Tuesday, March 31, 2015

1 week later...

I haven't posted here in a week :-S  I went to visit my mom, and I just got back yesterday so I wasn't able to post anything.  I've learned a lot about myself in the past week though, as far as my Herbalife routine and such.  One bad thing I've learned is that I seriously don't stick to my routine whenever I visit family, or have family visit.  Even though I try my hardest, it just doesn't happen like I think it will.  I thought I was going to do better visiting my mom, I even took my extra blender with me...all my Herbalife shakes and pills, my workout clothes, the whole sha-bang.  I did keep up with taking my pills at least, but I really didn't take my shakes as often as I needed to.  I would at least try to have 1 a day, but a few days that didn't even happen.

1 good thing I learned though, is that it is easier for me to make healthier food choices when I don't do my shakes.  I can't honestly say that I ate healthy EVERY SINCE MEAL, but for the most part I did.  Each meal I still ate half my portion as well, so I never over ate.   I also didn't workout every day like I had planned, but I did chase Skyla around a lot.  Sunday we went to my Grandparents for a cookout, and they live on an acre and a half of land.  Skyla was IN LOVE with all the space to run, and so she did.  They also have this barbie jeep, but the battery doesn't work, so I was the battery lol.  I would push it for the girls (Skyla, and my 2 nieces) at times I'd be running while doing it.  There was a lot of resistance, so I viewed that as a pretty good workout in itself.  We also explored a pond across the street so more walking.  All in all it made me felt like I had got a pretty good workout session in.

Today, now that I'm home, I was seriously not going to even weigh myself because I didn't want to see how much I had gained over the week.  I went ahead and did it anyway.....I hadn't gained anything!  I was so surprised!  I guess I shouldn't be because I still tried to stay active, and I made healthier choices in food.  I'm still at 200 lbs. though.  I just reeeeeallly want to get below that mark!  I have nowhere to go until May 3rd (Our cruise yaaaaay!)  So it's time to stay consistent in my workout and shakes.  

Side question.......Does anyone crave certain foods?  I swear I always seem to want cheese....like melty cheesy cheese,  or I  want french fries!  I've never craved those things as much as I have since being on my diet lol.

Ok I think that's all I have to update!  I just can't wait to get back on track, and see what I can accomplish between now and my cruise time!

Here you go....enjoy some pictures from Sunday :-)

1st Picture: Skyla with 2 of her cousins

2nd Picture:  Meet Ellie (Yellow Shirt, and Kinlie (Pink shirt)

 3rd Picture: That's Skyla with her other cousin Cylie on a big hill by the pond we explored (Ellie, Cylie, and Kinlie are all sisters)
4th Picture: This is Skyla with her Nana (My mommy)

SW: 208lbs
CW: 200 lbs
GW (For May 3rd): 190 lbs.

Cruise Countdown! - 4 weeks 5 days

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Sore as crap indeed

Today went so awesome!  I have to say I'm pretty dang proud of myself :-)  After I finished off my shake (which it was my first one of the day) even though it was at 12:30...oops...I went straight to the gym.  I was HOPING it was going to be an off time, and that no one would be there.  I was wrong, there were 2 guys in there this time.  Same weird guy from yesterday, and another even weirder guy with him.  One guy was actually working out, the  other one was just sitting on the bike on his phone and other times staring.  Honestly when I walked in I wanted to just say "Nope" and turn right back around.  Thankfully the treadmill was free, so that was the first thing I did (I'll post my workout routine, and playlist's at the end just in case anyone wants to know :-)  I almost think I went harder because they were there, because I honestly didn't want to look like a little weak woman.  Either way, today was cardio and arms and my arms are soooooooo sore!  It's very hard to even raise them right now lol.

After my workout I walked home, which felt wonderful because it was in the 70's, sun was shining, it was warm but not super hot.  My apartment building is about a block and a half distance from the gym, so it's a pretty good walk back home.  Then I gathered our trash real quick and took it to dumpster on my way to the office so I could drop rent check off. That's another block in the opposite direction.  So all in all I did 30 mins cardio today, so I was super excited about that!  It's been my goal to at least do that each time.

When I got home from dropping check off I sat down and totally realized how tired I was!  I had to sit for a few minutes then got my booty up to take a shower, drink my 2nd shake,  and get ready for date night with the hubs.  Date night was awesome!  We went to a place that's kind of like Main Event, but more geared toward adults.  There were still kids there, but it wasn't busy at all, so we were able to eat dinner, and then enjoy getting our inner kid on, and play games.

After today I realized how much better it would be if I could always work out during the day instead of later in evening.  I have more energy, and I know I can spend more time with Eusevio in evening.  I think what I'll do is at least take Skyla to the park or something and chase her around so I can at least get some cardio during the day.  Then 3 days a week I'll still go to gym in evening, but it'd only be for strength training.  I'm sure I'll figure out something!  I'm getting super sleepy, so I'm going to wrap this up.  Until tomorrow!!


                                                           Workout Routine Today:
15 Mins. Treadmill
30 Mins. Arms
10 Mins. Treadmill
10ish Mins. Cadio from walking to Apt. then to the office, and back to my Apt.

