Thursday, April 9, 2015


So the last couple days I haven't been doing that well on my diet or exercise :-(  Yesterday I had my morning shake, and literally right after I had it, I pulled a rib out!  It wasn't in any cool way either, so I don't have this awesome fighting off a mountain lion story.  I was sitting on my couch, and Skyla was kicking me on my side.  I twisted to move her legs, and stood up and BOOM rib out.  It was my upper rib too, right below my left armpit.  It was really hard for me to breathe, and I couldn't even lift my left arm without help from the other.  Eusevio had to get off work early so he could take me to chiropractor.  After all was said and done I got out of chiropractor at 6ish, and Skyla was hungry so we just went to this Cuban  place right  next to the Doctor's place.....BIG mistake.   I don't know if you've ever tried cuban cuisine, but it's AmAZING!  I got this bistek steak with whatever sauce it was cooked in so it was tender and delicious, with rice mixed with black beans and pork chunks, and then some grilled plantains.  Ugh it wasn't super unhealthy I don't think, but I'm sure it wasn't healthy either lol.  Eusevio really wanted me to try these pastries they had there too, which I was hesitant atfirst but I gave in because honestly I felt like crap and a pastry with some coffee suuuuuuure sounded great to me!  It was a little bit of cream cheese with guava in the middle of puffy pastry triangle yumminess.  That was a wrap for that day....not so great.

Today had my morning shake, all was seeming to go great until we left the house!  Eusevio stayed home with me again because my muscles are still super sore around my ribs.  We got done shopping then I was like you know what, I want a nice juicy burger!  So by George I got a freaking burger with onion rings!  I ate half of it, but it was soooooooo delicious!  I was like ok that's my cheat meal, I'm going to the store later so  I'll fix healthy dinner blah blah blah.  Well we did go to grocery store, but we were just so done that we went to Raising Cane's  geeeeeeeeez no self control today whatsoever!   I dubbed today the last day of my unhealthiness for awhile.

I'm telling you, when there's no meal planning and not a whole lot of groceries, it's so easy for me to get off track and just go pick up something fast and greasy.  I am trying to stick to the whole "eating clean" concept, and I only got fresh ingredients from the store.  I got different types of meat too so we're just not eating chicken all week for dinner.  I got steaks, brisket, and salmon along with chicken. Tonight I prepped my hubby's lunch for tomorrow.  He's wanting to eat healthy and get cruise ready too, so I'm going to prep his meals so he's sure to stick to eating healthy while at work.  For tomorrow's lunch I made grilled chicken breast, salad with sliced strawberries & mixed nuts w/balsamic vinegarette, sliced strawberries & bananas for healthy snack, and if he wants any kind of sweet something I gave him a handful of dark chocolate almonds.   I'm supposed to be doing this on a Sunday so I can just prepare a whole weeks worth of lunches, but I procrastinated with going to grocery store, so this is what I get!  I also forgot to grab plastic meal containers to put it all in, so they're all in different containers, some with and some without lids lol....thank goodness for foil!  I also tried out these breakfast egg muffin's a picture
In these I put fresh spinach, red & yellow bell pepper (I sauteed them b4 adding to muffin tin), turkey bacon (precooked) then of course the egg.  Topped the egg off with salt, pepper, and a little cheese.  Eusevio always buys the frozen version of these things, but I decided to make them fresh so he can just heat up a couple in the morning.  I don't like eggs, so I can't tell you if they're good or not.  I guess I'll have to wait and get feedback from my hubby on these!  If he likes them I'll continue to make them, only I'll mix it up and put different things in them so he doesn't get tired of them too fast.  
I think that's all I have for an update.  Tomorrow is the day I'm getting back on track!  I'll be doing my BABB, Arms & Abs since I haven't been able to do them last couple days.  Of course if my rib muscle acts up I'll have to quit, because I really don't want to pull it out again.  I've been seeing results, but I know that my results could be soooooo much better if I would just stay consistent with my diet and exercise.  I gotta look good for that cruise ;-)  Ok guys until next time!  


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