Tuesday, April 7, 2015

In a good mood today!

A very good mood indeed, and I'll tell you why!

Over the weekend there were a couple days I didn't do any shakes at all, but I wasn't disappointed in myself.  I think I was sorta testing myself to see what choices I would make, or would have the resolve to make.  I find that I just can't eat as much as I used to before which is great!  Portion control seems to be a breeze for me now.  I didn't eat salads all weekend, but I make little choices like grilled chicken everything instead of fried, portion control, drinking lots of water, etc.  I was still on my period, so I would be lying if I told you I was great in alllll my food choices.  I did make some no bake cookies, and may have eaten a few in 1 day lol.  Usually if I make something like that, I limit myself to 1 a day.

Saturday I woke up with a horrible migraine, so my hubby took the reigns on watching Skyla, and I laid down to try to get rid of it, I ended up sleeping until 3!  I guess my body needed it :-S  My husband was the one who woke me up saying that he just got back from taking Skyla to the park, and that he got us food.  I was hungry so I went into living to see what he had.  He went to Taco Bueno!  I haven't had Taco Bueno in sooooooo long.  I couldn't even eat that much because it was sooooo greasy and gross, like the paper it was in was drenched in grease.  That night for dinner I chose to order out, and got a half a sandwich, soup, and salad.  It felt so good to eat something that didn't drip in grease!  Sunday I woke up, and had a glazed donut with coffee for breakfast.  Not healthy I know, but I was feeling a little down, and that meal just reminds me of being at my In-Laws and having a good time (I love my in-laws :-)  So it was just comforting to eat.  I went to my meeting around 2:30, and when I came back of course I was hungry!  My husband wanted chicken, so we went to wendy's and he got a sandwhich while I tried their grilled chicken salad.  It was ok, but so far my favorite chicken salad is from Braums!

So as you know, last Tuesday or Wednesday I started my BABB program!  My soreness literally lasted until about Sunday!  I've never been that sore in my life from a workout.   I know I haven't been working my legs like I have in other places, but I honestly didn't expect my legs to be THAT sore for THAT long.  I'm not talking a little sore either I'm talking, Can't sit down without grabbing something to help you down, or go down stairs, kind of sore.  I can't lie, I was so nervous to start back up on Monday, because I just really didn't know what to expect as far as how my legs would be.  There were a couple times where I couldn't do as many reps because my legs felt like they would give out, but other than that my soreness isn't as bad as it was last week at all.  I feel sore today, but not super bad pain HALLELUJAH!   So yesterday was my BABB and Abs day.....today is arms, and I'm going to do abs again because I don't feel sore from yesterday.   I want to get some cardio in, but it's been rainy and cloudy outside, so I haven't been able to take Skyla out to walk.  Looks like tonight I'll have to go to our gym when Eusevio gets home so I can get some cardio in!

I weighed myself again today....I know I know I need to stop weighing myself so much, but I wanted to weigh myself after I was off my period so I can see what my official weight was without the bloating and such.  The result.........

Yep you read that right 198lbs!!  This just boost my moral up so much :-)  

Another thing that I've started doing again is tracking all my meals and exercise on MyFitnessPal.  Another thing I've noticed since doing this is my progress on weight loss.  
For my starting weight I was saying 208lbs, because I really didn't know what my true starting weight was.  But apparently it was 210lbs according to MyFitnessPal.  I used to stick closely to this app, so I trust in the info.  I have on it.  So since starting this process I've lost 12lbs total, not just 10lbs.  That was a nice little discovery :-)

Today is grocery shopping day, and there's a few things I'm going to get that I haven't been so much in the past.  My cruise is in 26 days!  That's not a lot of time left, and I certainly haven't gotten to my goal that I had originally set for myself in the beginning.  So I'm going to try my HARDEST to get to my goal by that 26 day mark.  I'm going to try and eat clean, no processed foods.  My friend says to take out carbs and processed sugars too....OUCH this is going to be so hard, because despite all this I still crave pasta almost every day, and I still have the occasional sweet every now and then.  So this is going to be a "Try" thing.  I will do my hardest to avoid these, but I'm not going to beat myself if I have 1 occasionally.  I also need to start eating protein snacks in between my meals.  I've noticed that I've been feeling a little weak and sometimes woozy in between my meals, especially if I've worked out.  I haven't been having any protein snacks in between these meals, and it's affecting me!  I have to make sure I'm getting enough nutrients and protein.  I've gotten a few recipes from Pinterest, of course, so I'm going to make sure I'm keeping up with that!  

I think that's about all I have for today!  Oh, here's a picture for you guys of my "equipment" I use for my workouts :-) 
Yep, that's a yoga mat and a 1 gallon bottle filled with water lol.  I'm ballin' on a budget until next paycheck, so in the meantime for my weights I've been using these gallons of water.  It's not filled up the whole way, so they weigh about 7lbs each.  They have a little handle on the top so it kinda makes it easier to do my workouts with it.  Best believe I will be investing in actual weights soon though!  I'm also going to get some resistance bands, because I've found a few workouts online to do with them.  I can't do lunges very well, and I've found some workouts that use resistance bands to help replace the lunges in a workout.  Last time I used resistance bands were when I dislocated my shoulder, and I had to use them to stretch my arms out O_O  Not a good memory, but thankfully this is completely different!  

Ok guys until next time!!  Next monday I'll be taking a picture of myself and progress, so it'll be hard to post, but I think it'll help me out!  Hoping to see some more progress :-D


P.s: This is something I don't even think I've mentioned in any of my blogs... I haven't had a single coke or coke product since starting this whole journey!  Anyone who knows me, knows this is a HUGE thing since I pretty much used to have a D.P. or Mountain dew almost every day :-)  Love it

1 comment:

  1. Oh I needed this. I'm SO glad you're doing so well. I love how kind you are to yourself. Definitely something I need to work on. Keep it up, lady!!
