Thursday, February 19, 2015

I should get double the weight loss for that session.....

 I guess all the activity from the 2 days before caught up to me, on top of a kid that didn't sleep very well, and I was soooooo tired yesterday morning!  I didn't get around to having my shake until 12:30, and so I figured I'd just have 1 shake yesterday since I was starting out so late.  I had the same recipe as the day before yesterday, the chunky monkey.  Mainly because I already knew the recipe and it was quick and easy to locate ingredients.  I added more water and ice to this shake just to see what a difference it'd make, and I definitely added way too much ice for my liking.  The shake was just too thick, I gotta admit the last leg of it was really hard to get down because I was super full and the thickness was playing with my mind!  Also I found out I was making my shakes wrong.  So the link I have for some of my recipes has only been telling me to add 1 scoop of healthy meal mix, but I was told to take 2.  Now I was originally going to take 1 shake a day, but in my head I was thinking, well I can do 2 shakes a day with just 1 scoop each and it'd be the same as if I was taking 1.  I guess I was just trying to stretch the powder longer.  But I consulted my distributor and he said, "No you NEED to take 2 scoops per shake of the healthy meal mix".  So I'm going to make sure to do 2 scoops of the meal mix each shake.  I will still take 2 shakes a day because i feel like that will help me more than 1.

Now I have to stop and give myself a pat on the back , because yesterday I joined Daily Burn!  I have an xbox so I can stream the videos straight through that!  Balling on a budget, and having a kid makes it kind of hard to find time to go to the gym.  Now I have no excuse because I can just do it right at my house where no one can see how silly I look! I do plan on eventually joining a gym that has day care in it, but for right now this works perfectly.  I did a 15 min. warm up, and a 25 min. cardio ab workout.  I was going for 35, but my baby girl just thought it was hilarious to crawl all on me while I was trying to do certain exercises.  By the way my planks were still sissy planks, but I had a 25 lb kid on my back while doing them so I think I burned extra calories for that right?  Plus it was her nap time, so she has a mini meltdown, and I decided to cut the workout 10 mins. short for my sanity lol.  My goal is to do at least 35 to 45 mins. of workout each day, and work my way up to a full hour by the end of the month.   I know I'm going to love having daily burn because they have such a huge variety of workout options, I can't really see myself getting bored with it.  I guess I was doing something right, because my upper abdomen is SORE!  It's one of those ouch, but good ouch things :-)

I forgot to mention yesterday that my dizziness, jitteriness(not a word but I made it one) has completely gone away.  I think my body has gotten used to what I'm taking now so it doesn't affect me negatively at all.  Yesterday I made it a point to drink lots of water, and I had no problems with anything, other than having to pee every 10 minutes!  But hey, I'll take that over feeling bloated any day.  I also don't have diarrhea anymore, I guess that was just a 1 day thing of getting rid of toxins.  So I'm pretty happy with how everything is going so far!  I've decided to go ahead and order another flavor of healthy meal mix and protein mix.  Don't get me wrong, I really love this chocolate one, but I don't want to get burnt out on it.  I realize that I'll need to mix it up often in order to stay motivated to keep taking it.

Yesterday while my girl was taking a nap,  I decided to go to youtube and check out some successful weight loss stories, and I'm glad I did this!  Whether they were taking herbalife or not, they decided to get to a healthier self and they had amazing results!  I got teary eyed a couple times, because I found some of these stories to be inspirational.  Whether I stick to herbalife or not, I'm still going to keep making healthier food choices and be more active.  That's what's really going to make the biggest change in me with weight loss and just feeling good about myself!  I'm thankful to have a few other friends who are also on their journey to making better food and health decisions, so I really feel like I have a good support system!  We all have different methods, but it's ultimately working towards the same goal.


I won't be posting my shake recipe since I pretty much used the same recipe as yesterday.  I will post my dinner recipe I made.

Sausage and Black Bean Paella
  • 6 cups yellow rice, prepared
  • 1 cup diced red pepper (you can leave this out if your yellow rice has red peppers in it)
  • cloves garlic, minced
  • 13 oz Butterball Turkey Sausage, sliced
  • 1 cup pre-cooked Chicken, diced
  • 1/2 cup chicken broth
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • 2 tsp cumin
  • can petite diced tomatoes, with juices
  • 1 cup frozen corn, thawed
  • cans black bean, drained and rinsed
  • 1 tbs olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
*So there's a few tweeks I made to this dish....I only had white rice in the house so I didn't use yellow rice.  Also for some reason I totally skipped over the part where it said to add chicken (which is funny because chicken is in the actual name of the meal) so I didn't add chicken.  I bet it would've been really good with it, but it was also great without it. I used yellow bell pepper instead of red, I swear  I thought I got a red one at the store.  I also didn't add the corn because I just don't like it that well.  All in all it was a great dish!  Of course I absolutely love turkey keilbasa so this meal was perfect for me.

Btw don't do as I did and get the rice measurements wrong.  I think i made enough rice to feed a whole country! :-)  Whoops.....

Link to the Sausage and black bean paella:

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