Sunday, February 22, 2015

I'm ashamed

I have so many confessions to make about this weekend that I won't get into much detail about it.  This weekend was horrible for my diet and shake shakin!  I didn't have 1 shake at all :-(  I'm not proud to say that.  I went from thinking, "Ok, I'll have 1 cheat meal where I'm not going to worry about calories." to just not making any shake at all.  Saturday I feel like I just gave in because my hubby and I had a weekend without Skyla, and I guess when I got into that mood, I just felt like I could do anything lol. Today was more of a convienience  situation.  We went to go get our taxes done, and they ended up taking way longer than expected (2 hours total sheesh), and they were located RIGHT next door to a subway,  so we just decided to grab a sandwich before we headed to pick up our baby girl from the in-laws.  We got home pretty late, and Skyla was sleeping, so again I decided not to wake her up by mixing with the blender.  I had some chinese food.

What I've learned from this whole bad decision weekend, is that I have a whole different view on food now.  I've always been aware of my body and how certain things affect it.  I guess I was so used to how bad foods made my body feel, that I didn't think anything of it.  Well this weekend, after doing so good of a great week of shakes and healthy meals, I realized how much the bad foods affect  my body!  I could just feel it as soon as I'd finish eating.  So the food may have been good while eating it, but literally right after the last bite, it would hit me and it wasn't enjoyable!  I'm actually excited to get back on my shakes and healthy meals.  I loved the way I've felt so far (aside from the weekend), and I'm going to continue and watch myself on my cravings.

Now about the changes I have noticed so far.....
My hubby has said that he's noticed my waist being slimmer.  I can't see it, but he swears on it!  I'm going to take another picture tomorrow, because that will be the official 1 week since I've started Herbalife.  I still need to get a scale to see if there's any weight difference, but that can't happen until a couple more weeks (ballin on a budget ;-)
The main thing I HAVE noticed are my stretch marks!  I don't know which product is helping this, but I barely notice them as much.  The pink color on them has faded dramatically!  I have a lot of stretch marks from going from skinny to big, and then of course from as you can imagine, I'M EXCITED ABOUT THIS.  It's not even something I was expecting, but now it's something I love about it :-)

I think that's about all I have.  I'm in need of redeeming myself so I'll be working twice as hard this week to make it up from the weekend.  Any words of encouragement will help me out this week!

Until next time!


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