                                                            Workout Playlist:
Fast Songs:
Centuries - Fall Out Boy
Chop Suey - System of a Down
Deja Vu - Beyonce
Immortals - Fall Out Boy
This Ain't a Scene. It's an Arms Race - F.O.B
Thnks fr Th Mmrs - F.O.B
Time to Dance - Panic! at the Disco
Toxicity - System of a Down
Shut Up and Down - Walk the Moon

Slower Pace:
Earned It - The Weekend
Promise - Usher & Romeo
Chains - Nick Jonas

Those songs are just from what I had on my phone.  I just got a new phone, so I don't have very many at all.  I downloaded a lot of songs too, but I found out that most of them were not the right type.  So this is what was left!  I have to sit down and download tons more.  But these did the trick for me today at least.  I'm always open to other people's playlist.  I'll always be looking for songs to download to keep it mixed up!

Monday, Funday

I would say that yesterday was good and not so good.  I did my shakes, and took my pills, and had 2 teas (spaced out apart I assure you)  I was able to half-way catch up on laundry and organize some stuff around the house, and then it hit me  BOOM  major headache.

If you don't like to listen to nitty gritty stuff, skip this paragraph!
Ok so after my breakfast shake I had my tea as usual, and as usual it made me go to the bathroom.  That time was fine, but after that time, I started having Diarrhea :-(   Gross I know....and I even expected it because I knew my body had to detox from the past half week.  It wasn't easy though, because I had a huge headache, I had the runs, and then I had the huge desire to just go to the gym.  I knew I wouldn't be able to do during that whole time though, so I just tried to focus on my house work first.

Ok passed all the nitty gritty....
Between lunch and dinner I ate some almonds, because I still had my headache, and I was thinking I needed something since I wasn't keeping anything in.  It kind of made my head feel better.  Hubs texted me and was saying how pumped he was to go to the gym, and I honestly thought I would be up to it since all things had subsided, so when he got off at 6, we just went straight to the gym.  There were 2 people in there, a girl and guy.  The girl was on the treadmill (Hey that's mine! Lol)  and the dude was warming up with some martial arts stuff....I don't really know what that was he was doing, but I thought he was weird haha.  Seeing as how my beloved treadmill was taken, I decided to warm up on the bike.  I was able to do that for 10 minutes, but that's all I could do!  It was so stuffy in there, no air flow at all...my head started pounding like crazy.  I had to get out of there or else I'm sure I would've thrown up everywhere.  Eusevio and I decided to just walk in the fresh air around our apartment complex, which is pretty dang big.  So I at least got some cardio in.  We ended up eating subway to keep the meal light and somewhat healthy.

I'm just hoping today is going to be better.  I feel like yesterday was detox day, and hoping today is recover day!  I have so much more to do on my house, but I've already decided that after I finish my lunch shake and tea (which I'm downing right now)  I'm gonna go straight to the gym and go hard!  Eusevio and I are going on a date tonight, yaaaaaaaay, so I just know that I won't work out this evening.  I'm also hoping no one will be in the gym at this off time, so that I can have access to all my machines.  I felt so guilty for not being able to do anything yesterday at the gym, but Eusevio kept assuring me that I still did cardio, and that it wasn't my fault that my head was hurting so much.  I love how he always makes me feel better when I'm so down on myself!

Ok so I should get off here so I can drink my tea and get ready to go to the gym!  Wish me well, I'm sure I'll be sore as crap


Sunday, March 22, 2015

I dub this week.....REDEMPTION WEEK

I don't even know where to start....
I was just so bad from Wednesday-Today (Sunday)  I can count on 1 hand how many shakes I had during that time, and can count on 2 how many bad meals I've had.  Like, fried chicken with mashed potatoes bad meals.  I feel like if it was just my mom visiting, I would've had more of will power to say no to eating out, and just having my shake and healthy meals.  With my nephew here I felt like I had to do everything to entertain him constantly.  I didn't want him to be bored, so if him and my mom wanted to go out and eat, I'd say ok and go with them because I also didn't want to be left out.  I didn't eat bad food each time I ate, I still tried to at least keep some meals healthy.

My mom took Skyla back home with her, and she'll be with her until I go pick her up Wednesday, so I officially declare this redemption week!  I will have 3 full days where I can be home to make sure I do my shakes, and I will be able to go to the gym during the day so I don't have to wait until late evening to go.  Eusevio even said he wants to go to gym with me, so I quite possibly will be working out twice a day.  I plan on going hard Mon-Wed.  I know I'll be able to stick with my shakes and healthy meals.  I'm actually super excited to start taking my shakes again, because my body is starting to feel heavy, and greasy.  Greasy sounds like a weird word, because it's not like I'm oozing grease out of my body, but I just feel like I've been eating too many greasy fried foods and it makes me feel gross.

My nephew was the BIGGEST terd to me this whole time about taking my shakes and eating healthy.  I mentioned before that he's only 16 so I really don't expect him to understand this whole process, but he had something to say about it EVERY DAY.  My husband and mom kept saying how proud they were of me for doing it, and for eating healthier meals, but still when someone is so negative so often it kind of gets you down.  Not down because I feel bad for going this route, but just I guess any negativity rubs off on me easily.

I might be sore as crap these next few days, but I need to push myself over the edge this time and get my butt jump started.  I wasted a week on non-sense so I need to get back on track and keep working towards my goal!

I'll let ya know how all this is going ;-)


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Give me the strength to make it through this week!

Getting through this week is going to be harder than I imagined!  Yesterday I didn't have any shake at all because I had stayed the night at my nephew's house, and I was going to come back home the next day.  I tried to eat healthier stuff to make up for it though.  I did make myself a tea, and take my pills when I got home, because I could just feel my body retaining all the water and bad stuff.  I needed to give it a flush!  Today I did wake up and have a shake, as everyone else went to Taco Bueno.  The smell of the food made me feel a little sad, but I was full from my shake, so it was kind of easy to not want that food.

