Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Temptation overtook me....again

Today I was so incredibly exhausted!  I didn't get to bed until super late last night, mainly because  I tried to have a little "Me" time while my hubs and Skyla were asleep.  It's about the only time I get to myself, which is catch 22 because I have to stay up late and miss out on sleep in order to do it :-/
Skyla didn't sleep good either because she's been teething, I'm pretty sure I didn't get even an hour consecutive time of sleep.

So that brings us into this morning.  Skyla and I woke up fairly early, early for us at least, around 9:30 a.m.  I fixed Skyla breakfast, made my morning shake, and got a little boost from the Tea.  My shake was not on point in the morning lol.  I only added a few choc. chips and peanut butter to the shake, and the choc. chips didn't mix in.  My ice to water ratio was off, so the shake was runny, too runny for my liking.  So that's why all the choc chips just sank to the bottom of the cup.  The shake in itself wasn't disgusting, but I just don't like my shakes watery, and it doesn't make me feel full.

Confession time!!  So remember those cheese sticks and Bar BQ wings my hubby brought home?  Yea...ya'll know where this is heading don't ya....Here it goes, Eusevio  left the food in the fridge!!!  I have Alton Brown on facebook, and today he posted this delicious fattening as crap picture of a piece of fried chicken in a biscuit with cheese smothered with gravy (my mouth is watering)  And for some reason, as soon as I saw that picture, I craved bad food!  I couldn't resist so Skyla and I shared the cheese sticks and wings.  They were so good, but made me feel incredibly bad!  I know it's my fault, but I'm blaming this on Eusevio, because he should've known better to do that to me lol!  I did have my strawberry shake for dinner tho, so at least I didn't blow my dinner as well.

I know that it's unrealistic of me to think that I can just stop my cravings for bad foods altogether, so I really try not to beat myself up too much when I give in.  I'm still proud of myself for the most part, because even with the few relapses I've had, I'm still eating way healthier and fewer calories then I probably ever have in my whole life!  So I look at it as, yea I gave in, but I'm not going to keep giving in every meal.  Gotta learn and move on!

So, I've been watching tons of youtube videos lately....not sure why the sudden interest in youtube, but I'm seriously considering doing my own channel.  I mean I still plan on doing a daily journal on here, but I'm also thinking about doing a monthly update on youtube with my progress.  Also plan on doing just other videos for random stuff.  I don't even care if people watch them, but I'm a stay at home mom, and I have the time.  So I might as well do something that's fun and interesting for me!!  I'll keep ya updated on the status of that :-)  Well that's about all I have to say about today's festivities.....Until tomorrow ya'll!


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