Monday, February 23, 2015

About me

You know I was thinking about it, and I really haven't introduced myself, or posted anything about my background.  So this post will be strictly me letting you know a little about myself and my family, and why I'm on this journey to  lose weight and get healthier. Just a little info. about myself.....
I'm 25 going on to 26 this year, I've been married for 5 years this August!  I have a 20 month old baby girl, Skyla, whom I've mentioned a few times before in my blog.  And my husband, Eusevio, is also same age as me.  He's a hard worker, and an awesome funny person!  He completes me in every way. I love my little family!

So, I wasn't always big.  When I was younger I had a chubby face and thick bones, but as soon as I turned 14ish, I lost my baby fat, and I was really thin.  Of course I always wore baggy shirts and pants because I was sort of a tom boy, and that was just what I was used to wearing.  I actually had someone ask me if I was anorexic because I had lost a lot of weight in short amount of time it seemed.  I assured them that I still had my same appetite, just lost all my baby weight.  When I was 15, my sister and I would go to the gym 3 times a week, and do at least an 1 1/2  or more workout.  It's crazy to think about doing that, because I remember it seeming like a breeze to do it, now it's like I'm going to die if I do 30 mins!  Our tradition was to workout, then go to Taco Bueno and eat been burritos afterwards.  I know so healthy, but it worked!

Here's a couple pictures of me when I was 16 and 17.  I can honestly say I didn't keep track much of my weight, but I think I weighed close to 135 to 140.  I'm about 5'8 maybe a little taller, so I think that was a good weight for me.

I was never one to be on a diet or watch what I ate, but I was fairly active and had a high metabolism,  so I was pretty much able to eat whatever I wanted and not gain a pound!  I stayed like this up until I was 19 years old, after that it all went downhill.  In May 2009 my dad got into a bad car accident, and passed away.  This was a HUGE devastation to me, because we were very close!  I had suffered from depression a little bit before this happened, but after this happened my depression got a lot worse.  I think I turned to food as a comfort, and I became less active.  I didn't put the effort to be fit anymore, because I just didn't have a lot of motivation to do anything really.  

In July 2009 I started dating the man who would eventually become my husband :-)   He helped me through my dad's death so much, I don't know what I would've done without him, and I think God sent him to me!  I know people might think it's crazy to say that, but I truly think he's my soulmate!  

As you can tell, I didn't really start gaining too much weight when I first was dating my husband Eusevio.  The first picture was our first official date in bricktown OKC in 2009.  The 2nd picture was in beginning of 2010, about 10 months before our wedding.  

My weight gain was slow, but steady.  My husband was always someone who wanted to eat healthy, and he was VERY active!  He played football, soccer, and was a heavy weight in school.  So he was fit, healthy, and active.  His diet was sandwiches and cereal pretty much, mine on the other hand was friend chicken, mashed potatoes, home made gravy. etc.  My mom sure knew how to cook, but it wasn't exactly healthy!  

Let's skip forward a few years......the most I've ever weighed was 220.  Here's  a picture of what I looked like (scared face)

This picture was taken in October 2012, I didn't know I was pregnant then, but I wasn't even a month preggo yet.  I can't believe I let myself get to this point!  As I was looking through the pictures to post on this blog, I just seriously am so disappointed in myself that I let it get to this point.  I have no one to blame but myself.  I know I went through periods of time where I'd be so motivated to workout and watch what I eat, Eusevio was always there to support me!  He has also never made me feel self conscious of my looks.  No matter my size, he always tells me how beautiful I am, and I know he means it.  That has always made me feel so good, even if I didn't love my body!

So in Nov. I officially found out that I was pregnant with my baby girl.  I ended up having horrible all day sickness!  I lost 15 lbs in 2 months because I couldn't keep anything down.  I finally got on some medicine from doctor, and things got better.  My end weight with my pregnancy was 220.

So after Skyla Rayne was born, I dropped down to 185 in about 7 months.  I was breastfeeding and taking Plexus Slim.  Apparently those 2 together was an amazing combo! Here's the picture of after baby weight loss....

I was so so excited to be down that low, and I was determined to keep going.  But I didn't put the effort I needed to!  I was able to maintain this weight until I stopped breastfeeding.  When that stopped, I wasn't burning as much calories, but eating the same way.  So I gained 25 pounds, putting my weight to 210.  Right now I'm at 208 lbs, as far as 2/14/15, I haven't weighed myself since then, so hopefully I'm down a little more.  My goal is to get down to 150 lbs.  Who knows I may get to another weight that's a bit higher and love the way I look and feel, so it's not really set in stone.  Really I just want to get to a point where I love myself, and the way I feel!  I'm not really trying to be a skinny minny.  

I was trying to find the most recent picture of myself, but I've realized that I don't really take full body pictures, because I'm just so ashamed of myself.  My mom, however, doesn't care about that lol, so this one is courtesy of my mommy dearest taken at Galveston Beach, Tx December 2014...
I hate looking at this picture, and she even posted this on facebook :-O!  But it was really seeing this picture that made me get my butt into gear.  So  I guess thank you mom :-D

Alright, this post was super long, but I hope it gives you a little more insight on myself, and why I'm choosing to do this.  I'll be posting again this evening with the day's progress and recipe's.  Thanks for reading guys!

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