Tuesday, March 22, 2016

New Youtube video up!

Check out my newest Youtube video I put up today!

There's really not too much to update on really.  All last week I had my nephew down to visit, so it kind of threw my schedule off a bit more than usual, but I still didn't allow it to throw me off completely.  I still went to gym 3x and I made sure I ate good.  Friday - Sunday I didn't eat so great I'll have to admit, I even had some Dr. Pepper :-S  But Monday I got right back on track and into the swing of things.

I don't think I'm going to be taking any pre-workouts anymore, at least not the particular kind I got.  I've noticed it gives me crazy indigestion, and the 2nd time I took it I got home from just doing 20 mins of cardio (not a big deal that usually phases me that much) and I threw up hardcore.  I don't know if that was because of the indigestion or what, but I ate really healthy that day, and 20 mins on the elliptical never makes me nauseous, so I narrowed it down to the pre-workout causing it.  I'm not hugely disappointed really.....a lot of people can make it without that extra energy.  As long as I can take my BCAA's I think I'll be alright ;-)

Yesterday I did a half-assed leg day (kind of brought out in my youtube video), and today I'll just do cardio and go to a new class that they have at the gym that I LOVE!  They use therapy balls to do trigger point therapy on certain muscles to relieve the tension in that area.  On Tuesdays they focus on stretching and using the therapy balls on the leg/hip/booty area....my main problem areas!  I love this class so much, I would suggest that if you have any way to do that....DO IT.  Trigger point therapy can be painful, but so effective.

I really wanted to use the squat machine yesterday, but it was so crowded I wasn't able to squeeze in.  Today if I see it open I'm gonna do some squats and maybe some deadlifts!  Usually Tuesdays are my "nothing but cardio" days, but since I wasn't able to do it yesterday I feel incomplete.  We'll see how that goes!

That's really all I have to update on for right now.  I gotta say I'm pretty proud of myself for sticking to it so far, and sticking to eating better than I was before.  I love going to the gym now, and I feel so antsy if I miss even 1 day.  I can tell my energy is coming back slowly, and I have more motivation in regular life to get stuff done.  Huge improvement for me!  I really can't wait until I can weigh and measure myself to see if there are any changes with my body....fingers crossed!

Until next time :-)


P.s. If you have a youtube account feel free to subscribe to my videos and stay updated on my progress thru there as well!!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Why hello Youtube....

I finally did it!  I made my first Youtube video!  I've been wanting to start doing Youtube videos for the longest time, but I've always put it off because the 1st video is always so awkward to me.  I was right....it was pretty dang awkward haha....see for yourself...

I love writing in my blog, and I'll still write in here because there's just something Therapeutic about it that I like, but I'm also excited about having the Youtube videos, because I feel like I'm on there all the time anyways.  I can't even tell you how many videos I watch a day on it.  I just love watching weight loss journeys, makeup tutorials, and of course workouts.  I got inspired to start my weight loss because of some videos I saw on Youtube!  Ok ok so you get the gist of the love I have of youtube, so let's get down to the nitty gritty.

I finally had energy yesterday after being sick.  I ended up spending like  2 hours at Target with my best friend.....what can I say, as a mom going to Target is kind of like going on vacation.  My husband stayed home from work yesterday, so I got to go alone....and yea I sort of milked that chance lol.  Don't judge, you know you do that same ;-)

I really wanted to workout my arms yesterday, and planned on getting to the gym in time to do that, then go to this class they were having, but we got there kind  of late so we only got there for the  class.  As disappointed as I was to not do arms, I was sooooo glad I made it to the class!  The class is called, "Treat while you Train"  they use Therapy balls to do trigger point therapy on your muscles to help relax.  At times it was pretty intense because I have some stiff muscles, but it was amazing! They have 2 classes a week, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to go to at least 1, if not both.  Now this class focused on the upper body, shoulders, neck, shoulder blades, and that felt great but what really bugs me are my hips and lowers back.  The class on Tuesday focuses on that part of the body, so I'm super excited to go to that one!  My lower back has been killing me lately, so I need some kind of relief.

I'm not sure if I'll be going to the gym today, because my In-laws are going to be visiting later this evening, and I'm sure we'll be visiting for awhile!   Who knows, I might try to make a late session.  I feel so guilty when I miss going to the gym now, I love it!  It's taken me along time to get to this point again, and I don't ever want that to go away.

