Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How was your Monday?

I didn't post Sunday OR Monday!  What's wrong with me :-O  Sunday I really didn't do anything special though, so I'm not too mad about it.  Yesterday I seriously meant to post in the evening, but evening came fast, and before I knew it I was in bed.  So I'll just share some of the main things in the past couple days.

Saturday I was on a high from workout and finding out my weight and everything so I was excited to get in the gym Sunday and keep the momentum going.....well that didn't happen.  We ended up putting off our grocery shopping for Sunday, so that's what we did.  Our grocery shopping consisted of going to Sam's Club and Kroger.  Which in between we had to unload the stuff from Sam's because our car isn't the biggest, so we couldn't fit it all.  I did have a shake in the morning before we did all this, but for lunch I took my hubby to this cute little Italian restaurant I discovered when I first moved here to Plano.  I took my Thermobond (my cheat pill) so it would help get rid of the majority of bad fats that I was eating.  I tried to eat pretty good though.  I started with a salad, which I only ate half, if not less than that.  Then  I ordered a dish that had Orechiette pasta, with spicy sausage, zucchini, and broccoli, and only ate 1/3 of it.  So as far as meals go I think that I could've done worse :-)  I did throw everything out the window and ordered some Creme Brule :-S  Thankfully my hubby shared with me so I only ate half of it. We did have lunch in between grocery shopping trips, so at least I got to walk it off after we ate.  That's almost a must for me every time I eat, I feel like I have to walk it off somewhere! After all was said and done it was pretty late in evening, and seeing as how we walked a lot during the day I decided not to go to gym.  I did have a shake for dinner too, which honestly I almost didn't have one, but it was the most convenient (thankfully) so I made it!

Yesterday I had a good plan for the gym!  Eusevio was  supposed to get off at 6, and dinner wasn't going to be ready until 8.  So I had my workout clothes on and everything, waiting for him to get home so I could just go straight to the gym and be back before dinner.  Well....none of that happened :(  I ended dealing with an upset stomach yesterday, so I couldn't be far from the bathroom.  Eusevio didn't get home until 8.  I was genuinely upset that I wasn't able to go.  I kept trying to make myself think that I was fine enough to go, but my stomach would remind me that I wasn't.  I was probably bugging Eusevio about it, because I just kept saying, "Man I feel horrible that I'm not at the gym right now!"  He kept having to remind me that it wasn't because I didn't want to, but because I literally couldn't because of my stomach.  I still feel guilty though!  But today my stomach feels better, so you know I'm going to be in that gym!!!

Now for my shakes, I've been having my Cookies N' Cream for my breakfast shake, and my Chocolate one for lunch.  It's taken me a few trial and errors, but I finally found out how to make the Cookies N' Cream taste good and smooth.  I've been putting more ice in my shakes to make it a little bit thicker, since I haven't had any bananas to put in to make it thick.  But the way it was working out was that the ice would kind of turn into this slush, and so when I put the powder mix in there, it wouldn't mix all the way so it was really gritty, and I didn't like it as much.  I finally figured to just put a couple ice cubes, blend it really well, then I add the Cookies N' Cream healthy meal mix, then the chocolate protein mix.  I like the combo of those 2 together, makes it taste super yummy!

I'm still loving this mango aloe concentrate!  I've gotten to where I actually enjoy sipping on my tea, like you normally would a tea, instead of just chugging it down as fast as you can!  I bought 2 Herbalife shaker cups from Ebay, so I have 1 for my shake, and 1 for my tea.  As soon as I'm done with my shake, I'll go in and grab my Tea and just sip on it til it's gone :-)

Yesterday I made Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Quinoa for dinner.  It was really good, felt really meaty, even though it didn't have a ton of meat in it!  It's something I'll for sure make again, but to me it's more of a filling for something.  I should've heated up some tortillas, or it would even be a good bell pepper filling!  I just had some tortilla chips with it, and it was delicious!

I think I'm slowly getting Eusevio to join me in taking Herbalife!  I don't know if he'll do the shakes, but since I ordered new products sooner, I still had about half my pills left.  He went ahead and took them to his work so he could take them there.  On the weekends he'll have a shake with me for breakfast, or lunch.  The other day he even took before pictures so he could keep track of his weight loss.  So it makes me feel awesome that we're both in it together!  Whether he decides to do Herbalife full on or not, he supports me in it and he is trying to lose a little as well for the cruise.  So we're both trying to get to our goal.  Although I don't think he needs to lose weight, but you know, that's just me!

Well I think that's about it, I promise I won't forget to post later today ;-)

Here's the recipe link for the dinner I made:
I totally forgot to take a picture of my meal, but this is just the picture that comes up on Pinterest when you look up this meal.  It looked the same any way


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