Tuesday, February 24, 2015

My husband is evil!

My husband is a cruel man..... Let me explain.
Yesterday he came home from work with a to-go container, and the first thing he says was, "You're going to hate me, but love me."  I was intrigued so I looked inside the box.  There was a few Bar BQ wings (not a big deal), and what I thought was fried chicken strips.  I wasn't impressed, and it wasn't even a temptation until he actually told me what that chicken strip imposter was!  They were cheese sticks...HUGE cheese sticks that had yummy cheese, wrapped in bacon, and deep fried to perfection!  Holy cow, I mean if you could see just the size of these things, they were huge!  He just so happened to bring these right as I was making my lunch shake....how evil is he!  Well I was super curious, and so I gave in and tried a bite.  They were so delicious, I think time stopped for a few seconds, and all that was in the room was me and this delicious piece of cheese heaven.  It was short lived tho, because I immediately closed the box and said, "Get these the heck out of here!"  Life went on, and I haven't had another bite I swear :-)

Now about today's activities.....I only had 1 shake today, my lunch shake.  I have to say it was pretty on point!  I made up my own recipe, and I was happy it turned out so good :-) I saw this recipe for Parmesan Crusted baked zucchini chips...sounds good right?  That's what I thought!  I thought it worked out perfectly too, because I had some leftover zucchini from last night's dinner.  It took me about 40 mins to prepare this stuff.  I baked it according to directions, pulled it out of oven and it smelled delicious!  I tried one and........BLEGH it was so nasty hahaha.  I don't know where I went wrong, but I got something wrong, and it just didn't taste very good at all.  Oh well, I'll know for next time!

Skyla apparently has some teeth coming in, so she's been super grumpy and super attached to me.  So today I really didn't get much done.  I still plan on doing my workout today, which I think I'll just do an arm workout.  I've been dreading that one because I have NO upper body strength what-so-ever!

I wanted dinner to be easy and not complicated because I've been kind of stressed today from several things, so  I decided to make wheat pasta with Home made Creamy Spaghetti Sauce, with turkey kielbasa as the meat.  It turned out super yummy, and I was very satisfied!  I almost forgot I was eating wheat pasta instead of regular....almost ;-)  It probably wasn't super low in calories, but still lower than what I would usually eat before, so I'll take it!

The rest of my day has been spent budgeting paychecks and preparing the grocery list.   I really think it's so important to plan out your meals, or else it's super hard to stick to your healthy eating.  My routine is to go on Pinterest (Hello, my name is Kylah, and I'm a pinterest addict) and I search healthy recipes.  This is how I keep it mixed up, and learn new recipes to make!  I'll make a list of all the meals I want to make, and then when it comes closer to actually going to the store, I'll go back through those recipes and see what ingredients I need to buy from store.  This system has worked great for me so far, it helps me stick to making those healthy meals, knowing I already have the ingredients for it.  It also helps knowing what to make, so there's never a time I'm in the kitchen standing there looking at the fridge wondering what I'm going to make!   I'm not the most organized person, but when it comes to cooking and grocery shopping, I'm the Master at it ;-)

Well that's pretty much it....here's all the recipes for today.  Have a great evening!

Lunch Shake:
2 scoops Choc. Healthy Meal Mix
1 scoop Choc. Protein Mix
2 1/2 Frozen strawberries (I say 2 1/2 because the 3rd one was super tiny lol)
1 Tblsp. Low fat cheesecake pudding mix

Mixed with 2 1/2 cups(1 water bottle's worth) of water, and 4 ice cubes.  This shake turned out so delicious!!  Did you notice I left out the peanut butter?  I know, it's crazy!  I'm glad I did tho, because it helped the strawberry's stand out on it's own.

Dinner Recipe:

Creamy Wheat Pasta, with Turkey Kielbasa
Turkey Kielbasa:
 Olive Oil
1 Package Turkey Kielbasa ( I use Hilshire Farm brand)
1 Tsp. Chili Powder
1 Tsp. Pepper
1 Tsp. Salt

*Heat a smidge (Just enough to coat bottom of skillet, not too much or else kielbasa will be greasy) of olive oil on medium-high heat
*Slice the Kielbasa into 1 to 1/2 an inch slices and when pan is  heated, add to skillet.  Be careful not to overheat the olive oil, it heats up fast than canola.
*Immediately add your spices to kielbasa, just to 1 side of sausage. (I don't measure my spices, so this is a guess.  Add more or less to your liking.  Just enough to cover each sausage piece.
*Cook for about 1 and a half minutes and flip them over. Let the other side brown for another minute and a half.  After this occasionally stir kielbasa so they all cook evenly.
 * Total cook time is about 6-8 Min.  I like mine a little more done, but if you like it less, don't cook as long.  Just make sure they are all heated through!  

Creamy Spaghetti Sauce:
1 can Roasted Tomatoes
1 Tsp. Italian Seasoning
1 Tsp. Salt
1 Tsp. Pepper
1 Tsp. Garlic Powder
1 Tsp. Onion Powder
1 Tsp. Chili Powder
1/2 cup Plain Greek Yogurt

*Put roasted tomatoes in blender and add all the seasonings. Pulse the blender a few times so all is mixed well.  
*Add the greek yogurt, and pulse blender until mixed.  
*Taste and check your seasoning.  I use end up adding a little more seasoning, but it all depends on you taste!

That is a very poor quality picture, but I assure you this meal was awesome!  At least for me it was lol


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