This really has been the only thing going on since last time I blogged, hopefully next time I'll have more workouts to post!  If you are on Youtube be sure to subscribe to my channel so you can come along with me on the video updates and hopefully get to know even more about me!!  Until next time guys :-)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

I am......SICK :-(

Boo sickness!  I woke up yesterday with a sore throat and headache, but I was trying so hard to ignore it and pretend I wasn't feeling crappy!  I went about my day normal, and I actually felt a little better later on so I didn't worry too much about it.  Yesterday I was able to get some cardio in.  It was supposed to be arm day, but I pulled a muscle in my upper rib area, and I didn't feel like pushing it, because knowing me...I'd really jack it up.  So cardio it was!  I was able to take my pre-workout finally!  Oh yea I forgot to tell you guys that my supplements came in.  I got the EVL Transform Fat Burners, and a Pre-workout.  I was taking Herbalife supplements, but I'm 99% sure my body got used to them because they just weren't working anymore.  I love going to Bodybuilding.com and checking out their stuff, so I decided to search and see what all they had.  This fat burner was the highest rated one out of them all, the reviews were all great about it, so I decided what the heck...I'm getting it!  It was buy 1 get 1 free too, so I got 2 bottles of 90 capsules for I think it was around $25 (don't quote me on that, it may have been a little more).  I also knew I wanted to get a Pre-workout because I need a boost sometimes, so I also checked out a high rated one.  It's from the same people, EVL.  It's in grape flavor....
Don't mind my face, this was actually really good tasting lol.  I was just planing on cardio, so I was really testing this to see if it actually helped me out or not.  I didn't feel jittery at all which I loved.  I just noticed I was a little hyper and ready to get it done!  I did get a little tingly when I first notice it taking affect, but this didn't last long and it wasn't a bad thing or anything.  All in all I really can see myself using this often when I have leg day, or a longer cardio session.  I was able to last about 32 mins on elliptical, burned 300 calories and almost went 3 miles.  I could've gone longer, but I left my good shoes in my other car, so I was stuck with the ones that didn't have good arch support.  My toes were literally numb, I just didn't want them to fall off, so I stopped lol.

That brings us to this morning.....I woke up again with sore throat and pounding headache and runny/stuffy nose.  I knew at this point that I was definitely sick and I needed to take it easy so I could recover.  So today has consisted of a lot of laying around, taking meds, and sleeping.  I have a lot to do tomorrow so I'm just hoping I don't feel like crap like I did today.  I also really hate missing out on my gym days now.  YAAAY I love that I just said that :-)   It took me how long to get this motivation back?  It helps a lot when you have your best friend going too, and she gets it done man.  I love that I have her as a workout buddy!  

Alright guys, that's really all I have for now....until next time.  Let's get feeling better shall we :-)

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Weight and Measurements and....PICTURES ahhhhh

Ok where's my wine!  It was so hard doing all of this this morning. As you can see from my heading, I weighed myself, took measurements, and yes I took pictures.  I took my pictures, and was looking at them on my phone, and i just wanted to cry.  I know it's all about how you feel, and loving your body no matter what, but I am genuinely disappointed in myself for letting it get this far.  I do try to love myself and the skin I'm in, but I just don't love my body and the way it feels.

Before I post my weight and stuff I do want to say how I've been feeling so far since starting back up on this fun journey of mine.  Before I bunkered down and was consistent, I was having headaches every. single. day!  There was a 2 month period where yea, I had a freaking headache every day.  It was getting to the point where I was going to go to the doctor to see what I could do to help this, and then I realized, DUH....they are most likely going to ask me what my diet consist of.  I can say now that I haven't had a headache in over a week!  That in itself makes me super happy, because mama ain't happy when she has a headache all the time.  Another thing I've noticed is my energy.  It seems like I have to put up a fight just to have energy and force myself to do stuff. I was getting to the point where I wouldn't even leave the house for a week at a time, because I just couldn't force myself to get up and get ready and walk out the door.  I've been active with my kid, and being more social with my friends, which is helping me a ton!   I'm finding it easier to stick to my healthy eating without any restrictions hanging over my head.  I finally feel like I found my balance with that, and it's helping me develop that healthy relationship with food....FINALLY UGH.

