Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I feel like throwing up!

I just came back from my workout about 20 mins ago, and I still feel nauseous from it!  I didn't go to the gym yesterday because I ended up rearranging my living room, and for those who have seen my entertainment center...type...thing....I really wouldn't call it that lol, it's just this huge thing our t.v. sits on.   It's big, and it weighs A LOT!  I did some deep cleaning, and then I moved that huge thing across the living room.  Doesn't sound like much, but all in all it was a couple hour ordeal, and I was sweating big time.  My arms were so sore afterwards too.  I didn't even want to cook dinner, but I mustered up to the strength to.  It was a super easy dinner, turkey kielbasa with whole wheat pasta and homemade spicy marinara sauce.  It was delicious and sorta healthy. 

I've been trying to get Skyla on a better sleeping schedule, so we've been putting her to bed around 11:30 (trust me we start earlier) but usually if she goes to sleep at that time, she'll wake up around 8:30 or 9:00 the next morning.  This is an adjustment for me as well since I'm used to sleeping in until 10:30 or 11:00, but I've found it easier to get up in the mornings now.  I'll get up, get Skyla her morning milk and put on Tarzan for her, per her request because I'm a cool mom like that ;-), then i go in make her breakfast as I'm making my morning shake.  We both have our breakfast in the morning together and it's a good start to the day!  

Let's reel it into today...I had my morning shake around 10:00.   Then I decided to have my "real food" meal for lunch instead of dinner.  I treated myself to delivery :-)  I got this lunch special from a local cafe, and I'm so glad I did because it was delicious!  It came with Soup, salad, and sandwhich.  I got the potato soup, which was about 1 cup measurement, Ceasar salad about 1 1/2 cups worth, and chicken salad sandwhich which was a panini I think and it was about half a sandwhich.  It was all so good and light and didn't make me feel bad for eating it.  As I mentioned at the beginning, I did go to the gym today and I amped up my workout!  I started with 15 mins on treadmill, and then I just focused on my arms today.  So as you can imagine, my arms are super sore right now and I'm glad I don't have to lift them to type because this blog entry wouldn't be happening if I did.  I also did 100 reps on the ab machine with 90lbs resistance.  I did 50 reps, took a little water break, then finished the other 50.  It was hard, but my goal today was to push my limits today.  After those I got on the elliptical to see how long I could last on that sucker.  I only lasted 5 minutes!  Laugh if you want, but the machine was an older one and it wasn't sturdy, I had to lean back to make it not shake when I did it.  Plus, that same guy came in to workout again!  I seriously wanted to run away haha but I made myself stay.  I decided to finish off by doing 10 mins on the bike.  I put it on level 5 so it was quite a bit of resistance.  I felt myself getting nauseous, but I told myself that I was going to finish the full 10 mins.  I was huffin and puffin, and this guy is over there on the treadmill running, he probably thought I was a weakling for being that out of breath from a bike.  I was hoping to walk outside and just breathe in deep and get some good fresh air, but someone was smoking a cigarette outside so that didn't happen, and it didn't help my nausea either!  I sipped on my water on my walk back to my apartments and made it upstairs....slowly but surely.  Finished off with a nice shower, and now I'm here. Thankfully I never actually threw up so YAY!

I was reading my past blog posts, and I have to say how good it made me feel.  This coming Monday the 16th will be my official 1st month mark since being on Herbalife, and I can honestly say that since being on it I've just become a better version of me.  I have more energy, I have SO much more restraint when it comes to food, I'm more active.  I mean a month ago I really didn't think I would be this person....I love it!  I do have to say that I feel like I have a pretty good support system and that is a HUGE thing.  Even tho my husband isn't necessarily right next to me at the gym, or doing all the things I'm doing, he still encourages me and makes sure I stay accountable.  And I thank every single one of you facebook buddies that has helped me too....even if it's just a small like on a status, it's still something.  I try not to be annoying, but it really does help when I post certain things on facebook, like if I'm at the gym or something silly like that.  I'm not trying to be that annoying person who is always posting about fitness, I never want to cram it down anyone's's just something simple that helps me stay motivated.  I'm still tempted with certain foods, but I've seen my progression in this as well.  In the beginning it was just so hard to wrap my head around just having 1 food meal a day, it was hard.  But now I honestly look forward to my shakes every day.  Don't get me wrong, I love to walk into the kitchen and just whip up something delicious for myself, but I also love easy.  It's so easy to make these shakes, I love how I know what I'm going to have and not have to put a lot of effort to prepare it.  I feel just as full as I would a regular meal, so I honestly don't feel like I'm missing out anymore.  So my advice to anyone who is doing Herbalife, or just changing their diet habits in general....STICK WITH IT. It's honestly so hard at first, and the struggle will continue, but honestly after 3 good weeks of sticking to it, it gets easier.  As time goes on it will continue to get easier It becomes a habit, part of your routine.  You don't think about it as much, or dread the idea of it at all anymore.  I know everyone's different with things, but this is coming from a person who never stuck to anything when it came to health and fitness.  Usually by this time I would have already quit, or I would've cheated a lot more then I have.  This is only the beginning for me, and I know there will be times where it's not so easy, but I'm going to keep going!  It's the only way to get to where I want to be.  It's either complain about my weight, and how crappy my body feels.  Or complain about how sore I am, and how I want that Fried cheese stick but can't have it.  I'll choose the 2nd part, but let's try to keep the cheese sticks out of my line of sight please :-)

Alright guys I'm going to go make me another shake, this will be my dinner.  It's late, but I decided to drink it after my workout since I usually get hungry after i workout anyways.  Now that my nausea is gone, it's time to get some shake in my belly!  Stay strong, stay motivated, and YOU CAN DO THIS.


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