My nephew is a terd though haha, he's actually making fun of me for being on a "diet".  Of course he's 16, and a skinny tall dude.  He doesn't know the struggle or emotional roller coaster I've been through with my weight, and he might never know.  Thankfully my mom is right behind him saying how proud she is of me, and that helps.  I can honestly say I've never had someone make fun of me for trying to make better food choices, but he is 16 soooooo I try not to take it too personally :-)

I just know this week will be hard, because my mom and nephew have already shot down all the healthy meals I had planned.  So I'll have to redo my menu, and try to find something that still isn't super bad but that'll please them.  My mom did say she wouldn't mind going to the gym with me though, so I'm going to take this and run with it!  I'll love to have a gym buddy, and it'll help me actually go.

I probably won't blog again until the end of the week....so I'll let you guys know how everything goes!  Wish me luck :-)


Monday, March 16, 2015

It's been 5 days!

Man I kind of dropped the blogging ball didn't I?  I guess  I haven't blogged as much, because I haven't really done much lately.  Thursday, the day after my last workout, I was so sore I decided to rest up a bit, and I was supposed to do cardio only that night when my hubby got home.  Well....he ended up getting off super late, and by that time I had to eat dinner finnnnnaallly (I admit I was a little hangry by then lol it was late).  After all was said and done I didn't end up going because it was really late at night, and I had to put Skyla to sleep and go to sleep myself.  Friday I already knew I wasn't going to be able to workout because I had to go dress shopping for a wedding we were going to that Saturday.  I think it worked out pretty well anyway, because we walked around for a few hours, so I got some cardio in!  Saturday we went to a wedding, which I made sure to do all my Herbalife stuff in the morning before I left.  I didn't eat much at the wedding, and they had chicken and beef fajitas so I only ate a couple chicken ones and felt satisfied.  I didn't even eat cake, and if you know me, you know I NEVER pass up cake!  It just wasn't a temptation for me.  I got my dance on a few times, which spanish dancing I think burns WAY more calories than other kinds of styles.  I felt my hips and legs burn lol.  Sunday was great as far as sticking to my shakes and healthy meals.  Eusevio did everything with me too, so that was awesome!  He's set a goal before the cruise as far as weight loss too, and I'm glad he has so we can support each other to a fuller extent.

I'll need tons of help this week though!  My mom and my nephew are coming over and staying Wed-Sun.  to visit.  It always gets harder when you have company. because it's not just your mouth to feed....it's 2 more people that have 2 totally different taste buds and likes.  I'll need a lot of restraint, and a lot of will power to keep going to the gym.  I still haven't been consistent on the gym going, and I need to buckle down and go so I can amp up my results!  I reluctantly stepped on the scale today and I weighed the same as last time 200 lbs even....It's not a bad thing at all, but I know I can do better with becoming more active.  So, I'm setting a goal for this week.  My goal weight for next Monday is 197lbs  I want to be finally under that 200 mark, and I really think with sticking to the Herbalife schedule, and working out will help me get to that point!  I don't know if losing 3 lbs in a week is attainable, but I'm sure as heck going to try it!  I'm going to set my goal weight for next month as well!  I've been against this to a point, because I think I'm just afraid of disappointing myself if I don't reach it.  I've just been so happy and thankful that I've lost anything, I just don't want to get into a situation that I ever feel disappointed for any of this.  But I think it's more of a motivator to set a goal, because I'll be working hard as I can to get there!  So here it goes....
Starting weight: 208lbs
Current weight:  200lbs
Goal weight for 4/16/15: 185lbs

I do believe 15 lbs in 1 month is completely attainable!  It's going to be up to me to amp up my consistency in my gym visits & just keep making sure I'm sticking to my Herbalife regime.   Let me know if you're going to the gym too!  I'll help motivate you, and maybe you can help me :-)

Until next time bloggers!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I feel like throwing up!

I just came back from my workout about 20 mins ago, and I still feel nauseous from it!  I didn't go to the gym yesterday because I ended up rearranging my living room, and for those who have seen my entertainment center...type...thing....I really wouldn't call it that lol, it's just this huge thing our t.v. sits on.   It's big, and it weighs A LOT!  I did some deep cleaning, and then I moved that huge thing across the living room.  Doesn't sound like much, but all in all it was a couple hour ordeal, and I was sweating big time.  My arms were so sore afterwards too.  I didn't even want to cook dinner, but I mustered up to the strength to.  It was a super easy dinner, turkey kielbasa with whole wheat pasta and homemade spicy marinara sauce.  It was delicious and sorta healthy. 

I've been trying to get Skyla on a better sleeping schedule, so we've been putting her to bed around 11:30 (trust me we start earlier) but usually if she goes to sleep at that time, she'll wake up around 8:30 or 9:00 the next morning.  This is an adjustment for me as well since I'm used to sleeping in until 10:30 or 11:00, but I've found it easier to get up in the mornings now.  I'll get up, get Skyla her morning milk and put on Tarzan for her, per her request because I'm a cool mom like that ;-), then i go in make her breakfast as I'm making my morning shake.  We both have our breakfast in the morning together and it's a good start to the day!  