Before I post my weight I do want to say that before I had put that my starting weight was 212 lbs.  The next day I weighed myself and I was 216 lbs.....I figured 1 of the 2 was wrong (I was hoping the 216 was wrong)  But after a few days it was still 216, I need to change that to my starting weight 216 lbs.

So without further ado.......ick....haha am I ready for this???

Weight:  214 lbs  -  So I'm down 2 lbs from when I weighed last!  That's a plus :-)

Arms:  L- 14   R- 14
Chest: 29 1/2
Bust: 24
Waist: 38 1/2
Belly: 45
Hips/Booty: 45 1/2
Thighs: L- 28  R-28
Calves: L- 16  R-16

So the last time I measured was back in Nov. 2015, I've put on a total of 8 1/2 inches onto my body all over.  Something I'm working so hard to get back off!   I've gained 6 lbs since that weigh in as well.  It's not incredibly huge, but I sure feel it.

Now for the pictures.....this is seriously the hardest part for me, because I don't like the way I look, and when I take pictures I try to keep it from the neck up so people can't see my body.  But as usual, I have to be totally upfront with you guys and let you in on my journey from the beginning!

So here they are....big o' belly and all.
I'm planning on weighing in and measuring once a month.  I'm trying not to focus so much on that, because I can go crazy and just step on the scale every day.  So once a month I'll update you guys on my progress, and hopefully next month I will see an awesome change!

I wasn't planning on going to the gym today, but I'm thinking I'll go a little later to get some cardio in.  I'm feeling really motivated and in the mood for an elliptical session!  So with that I'll end this.  Until tomorrow ;-)


Saturday, March 5, 2016

Holy cow-loni

First of all, do not be deceived by this delicious looking chocolate shake!  It's an Herbalife chocolate shake with 3 strawberries in it, but that's not the disgusting part.  It has a serving of BCAA'S in it, and if you've never had them before.....EW.....it taste so disgusting!  My husband tried telling me how gross they were, and I believed him, but I thought I could just put it in my always delicious tasting Herbalife shake and it would mask the flavor.  WRONG.  I'm trying to just chug this thing right now.  If you've never read about what BCAA's do, or the benefits of it, check out this link....http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-1005-BRANCHED-CHAIN%20AMINO%20ACIDS.aspx?activeIngredientId=1005&activeIngredientName=BRANCHED-CHAIN%20AMINO%20ACIDS.
I got that from WebMd since a lot of people like going there for information.  Pretty much from what I know of it, is that it helps with the muscle, and I heard it helps with your soreness.
Yesterday my friend and I went to the gym and we did legs, for me that was 2 days in a row!  That's why I'm so incredibly sore today, I can't sit down without holding onto something.   I can't even remember the last time I was this sore.  It's kind of a good feeling, and on the other hand a sucky one.  After I'm done with blog I'll post what workouts I did just in case anybody was wondering :-)

Yesterday I was bad and had 2 donuts for breakfast, but I made sure to make up for my diet slip the rest of the day.  My little girl has been sick and my husband and I haven't been getting very much sleep lately, so I was really just wanting something easy and something that went with coffee....BOOM, the donuts were staring me in the face and I couldn't resist.  For lunch I made a Fritata....omelet type thing.  I really don't know what it was lol, honestly I'm just now starting to incorporate eggs into my life, because I've never really liked them at all, but they are so good for you so I've been just forcing myself to eat them.  I added the leftover broccoli and green bell pepper mixture I had from the night before, and I added in turkey dogs.  Simple, but it was really good!  After my workout I had 2 turkey dogs and tortilla chips.  Probably not the best, but I was so tired, hungry, and it was the easiest for me to cook up!  

I'm starting to become more comfortable in the gym again.   It's always intimidating walking in, seeing all these awesome people working it out, looking the way you want to look like and you feel all excited, and then you look at yourself in the mirror and you're like, "Oh ok, I am sooo not there yet."  It's weird because when I workout, I always feel like I look different than I do.  When I look at myself in the mirror it brings me back down to realizing that I'm no where near what I want to look like.  But I keep telling myself that I'm doing what I need to do to get there, and everyone else there had to work hard to receive their results too.  It's just a dumb self confidence issue I'm trying to get passed. 

