Tuesday, February 17, 2015

1st day of Herbalife....how'd it go??

Ok so I'm going to post what my final thoughts were about my first official day on Herbalife.
I loved it!
Yep, I say that because I haven't had this much energy since....well I can't even remember when!  I got more accomplished yesterday than I have over a week's period of time!  It's not because I was lazy before, but I swear, I just didn't have the will power, the energy, the umph to just get off my ass and get stuff done.  You can ask my husband, I never got my stride until later in the evening.  I'm a stay at home mom, so being able to have the energy to finish my organizing projects, and have the energy to play with my child is such a great feeling!

Ok so there's a few tweeks I'm going to make to my herbalife routine, simply because I watched some videos on it and learned new things.  I'll be taking 2 shakes a day instead of 1. I learned that you're supposed to use 2 scoops of the Healthy meal mix, and I had only been using 1.  This is to help you feel fuller longer, and I definitely realized this yesterday, because about 3 1/2 hours after I had taken the shake, I was starting to get pretty hungry!  I know you can have healthy small snacks inbetween meals, but I just kind of figured the full feeling would last  a little longer.  So from now on, I'm going to do 2 shakes a day.   Here's the routine I plan on doing...
I usually wake up around 11:00 (I know right?)  when I wake up, I'll make me a shake, then prepare my tea.  Once I drink my shake I'll down my tea, which I just chug it, because that stuff isn't the best tasting!  They say you can drink it warm or cold, but I just drink it cold so I can chug it.  You can add honey and other things, but I just prefer to do it just the way it is.  Torture, maybe, but my choice lol.   So after I drink those I'll take  Total Control pill, and the Cell-U-Loss pill.  These you can take 3x a day, so I start it out with my breakfast.

I'll take my other shake around 3:30 p.m.  I feel like that's a good time to take it for me, and I'll take the shake along with the tea right after that.  This time I'll be taking all my pills...total control, cell-u-loss, cell activator, and aminogen.  The Aminogen you only take once a day, so I decided to take it along with my luch shake, and the cell activator you take twice a day, so I decided to take with my lunch and dinner.

My husband usually gets home pretty late from work so I start making dinner around 7 or 7:30, I'll take the rest of my pills with my dinner, and that's it!  I've been making a list of the recipes I've tried so I can keep track of the ones I liked, and will want to try again.  My blog tomorrow will have the recipes I tried today.

TMI time!  This has helped me be regular in the bathroom!  1 & 2...I know ewwww, but seriously ever since I've had my baby girl (almost 2 years ago) my bathroom schedule hasn't been regular or normal.  I'm a wierdo like that and I notice things about my body when they aren't normal.  The tea also makes you really thirsty which is good, because it helps you crave water.  I haven't once craved any soda since taking this, which is great because I crave soda allllll the time!

All in all, I'm really happy with the first day.  It has only made me more determined to stick to this til the end, and do even more things to better my health!

Until tomorrow!


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