Let's reel it into today...I had my morning shake around 10:00.   Then I decided to have my "real food" meal for lunch instead of dinner.  I treated myself to delivery :-)  I got this lunch special from a local cafe, and I'm so glad I did because it was delicious!  It came with Soup, salad, and sandwhich.  I got the potato soup, which was about 1 cup measurement, Ceasar salad about 1 1/2 cups worth, and chicken salad sandwhich which was a panini I think and it was about half a sandwhich.  It was all so good and light and didn't make me feel bad for eating it.  As I mentioned at the beginning, I did go to the gym today and I amped up my workout!  I started with 15 mins on treadmill, and then I just focused on my arms today.  So as you can imagine, my arms are super sore right now and I'm glad I don't have to lift them to type because this blog entry wouldn't be happening if I did.  I also did 100 reps on the ab machine with 90lbs resistance.  I did 50 reps, took a little water break, then finished the other 50.  It was hard, but my goal today was to push my limits today.  After those I got on the elliptical to see how long I could last on that sucker.  I only lasted 5 minutes!  Laugh if you want, but the machine was an older one and it wasn't sturdy, I had to lean back to make it not shake when I did it.  Plus, that same guy came in to workout again!  I seriously wanted to run away haha but I made myself stay.  I decided to finish off by doing 10 mins on the bike.  I put it on level 5 so it was quite a bit of resistance.  I felt myself getting nauseous, but I told myself that I was going to finish the full 10 mins.  I was huffin and puffin, and this guy is over there on the treadmill running, he probably thought I was a weakling for being that out of breath from a bike.  I was hoping to walk outside and just breathe in deep and get some good fresh air, but someone was smoking a cigarette outside so that didn't happen, and it didn't help my nausea either!  I sipped on my water on my walk back to my apartments and made it upstairs....slowly but surely.  Finished off with a nice shower, and now I'm here. Thankfully I never actually threw up so YAY!

I was reading my past blog posts, and I have to say how good it made me feel.  This coming Monday the 16th will be my official 1st month mark since being on Herbalife, and I can honestly say that since being on it I've just become a better version of me.  I have more energy, I have SO much more restraint when it comes to food, I'm more active.  I mean a month ago I really didn't think I would be this person....I love it!  I do have to say that I feel like I have a pretty good support system and that is a HUGE thing.  Even tho my husband isn't necessarily right next to me at the gym, or doing all the things I'm doing, he still encourages me and makes sure I stay accountable.  And I thank every single one of you facebook buddies that has helped me too....even if it's just a small like on a status, it's still something.  I try not to be annoying, but it really does help when I post certain things on facebook, like if I'm at the gym or something silly like that.  I'm not trying to be that annoying person who is always posting about fitness, I never want to cram it down anyone's throat....it's just something simple that helps me stay motivated.  I'm still tempted with certain foods, but I've seen my progression in this as well.  In the beginning it was just so hard to wrap my head around just having 1 food meal a day, it was hard.  But now I honestly look forward to my shakes every day.  Don't get me wrong, I love to walk into the kitchen and just whip up something delicious for myself, but I also love easy.  It's so easy to make these shakes, I love how I know what I'm going to have and not have to put a lot of effort to prepare it.  I feel just as full as I would a regular meal, so I honestly don't feel like I'm missing out anymore.  So my advice to anyone who is doing Herbalife, or just changing their diet habits in general....STICK WITH IT. It's honestly so hard at first, and the struggle will continue, but honestly after 3 good weeks of sticking to it, it gets easier.  As time goes on it will continue to get easier It becomes a habit, part of your routine.  You don't think about it as much, or dread the idea of it at all anymore.  I know everyone's different with things, but this is coming from a person who never stuck to anything when it came to health and fitness.  Usually by this time I would have already quit, or I would've cheated a lot more then I have.  This is only the beginning for me, and I know there will be times where it's not so easy, but I'm going to keep going!  It's the only way to get to where I want to be.  It's either complain about my weight, and how crappy my body feels.  Or complain about how sore I am, and how I want that Fried cheese stick but can't have it.  I'll choose the 2nd part, but let's try to keep the cheese sticks out of my line of sight please :-)

Alright guys I'm going to go make me another shake, this will be my dinner.  It's late, but I decided to drink it after my workout since I usually get hungry after i workout anyways.  Now that my nausea is gone, it's time to get some shake in my belly!  Stay strong, stay motivated, and YOU CAN DO THIS.


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How was your Monday?

I didn't post Sunday OR Monday!  What's wrong with me :-O  Sunday I really didn't do anything special though, so I'm not too mad about it.  Yesterday I seriously meant to post in the evening, but evening came fast, and before I knew it I was in bed.  So I'll just share some of the main things in the past couple days.

Saturday I was on a high from workout and finding out my weight and everything so I was excited to get in the gym Sunday and keep the momentum going.....well that didn't happen.  We ended up putting off our grocery shopping for Sunday, so that's what we did.  Our grocery shopping consisted of going to Sam's Club and Kroger.  Which in between we had to unload the stuff from Sam's because our car isn't the biggest, so we couldn't fit it all.  I did have a shake in the morning before we did all this, but for lunch I took my hubby to this cute little Italian restaurant I discovered when I first moved here to Plano.  I took my Thermobond (my cheat pill) so it would help get rid of the majority of bad fats that I was eating.  I tried to eat pretty good though.  I started with a salad, which I only ate half, if not less than that.  Then  I ordered a dish that had Orechiette pasta, with spicy sausage, zucchini, and broccoli, and only ate 1/3 of it.  So as far as meals go I think that I could've done worse :-)  I did throw everything out the window and ordered some Creme Brule :-S  Thankfully my hubby shared with me so I only ate half of it. We did have lunch in between grocery shopping trips, so at least I got to walk it off after we ate.  That's almost a must for me every time I eat, I feel like I have to walk it off somewhere! After all was said and done it was pretty late in evening, and seeing as how we walked a lot during the day I decided not to go to gym.  I did have a shake for dinner too, which honestly I almost didn't have one, but it was the most convenient (thankfully) so I made it!