Ok I think that's pretty much everything for now!  I most likely won't go to gym until Monday so I have time to recover and also to spend some time with my husband.  We haven't had the chance to spend too much time together so I'm sure that's what my focus will be today and tomorrow.  Here's what all I did yesterday at the gym!

Leg/Booty work:
(All workouts I did 3 sets of 10 reps each)
Seated Leg Extension
Seated Leg Curl
Leg Press (3 sets of regular, and 3 sets of sumo position for inner thigh)Also 3 sets of calf raises on this machine.
Weighted Kickback machine (My favorite!)
Dead lifts with 30 lb. free weights
75 Russian Twist w/6 lb. medicine ball
30 reps back raises
Finished it all off with 10 minutes on the bike,

All in all it was a great workout, and I'm feeling it today, so I know I did something right ;-)

Stay motivated and stay with it guys!! We got this!


Friday, March 4, 2016

How am I doing?

Man this week hasn't gone as I planned at all, but I haven't fallen off completely so I'll take that and run with it!  My arms are still sore from working them out earlier this week, so I can definitely say that I went hard (balls to the wall) haha sorry I just had to.  There's something about having someone workout with you that just makes you want to push yourself hard and get it done!  My friend and I were going to do leg day Wednesday, and I don't know what happened, but we didn't end up going.  So we were like ok we're going Thursday!  Well yesterday my baby girl was sick :-(  She woke up around 2 a.m.-ish earlier thursday morning with a high fever and stuffy nose.  So yesterday I decided to stay home with her and not leave, because when she's sick she gets super attached to me!   I couldn't even go to the restroom without her freaking out on me and crying...poor thing.  I did decide to do leg stuff at home so I didn't feel like a complete failure.  I did 3 sets of 10 rep  regular squats no weights because I only have 20lb weights at home and mama can't handle that yet.  I did 2 sets of 10 rep leg kickbacks, and 2 sets of 10 rep leg raises, 2 sets of 10 rep glute bridges, and 25 rep russian twist with about 5 lb weight (I guessed on that because I just grabbed one of my kid's toys lol)  All in all it had me sweating, but I also felt like a whimp because I just remember what I used to be able to do when I was working out before.  I know I know it'll take me a little time to get back to that, and I'm on the right track.  I'm just really bad at comparing myself to myself....

So today my little girl is feeling better than yesterday so I'm going to go to the gym with my friend later on.  We're going to go ahead and do legs still even tho I did some yesterday.  My plan is to do the machines and do some dead lifts.  I also want to do more ab workouts, because I really didn't do as much as I would have liked to yesterday.

I have been doing better at my diet so I'm pretty happy with that!  Been sticking to different proteins and veggies, and brown rice.  I haven't been super creative with my dinners lately, but for most part they've been healthy for me.  I'm not really on a diet, but the way I'm approaching things is that for breakfast and lunch I've been trying to eat light and low calorie.  That way for dinner I really don't try to restrict myself too much.  Even tho for dinner I don't cook horrible food either, so it's really been working out for me.  I have kind of allowed myself to have 1 sweet something a day, but I feel better about it because every other meal has been healthy, so that's where I splurge on calories.  I don't calorie count, I don't initially restrict myself on any foods, and I don't plan to.  I just know how I am with stuff, and restricting isn't the way for me.  I know what foods I need to eat, and what foods will help my body with building muscle and lean me out.  I know all of this, and I just know if I'm going to be having too many calories in a day by the foods.  If I want sweets then I know that for lunch and dinner I need to eat smaller portions and lower calorie so that when I splurge on dessert it won't completely mess me up.  I also try to counter-act the bad foods with the gym too.  This obviously won't help me lose 2 lbs a week, but hey this is a life-style right?  If I can develop these habits to last me along time then I think I can have a balance with foods I want and foods I need to fuel my body with.  We'll see.....lol.

