Wednesday, March 2, 2016

I have a gym buddy!

Why hello my lovely people, how is everyone??  I really need to stop having these huge gaps in between my blogs.   I mean I'm home most the time, why shouldn't I be on here telling you my accomplishments and failures right?  So let's get down to the nitty gritty shall we...
I have been consistent in my gym, not like an every day thing, more so in the way that I go every week at least.  Last week I only went 3 times, week before I went 4.  My goal is to go every day, but you know things change....people get sore....people start shark week....people get whiny and want chocolate all day lol.  In all seriousness though, I have been doing waaaay better on my motivation on going back.  My goal was to pick a time in the day to go, and be consistent with that same time so that it could become a habit to go at that specific time, but that hasn't happened.  When I first started back, my husband wanted to go with me too, so I planned on waiting for him (which could range from 6:30-8:00 pm depending on his work day).  It got to the point where he sometimes wouldn't go, and I really don't like going so late just on my own, because if I go by myself I'd rather go earlier in day and be home in evening.  So there for awhile I just said, "Sorry babe, you go by yourself, I'm going earlier."  So I started going around 4ish, sometimes even at 10 in the morning!  WHOA right?  Not even that early, but early for me.  

I kind of had a thing going on and then my friend told me that she was finally going to join my gym!  I was so excited because I've been wanting a gym buddy for the longest time!  Even if my hubby goes with me to gym, we do different things, so we're never together.  We live in a big city, so there's a 24 hour fitness closer to my friend's house.  We decided to switch off between her gym and mine, it's really not too far from me either.  Yesterday was our 1st day working out together, and it went great!  We worked on biceps and triceps, and of course cardio.  Her gym is A LOT bigger than mine, and I admit I was super intimidated by everyone there.  We did make our way over to the free weight section and owned it ;-)  That's something I don't have the balls to do on my own, so I'm so happy I have my bestie in the gym with me!  Today will be leg day, and I feel like that's my thing that I do better than anything so I'm excited to get that done.   Well kind of excited, but I know how sore I'll be afterwards.  

As far as my diet goes, I need a lot more work on that.  I am eating way better than I was before, but I still will have my sweets sometimes and occasional bad meal.  The positive is that these bad meals are way less than it was before, but I know I need to cut down way more to lose what I want to lose.  I hate that dieting is so hard for me!  I can't believe how much I actually love food, and love cooking food.  So that's still something I need to work on, but I know I can get there because I've done it before!

I went to and ordered me some pre-workout, and fat burners.  I had been using Herbalife for the fat burners, but I just think my body got used to them, because it just didn't work.  Also these other fat burners are way cheaper than Herbalife.  I did my research on both the pre-workout, and fat burner and I liked the reviews I read, so I decided to give it a try.  I can't remember the brand, but when I get them I'll just post a picture and show you guys.  I've never taken a pre-workout before, so it'll be interesting, but I just need that energy boost!  I had to up my depression medicine MG's and because of that it makes me so sleepy when I take it!  I can't stop taking my meds, so I just need something to give me some energy so I can knock out them workouts and spend more than 20 mins on elliptical!

All in all things are going pretty good.  I know I have along way to go, and I still have a lot of changes to make still, but I feel like I'm on the right track.  

Until next time guys!

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