Yesterday I had a good plan for the gym!  Eusevio was  supposed to get off at 6, and dinner wasn't going to be ready until 8.  So I had my workout clothes on and everything, waiting for him to get home so I could just go straight to the gym and be back before dinner.  Well....none of that happened :(  I ended dealing with an upset stomach yesterday, so I couldn't be far from the bathroom.  Eusevio didn't get home until 8.  I was genuinely upset that I wasn't able to go.  I kept trying to make myself think that I was fine enough to go, but my stomach would remind me that I wasn't.  I was probably bugging Eusevio about it, because I just kept saying, "Man I feel horrible that I'm not at the gym right now!"  He kept having to remind me that it wasn't because I didn't want to, but because I literally couldn't because of my stomach.  I still feel guilty though!  But today my stomach feels better, so you know I'm going to be in that gym!!!

Now for my shakes, I've been having my Cookies N' Cream for my breakfast shake, and my Chocolate one for lunch.  It's taken me a few trial and errors, but I finally found out how to make the Cookies N' Cream taste good and smooth.  I've been putting more ice in my shakes to make it a little bit thicker, since I haven't had any bananas to put in to make it thick.  But the way it was working out was that the ice would kind of turn into this slush, and so when I put the powder mix in there, it wouldn't mix all the way so it was really gritty, and I didn't like it as much.  I finally figured to just put a couple ice cubes, blend it really well, then I add the Cookies N' Cream healthy meal mix, then the chocolate protein mix.  I like the combo of those 2 together, makes it taste super yummy!

I'm still loving this mango aloe concentrate!  I've gotten to where I actually enjoy sipping on my tea, like you normally would a tea, instead of just chugging it down as fast as you can!  I bought 2 Herbalife shaker cups from Ebay, so I have 1 for my shake, and 1 for my tea.  As soon as I'm done with my shake, I'll go in and grab my Tea and just sip on it til it's gone :-)

Yesterday I made Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Quinoa for dinner.  It was really good, felt really meaty, even though it didn't have a ton of meat in it!  It's something I'll for sure make again, but to me it's more of a filling for something.  I should've heated up some tortillas, or it would even be a good bell pepper filling!  I just had some tortilla chips with it, and it was delicious!

I think I'm slowly getting Eusevio to join me in taking Herbalife!  I don't know if he'll do the shakes, but since I ordered new products sooner, I still had about half my pills left.  He went ahead and took them to his work so he could take them there.  On the weekends he'll have a shake with me for breakfast, or lunch.  The other day he even took before pictures so he could keep track of his weight loss.  So it makes me feel awesome that we're both in it together!  Whether he decides to do Herbalife full on or not, he supports me in it and he is trying to lose a little as well for the cruise.  So we're both trying to get to our goal.  Although I don't think he needs to lose weight, but you know, that's just me!

Well I think that's about it, I promise I won't forget to post later today ;-)

Here's the recipe link for the dinner I made:
I totally forgot to take a picture of my meal, but this is just the picture that comes up on Pinterest when you look up this meal.  It looked the same any way


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Did I lose weight, or not?

I officially got my scale in the mail yesterday!  It was an exciting, yet scary moment.  So many thoughts ran through my head like, "What if I haven't lost any weight?"  "What if I've actually GAINED weight?"  I was making myself anxious for some reason.  I know I said that I was going to wait and weigh myself until this morning, but I just couldn't wait!!  The results.....I've lost 8lbs!  I was so happy to see that!  I have been doing Herbalife for 3 weeks straight now, so in those 3 weeks I've lost 8 lbs.  It's so nice to see that my hard work has been paying off.  I celebrated by finally breaking the ice and working out in my apartment gym.  My hubby went with me to just check it out, and I think it's going to be easy to keep going!  There's not a ton of machines, but I think they have the exact ones I need.  They also have a T.V. with cable in there which I was excited because I'm weird and I like to watch t.v. while working out instead of listening to music.  It keeps my attention focused on it as opposed to music which I can lose my attention span pretty easy with it.  

So for my workout yesterday I did a little bit of everything...cardio, arms, abs, and legs.  I just wanted to get my stats on everything like what weight I was able to do, how many reps. That way I can keep track of my progress and see how much I can build on it.  There was a few machines I didn't try out simply because someone else came into the gym, and I got all anxiety ridden and I just decided to leave.  I had already worked out for 45 min. though, so I felt it was an ok time to leave.  I need to get passed my fear of being around people! Especially if they're there doing the same thing I am, getting fit.  I think it'll happen soon enough...I hope.  Anywho, the workout went better than I thought!  I'm really sore today, but it's a good sore.  The only machine that I sort of struggled on was the Leg Extenstions....the one where you lay down on your belly and curl the weight upwards....yea I found out that muscle sucks lol.  I was only able to do 20lbs. and 30 reps.  I cut them into 10 rep increments though.  The last 10 reps were so hard!  I just kept telling myself to push through and finish it up.  I seriously thought I was going to have a muscle cramp after that, but I didn't!  I was able to do 10 mins. on treadmill, which I wish I would've done more, because at the time I thought I was going to finish up my workout by doing 10 mins. on elliptical, but that person came in and used the treadmill which is right next to the elliptical, so that's when I chickened and and just left :-/    Next time though I plan on doing 15 mins. treadmill, the rounds of all the other arm and leg machines, then finish up with 10 mins. of elliptical.  I haven't done elliptical in a VERY long time, so I'm hoping to work up to a longer time on it, but to start out I'll do 10 mins. 