I actually remembered to take a picture of my dinner last night so I'll share the recipe and show you guys how it turned out.  It was kind of what I had in the house and something I threw together, but it turned out really good I must say!
So let's call this....Chicken Broccoli Bowl (so original I know)
1 medium to small onion
3 small to medium green bell pepper (If I had red or yellow I would've used those along with, but I only had green)
1bag of steamable broccoli
Grilled chicken (I used rotisserie chicken from wal-mart...easy peasy)
Brown Rice
2 tbsp. Hoisen sauce
1 to 2 cups beef broth
1 tsp. thyme
1 tsp. garlic powder w/parsley
1 tsp. chipolte chili powder
Salt and Pepper to taste

Saute the onion and green bell pepper in pan, and add all of the spices.
Heat up broccoli and add a little bit of same spices to get it caught up with the green peppers and onion, then add together and set aside.
Add chicken to skillet to warm up, I used rotisserie chicken from walmart, so all I had to do is get all the white meat from it, make it bite size, and add to skillet to heat up.
Mix the hoisen sauce and beef broth together, then pour over chicken, and let heat up.
I had the brown rice that you stick in the microwave for 2 minutes and boom it's done.
Now just assemble all together....Brown rice, broccoli mixture, topped with chicken!

This was such an easy, fast meal!  I didn't add spice to it because I shared with my 2 yr old, but I would even add some hot sauce, or siracha sauce to give it some kick since the hoisen sauce is a little sweet.

I know this has been long, but I skipped a couple days of blogging so I feel like I need to catch up...bad Kylah!  I haven't been keeping track on the scale, and honestly I haven't even taken my measurements or taken pictures.  It's hard for me at this stage because I'm genuinely grossed and disappointed about by my body.  I know I'm doing what I need to do to get better, but it's seriously hard to look at myself in the mirror right now.  I promise Sunday I will weigh myself, take pictures, and measurements so that I can keep track of it!  I may need some wine before I do all of that :-S

Until next time guys!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

I have a gym buddy!

Why hello my lovely people, how is everyone??  I really need to stop having these huge gaps in between my blogs.   I mean I'm home most the time, why shouldn't I be on here telling you my accomplishments and failures right?  So let's get down to the nitty gritty shall we...
I have been consistent in my gym, not like an every day thing, more so in the way that I go every week at least.  Last week I only went 3 times, week before I went 4.  My goal is to go every day, but you know things change....people get sore....people start shark week....people get whiny and want chocolate all day lol.  In all seriousness though, I have been doing waaaay better on my motivation on going back.  My goal was to pick a time in the day to go, and be consistent with that same time so that it could become a habit to go at that specific time, but that hasn't happened.  When I first started back, my husband wanted to go with me too, so I planned on waiting for him (which could range from 6:30-8:00 pm depending on his work day).  It got to the point where he sometimes wouldn't go, and I really don't like going so late just on my own, because if I go by myself I'd rather go earlier in day and be home in evening.  So there for awhile I just said, "Sorry babe, you go by yourself, I'm going earlier."  So I started going around 4ish, sometimes even at 10 in the morning!  WHOA right?  Not even that early, but early for me.  

I kind of had a thing going on and then my friend told me that she was finally going to join my gym!  I was so excited because I've been wanting a gym buddy for the longest time!  Even if my hubby goes with me to gym, we do different things, so we're never together.  We live in a big city, so there's a 24 hour fitness closer to my friend's house.  We decided to switch off between her gym and mine, it's really not too far from me either.  Yesterday was our 1st day working out together, and it went great!  We worked on biceps and triceps, and of course cardio.  Her gym is A LOT bigger than mine, and I admit I was super intimidated by everyone there.  We did make our way over to the free weight section and owned it ;-)  That's something I don't have the balls to do on my own, so I'm so happy I have my bestie in the gym with me!  Today will be leg day, and I feel like that's my thing that I do better than anything so I'm excited to get that done.   Well kind of excited, but I know how sore I'll be afterwards.  

As far as my diet goes, I need a lot more work on that.  I am eating way better than I was before, but I still will have my sweets sometimes and occasional bad meal.  The positive is that these bad meals are way less than it was before, but I know I need to cut down way more to lose what I want to lose.  I hate that dieting is so hard for me!  I can't believe how much I actually love food, and love cooking food.  So that's still something I need to work on, but I know I can get there because I've done it before!

I went to Bodybuilding.com and ordered me some pre-workout, and fat burners.  I had been using Herbalife for the fat burners, but I just think my body got used to them, because it just didn't work.  Also these other fat burners are way cheaper than Herbalife.  I did my research on both the pre-workout, and fat burner and I liked the reviews I read, so I decided to give it a try.  I can't remember the brand, but when I get them I'll just post a picture and show you guys.  I've never taken a pre-workout before, so it'll be interesting, but I just need that energy boost!  I had to up my depression medicine MG's and because of that it makes me so sleepy when I take it!  I can't stop taking my meds, so I just need something to give me some energy so I can knock out them workouts and spend more than 20 mins on elliptical!

