Thursday, April 2, 2015

Feel the burn....FEEL IT!

Well I can honestly say that this BABB program WORKS.   It didn't take long to go through the workouts it suggest.  Took about 30 minutes total, which a lot of that time is resting inbetween sets.  I probably didn't wait long enough either because it suggest to rest 1 minute between reps.  I just got too bored so I rested probably 30ish seconds inbetween sets.  After I finished I instantly felt the heaviness of my thighs, and I kinda walked with a waddle instead of regular.  I just knew that this morning was going to be a doozy with the soreness if I was already feeling it yesterday!  Boy was I right.....I got out of bed this morning and even said outloud, "Ok here it goes!"  I feel it in my thighs and booty!  I can't really bend to sit it's more of a, fall into the seat, type situation.  Keep in mind I haven't really been able to workout my legs this much since starting this whole process.  My apartment gym only has 1 leg machine, and I've done it before, and it's made my top of thighs kinda sore.  But yesterday I was doing squats, lunges, and other workouts that worked out different part of my legs I haven't hit yet.  So yea I was kind of whiney with all the soreness of my legs, abs, back arm muscles.

Ever since being home from visiting my mom, I've been sticking closely to my Herbalife schedule!  2 shakes a day, healthy meal in evening.  Doing these home workouts have been great too, because instead of waiting until 8 in the evening to workout...I do it around 3 or 3:30 (Skyla's naptime).  Doing it earlier in the day makes it so much easier to eat a healthier dinner, because you don't wanna mess up the workout!

I'm really excited to write this part of the blog right now, because this morning I decided to weigh myself!  I just weighed Tuesday morning I think it was, but I wasn't expecting anything because I hadn't been doing very good the week before.  I was still 200lbs then, but this morning for the heck of it I weighed again.  I'm finally below 200!  It's only by a pound, but I'll take it!  I still wasn't expecting anything because I've also started my period (shark weeeek)  so I know i'm going to be bloated and everything that comes with that lovely time of month.  But to my surprise I had managed to lose 1 pound lol.  I'll of course weigh myself next week, and that'll probably give me a more accurate reading, but I was too excited to keep to myself!  Just makes me excited again, not that I've really lost motivation, but it just reassures me that what I am doing is making a difference, whether it be small.  My legs and abs are so sore today, but today is arm day, and seeing that weight on the scale I know it going to help push me through today's workout!

That's about all I have for today, I'll let you guys know how the arm workout goes!  I have a feeling that my whole body is going to be sore tomorrow haha hopefully I'll be able to move :-D

SW: 208lbs
GW (For May 3rd): 190lbs (Hopefully more)

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