After my workout I was pretty hungry, I tried eating some almonds, but they weren't cutting it.  So I decided to make myself a shake.  I'm glad I did because it hit the spot, and didn't make me feel guilty for having it!  Yesterday Eusevio told me he was super proud of me for everything I've been doing, and the commitment I've had to all of this.  I know it sounds dumb, but that really made me feel sooooo good!  You know those people who strive to gain acceptance and approval from whomever they look up to, yea I felt like that.  I never feel like I have to gain his approval, but ever since I've known him, he's been the one to be health conscious and be super active and try his hardest to make good food choices.  Me on the other hand almost fought him on it! I always had the attitude that I never wanted to restrict myself, that I wanted to be happy, and good food made me happy.  Well now that I'm making better choices, and am being active, I can tell I'm making him proud and that just makes me feel really good about myself.  

Today is grocery day!  I've already got my list of healthy recipes for the week, so it'll be easier to stick to eating good :-)   Until tomorrow guys!

Starting weight: 208lbs
Current weight: 200lbs

Saturday, March 7, 2015

I'm so pumped!

I'm on a high from yesterday, so I'm sorry if I seem overly excited for little things lol.  Yesterday was a great day all around! Eusevio and I got to spend all day together, even if it was just running errands, so that always makes me excited, but I also got a few new things that makes me happy.

I'll start from the beginning of the day...
So I woke up pretty early in the morning because I was supposed to meet my mom at the DFW airport, she was flying to MI. and her flight took her there, and was going to have a 1 1/2 hour layover.  That's only 30 min. from me so I thought it was perfect!  I miss my mom, and I live 4 hours away from her, so any chance I get to see her, I take it!  Well after waking up super early I learned that her flight had changed and that she wasn't coming to Dallas :-(, but I couldn't go back to sleep because this was her first time on a plane, and my anxiety was kind of going crazy!  So I decided to get on up and get ready for the day.  Now I didn't have any shakes yesterday, but when I got up I took my pills.  I didn't take my tea either because I was reeeeeally craving coffee, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to drink the tea on top of that since it has caffeine in it.  I didn't want to be a jittery chatter box lol.  My hubby and I were out pretty much allllll day.  I didn't eat too healthy, but I didn't eat a lot either.  It's so easy to do portion control now, because I get full so fast! I was surprised that I was able to be full on so little because I didn't take my pills the rest of the day.  I guess my stomach has gotten used to smaller portions *Hallelujah*

Yesterday I had made plans to go to the gym, but I wasn't expecting to be out so late, so I didn't end up going.  Buuuuuuuut when we were at the mall, we walked around for atleast 1 1/2 straight, no sitting down what-so-ever, and at some times during that I was carrying Skyla.  So I'd consider that a good cardio session :-)  There's a store called Six-02, and it's nothing but workout clothes for women, I totally hit that store up!  I've never actually bought legit workout clothes for myself, I usually just wear baggy clothes I have around.  I didn't mind spending a little on these things to make myself feel good while working out, and some were essential, like the sports bra.  Gotta keep my ladies in check while working out haha.  So that really fueled my workout fire for sure!  I will say though, it was kind hard being at the mall.  They have a lot of mirrors there, and I would try to avoid looking at myself as per usual, but I couldn't help but catch a glimpse.  I just don't like looking at myself, because I'm just ashamed of what I look like.  But that just fueled my fire more!  It's also hard being married to someone like Eusevio, who has a great build.  He is an inch shorter, and a lot thinner than me, so it makes me feel THAT much bigger.  It also sucks because he looks good in everything, and I just feel like I'm not attractive, and he's nothing but attractive.  Self esteem issues kicking in I know,  but it's hard not to feel this way when you've let yourself go for so long.  It's time to change, and I'm in the process of doing it!  So far I feel great, and I can slowly feel some self esteem coming back, so  that's good in itself :-)

When we got home I noticed a present left on my front porch, my new shipment of Herbalife came in!!! I get excited about these things....I know I know....judge if you will.  I also noticed the toll walking took on my back and legs.  Of course I didn't expect to go to the mall, or even walk that long, so I didn't wear the right shoes.  I have flat feet so really I need to wear shoes with arches all the time, but I'm a rebel and I don't listen....I was bad and wore flats.  It wasn't good for me at all!  Thankfully my awesome hubby gave me a leg and lower back massage, which was an instant relief! My next purchase will be some more shoes for my workout.  I only have 1 pair, and I got them years ago...for some reason my feet grew after I gave birth, so they fit kind of snug.

