!  Saturday we went to a wedding, which I made sure to do all my Herbalife stuff in the morning before I left.  I didn't eat much at the wedding, and they had chicken and beef fajitas so I only ate a couple chicken ones and felt satisfied.  I didn't even eat cake, and if you know me, you know I NEVER pass up cake!  It just wasn't a temptation for me.  I got my dance on a few times, which spanish dancing I think burns WAY more calories than other kinds of styles.  I felt my hips and legs burn lol.  Sunday was great as far as sticking to my shakes and healthy meals.  Eusevio did everything with me too, so that was awesome!  He's set a goal before the cruise as far as weight loss too, and I'm glad he has so we can support each other to a fuller extent.

I'll need tons of help this week though!  My mom and my nephew are coming over and staying Wed-Sun.  to visit.  It always gets harder when you have company. because it's not just your mouth to's 2 more people that have 2 totally different taste buds and likes.  I'll need a lot of restraint, and a lot of will power to keep going to the gym.  I still haven't been consistent on the gym going, and I need to buckle down and go so I can amp up my results!  I reluctantly stepped on the scale today and I weighed the same as last time 200 lbs even....It's not a bad thing at all, but I know I can do better with becoming more active.  So, I'm setting a goal for this week.  My goal weight for next Monday is 197lbs  I want to be finally under that 200 mark, and I really think with sticking to the Herbalife schedule, and working out will help me get to that point!  I don't know if losing 3 lbs in a week is attainable, but I'm sure as heck going to try it!  I'm going to set my goal weight for next month as well!  I've been against this to a point, because I think I'm just afraid of disappointing myself if I don't reach it.  I've just been so happy and thankful that I've lost anything, I just don't want to get into a situation that I ever feel disappointed for any of this.  But I think it's more of a motivator to set a goal, because I'll be working hard as I can to get there!  So here it goes....
Starting weight: 208lbs
Current weight:  200lbs
Goal weight for 4/16/15: 185lbs

I do believe 15 lbs in 1 month is completely attainable!  It's going to be up to me to amp up my consistency in my gym visits & just keep making sure I'm sticking to my Herbalife regime.   Let me know if you're going to the gym too!  I'll help motivate you, and maybe you can help me :-)

Until next time bloggers!

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