All in all things are going pretty good.  I know I have along way to go, and I still have a lot of changes to make still, but I feel like I'm on the right track.  

Until next time guys!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Recipe Time Ya'll

I've decided to post some of the recipes I've cooked.  Mostly so I can look back and remember which ones I particularly liked so I can go back to them easy.  Last night I made my own recipe, I didn't follow anything, so I'll try to explain it best way possible because it was super easy and delicious!

~Ground Turkey and Pork Chorizo Enchiladas :-) ~

What you'll need:
1 package Ground Turkey ( I had Jennie-O because they were having a sale on them)
1 Package of Pork Chorizo
1 Small to medium onion (Depending on how much onion you like)
1 Package Taco seasoning mix
Corn Tortillas
Shredded Cheese

For the Sauce:
1 can Rotel W/Chiles
1 small can Evaporated Milk

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Chop onions to desired size and saute them on medium high heat until they are nice and translucent.
Add the Ground turkey and the chorizo together, give it a stir to mix and then add the Taco Seasoning mix.  Let that all cook until done...  So simple!  You won't need to add any liquids to it, it produces enough and it'll be nice and juicy tender.

In another pan add the Evaporated milk and can of Rotel and let it heat up a bit, then transfer to blender and blend.  I was happy with the flavor so I didn't add anything else, but if you like it more spicy just add some hot sauce to it.

Heat the tortillas on a skillet just to get warm and pliable.
Time to assemble your enchiladas!
I was able to get about 16 enchiladas out of this, and this was me filling them pretty full.
After you have the enchiladas filled and in pan, pour the sauce over them.  Add shredded cheese and in the oven they go!
Just keep in oven long enough for cheese to melt and BOOM you have yourself some delicious enchiladas :-)

Let me know if you try this recipe out!  I love Chorizo, and I've found that added it to Ground Turkey really works well and amps up things.

Monday, February 15, 2016

I'm not dead....

My last post was in December oh my goodness!!  I was using a different blogging site, but I guess I have a soft spot for Blogger because here I am.  Update on myself....I have been doing NOTHING.  I've slacked off in the greatest sense in that I haven't been to the gym in about 3 months I believe (I quit counting because I'm so ashamed) I haven't been concerned about my diet whatsoever, and I've been back on pop :-(  Man I hang my head in shame after reading what I just typed.  I can't even tell you the reason why I back slid so bad.  I was doing SO good for the longest time, and I just quit.  Straight up quit.  It has taken me awhile to get motivation to do anything lately, but today I'm finally getting back into the gym.  Yesterday I went grocery shopping and got healthy foods, no sweets for the house, and no pop!  I went ahead and grilled ahead some chicken for the week for both myself and my husband, so I have no excuse to be lazy because it's already done.

I'm not even sad about eating healthy because I think my body is just fed up with unhealthiness.  I got to the point where nothing sounded good to me to eat, which is weird for me because I seriously love food.  It was probably because I was feeding my body so much crap it was just like, "Enough woman!".  I didn't really make a whole meal plan with recipes I'm going to make.  I just got the healthy proteins and I'm going to make it up as I go along.  I've been kind of steering away from recipes lately, and just using my creative mind.  It's been going good so far, so I'll just keep doing it now with healthier foods!

Today will be Leg day at the gym, I know really going hard the first day.  I kind of dread this because I just know how sore I'll be afterwards, and I tend to have a lot of lactic acid build up in my legs, so that'll just add to the pain.  But I gotta get back to the gym somehow!  I'll try to not go AS hard, but once I'm at the gym I tend to just go all out.  I also went ahead and prepared my dinner so that when we're done and get home all I have to do is heat it up.  My husband doesn't get off work until 7 p.m. and we wanted to go to gym together today, so yea it'll be a late workout and late dinner, but better sleep right?

So today is first day that I'm back at the ol' grind.  I really hope I can stick with this.  I'm tired of feeling so unhealthy.  So here's to starting all over again!


SW: 212 lbs <<<BOOOO