So....I have 8 weeks and 1 day until we leave for our cruise!  I'm so excited but it totally made me realize that I need to tighten up my regime and start getting it into gear on a higher level!  I'm going to make sure I stick to having 2 shakes a day along with all my pills.  I'm also cutting out all my "cheat meals".  I realize that there are going to be times where I'll be going out to eat, but I'm just going to eat the healthiest thing on the menu, instead of whatever I want or sounds good.  I'm also going to be sure to work out at the gym 5 days a week.  I can't really say how much  I want to lose in the 8 week period, because I don't know what's healthy or even attainable, so I'm just going to say my goal is to lose as much weight as I possibly can within that time frame.  It may be 10lbs, it may be 20lbs, either way, I'll weigh less then I do now, and that'll make me feel great knowing my hard work is paying off!

New Herbalife products:
I got a few new herbalife products this time.  Mango flavored Herbal Aloe Concentrate, and Thermo-Bond.  The aloe concentrate is a clear liquid that you can add to any drink you wish.  I decided to add it to my Tea.  The purpose of it is to help with your digestive health.  A lot of people has said it has helped with their digestive issues, and helps relieve some indigestion.  If you look up info. about it, it'll say the key benefits of it is to sooth the stomach, support healthy digestion, relieve occasional indigestion, and supports nutrient absorption and intestinal health.  I took it for the first time this morning with my Tea.  It was so delicious!!  I've been having to add honey to my tea to make it drinkable, but I don't have to add anything else to it anymore, just this Mango Aloe concentrate!

Now the Thermo-Bond contains Fiber needed.  This helps with regularity in the bathroom, but it also helps absorb the fat you need, and eliminates the fat you don't need.  I was told this is kind of like the cheat pill, if you do plan on eating something that's not good for you, take these before your meal, and it'll help break down the bad fats and helps you not absorb them.  I bought this before my whole "go hard plan" lol but I will take them still if I feel like I can't have the strength to resist certain foods.  Or I may take them once a day to see how they make me feel in other ways.  It says you can take 1 tablet up to 6 times a day, but I really doubt I'd take it that much.  I may take it before I eat my regular food meal just to give me that extra umph.  We'll have to see about this one!

I also got a new shake flavor!  Cookies N' Cream healthy meal mix, and vanilla protein mix.  It was nice to have a different flavor shake this morning.  I have to admit the cookies n' cream tasted pretty good!  I just had it straight, no special add ins or anything.  I do need to mix it longer in the blender tho, because it has a tendency to be a little grainy if I don't get it all mixed up very well.  I think my blender is seeing it's day, because it's not even mixing my ice very well, good thing I bought a new one ;-)
I checked the tracking on my scale and I should be getting it today!  So I'll officially weigh myself tomorrow morning when I wake up, because I hear that's the best time to get the most accurate reading of your weight, and I'll post what the official weigh in is!  Cross your fingers it's less than 208!

Until tomorrow

Back Row(Left to Right):
 Vanilla Protein Mix - 1 Tbsp. per shake
Cookies N' Cream Healthy Meal Mix - 2 Tbsp. per shake
Chocolate Healthy Meal Mix - 2 Tbsp. per shake
Mango Herbal Aloe Concentrate - 3 cap fulls per drink (I only plan to have 2 drinks a day since I add it to my tea)

Bottom Row(Left to Right)
Cell Activator - Take 1 pill 3 times a day with shake/meal
Raspberry Herbal Tea Concentrate - 1/2 Teaspoon w/at least 8 oz of water ( I take this twice a day, 1 in the morning, and 1 in afternoon)
Thermo-Bond - Take 1 pill up to 6x a day before meal (Like I said before, I will probably just take this before dinner meal)
Total Control - 1 Pill 3 times a day with shake/meal
Cell-U-Loss - 1 Pill 3 times a day with shake/meal
Aminogen - 1 pill once a day (I choose to take this before my regular food meal, so it'll help with the break down of proteins.

There's all the things I take from Herbalife! It's been helping me feel great so far, so I'm super happy with it :-)  

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hard times

So lately it seems like I've been having a hard time sticking to my daily routine!  I don't know what is up with me, but I seem to be in a funk and I can't shake it off.  My depression has been bad for past week, and it's really throwing me off.  I've only had 2 shakes a day for 2 days this past week.  I haven't been eating or anything instead of shake, I just won't eat anything at all.  Which I know that's not good, because come dinner time, I'm really hungry and I seem to be eating more then, even with my appetite control.  I don't think it helped that it was shark week either (aunt flow, time of the month, whatever you like to call it ;) I was told I was going to get kind of tired of 1 flavor of shake, and I haven't been so far, but I'm really excited to get my new products in from Herbalife because I think I am ready to shake things up a bit *pun intended* 

I officially got the gym key to the little gym my apartment complex has, but I haven't gone yet.  I don't know what I'm afraid of, but I just have stopped myself each time.  Of course yesterday I didn't go because it was sleeting and snowing so I just reeeeeally didn't feel like getting out in it.  Tonight I'm really not feeling it either  WHY!!!   I swear I have more energy during the day, but I just can't do my cardio during the day.  So any words of encouragement would help me out so much!  I'm already planning on going tomorrow  Eusevio's off work, and so I'll be able to go workout sooner.  I'm planning on getting my song playlist together tonight so I'll be all set!  Wish me luck....I may just throw up lol.  It's been a really long time since I've done a workout like this, I'm excited but not looking forward to the soreness.  I swear I'm like an old lady, my hips and legs always get so sore after doing long cardio time.  I have flat feet which doesn't help, I wear good shoes, but it still hurts when I'm on my feet a long period of time.  Maybe my husband will strip my muscles afterward ...hint hint :-P

I'm still waiting on my scale...I don't think I've been this excited to get a scale.  I just think that being able to see progress is a HUGE motivator.  I'm not the kind of person that will weigh herself every day, but I'm definitely going to do it every week.  I've been taking weekly pictures, and I can tell a difference in my waist.  Unfortunately my boobs have gone down too. NOOOOOOOO not the boobs haha.  I'm actually not too sad about this.  Before I gained all my weight I had a size A cup, right now I'm a DD.  Well I actually think I'm just a D now because my bra (that I just bought by the way, yea sucks) is fitting a little big.  I've looked up exercises to do to perk up my boobs, and keep my booty.  Those are 2 things I don't want to go flat on!  Gotta keep that junk in the trunk ;-)  

I don't have the recipe for what I'm making for dinner tonight because I kind of just threw it together, but if you just really want to know comment, and I'll let you know what I did.  I made hamburger steak with brown gravy, grilled asparagus, and peas for the lil one.  It's cooking as we speak, so I do need to get to it, make sure it doesn't burn!

Alrighty guys, until next blog


Sunday, March 1, 2015

So....How'd I do this weekend??

I have to say  that I'm pretty proud of myself for my weekend restraints!  I did waaaaaaay better than last weekend.  I had a lot of opportunities to mess up, but I really didn't want to feel like I did last Saturday so it was hard.....but I resisted!  So let me walk you through my weekend....

Saturday we were invited to go to a friend's house to watch a mini marathon of House of Cards, not my cup of tea, but I went for the association haha.  I was excited but nervous at the same time, because my friend is an AWESOME cook!  She really knows her way around the kitchen, and doesn't skimp on the flavor.  I was a little worried about what she was going to make because I knew I wasn't going to be able to resist it.  I had my lunch shake, tea, and pills, and then packed up some for my trip over there so I could be sure and at least take those before I ate.  To my surprise and happiness, she ended up making Tortilla Soup, which was pretty healthy and still tasted sooooooo good!  Thanks to my tea and pills, I was able to be satisfied with 1 bowl of it :-)  I think everyone else had at least 2, my hubby having 3 (not judging).  When we left it was pretty late, and my hubby and his friend were getting hungry, so they decided to stop by Jack in the Box.  The food looked good to me, but I had to resist it!!! It was soooooo hard, even tho their food isn't really that great tasting.  I do admit that I ate 1 chicken nugget and a few fries from Skyla's kids meal, but I'll take that over a big greasy meal any day.  We had rode with our friends over to our other friend's house, so when we got back to their house, we still had to drive home.  I have to admit that I had the BIGGEST urge to drive to In & Out burger and just order animal style and be happy, but it took a lot of restraint from me and the encouraging, but annoying words from my hubby haha.  I tell him to help me but sometimes get aggrivated that he's telling me not to do something....makes complete sense right?  Oh to be a woman..... ANYwho, I was able to resist and just go straight home and go to sleep.

Sunday *today* my husband wanted to have a shake and take my pills along with me.  I don't know why, but I got all excited to share this with him.  Maybe it just made me feel good that I wasn't the only one having a shake instead of food.  Either way it was nice, and I could tell it made him feel good.  Our dinner choice wasn't super healthy, but I kind of didn't mind since I restrained so much over weekend.  We had Fuzzy's taco, and I had a Grilled Chicken sandwhich, which is pretty much a Torta.  It was delicious! If you have a Fuzzy's in your area, go try it, you won't regret it!  I'm still so full from dinner, and that was 3 hours ago!

 I ordered a scale, and  I'm super excited to get it in so I can weigh myself.  I haven't weighed since starting Herbalife, so I'm so curious to see if there are any changes to my body.  I've also decided to go ahead and get the key to our little gym here at our apartment complex.  You're probably wondering why I haven't already...well I'll tell ya.  I was looking into getting a regular gym membership that had childcare in it so that I could workout during the day without it cutting into any evening time with my hubby.  Eusevio gets off work late (between 7-10) So I usually try to spend as much time with him as I possibly can.  If I decide to workout here at this gym, I couldn't do it until Eusevio got home to watch Skyla, which would cut into the time I get to spend with him.  But after looking at gym prices and child care in those gyms, it would just be cheaper to workout at the gym here.  I may have to sacrifice a little time with Eusevio, but it won't be too much.  Maybe one of these days I'll have the energy to wake up early in the morning before he goes to work.........yea right ;-)  

I don't know if I mentioned this before, but in May we're all going on a cruise!  This really is a big reason why I'm so determined to lose weight in a few month time period, because I want to look good by then!  I know I won't be super skinny, or even close to my goal weight by then, but I'm determined to get down as much as possible by that time.   I think it's good to have a certain event coming up to set as a goal to works towards kind of gives you motivation to keep going!  If it wasn't for me going on the cruise, I'm not sure if I'd have the determination I do now.  Which throughout these weeks I've changed my mindset on a lot of things, and cruise or not I'd stick to what I'm doing, but I'm just not sure if I would've been like that to begin with.  Who knows!  I just know I feel great, and I'm so excited how it's changed my attitude so much on health!!

By the way, I probably won't be posting any more recipes for my shakes because I'm pretty much using the same recipes.  I will sometimes mix it up by a few ingrediants, but they stay the same for the most part.  I haven't grown tired of the recipes really, but I'm still going to get different shake flavors just because I'm curious about them.  I'll still post my dinner recipes I try, because I'll be focusing more on that as time goes on.  It's all about healthy eating habits, not necessarily herbalife shakes, altho I know they are helping me tremendously right now.

Until next time!!!
