Saturday, March 5, 2016

Holy cow-loni

First of all, do not be deceived by this delicious looking chocolate shake!  It's an Herbalife chocolate shake with 3 strawberries in it, but that's not the disgusting part.  It has a serving of BCAA'S in it, and if you've never had them taste so disgusting!  My husband tried telling me how gross they were, and I believed him, but I thought I could just put it in my always delicious tasting Herbalife shake and it would mask the flavor.  WRONG.  I'm trying to just chug this thing right now.  If you've never read about what BCAA's do, or the benefits of it, check out this link....
I got that from WebMd since a lot of people like going there for information.  Pretty much from what I know of it, is that it helps with the muscle, and I heard it helps with your soreness.
Yesterday my friend and I went to the gym and we did legs, for me that was 2 days in a row!  That's why I'm so incredibly sore today, I can't sit down without holding onto something.   I can't even remember the last time I was this sore.  It's kind of a good feeling, and on the other hand a sucky one.  After I'm done with blog I'll post what workouts I did just in case anybody was wondering :-)

Yesterday I was bad and had 2 donuts for breakfast, but I made sure to make up for my diet slip the rest of the day.  My little girl has been sick and my husband and I haven't been getting very much sleep lately, so I was really just wanting something easy and something that went with coffee....BOOM, the donuts were staring me in the face and I couldn't resist.  For lunch I made a Fritata....omelet type thing.  I really don't know what it was lol, honestly I'm just now starting to incorporate eggs into my life, because I've never really liked them at all, but they are so good for you so I've been just forcing myself to eat them.  I added the leftover broccoli and green bell pepper mixture I had from the night before, and I added in turkey dogs.  Simple, but it was really good!  After my workout I had 2 turkey dogs and tortilla chips.  Probably not the best, but I was so tired, hungry, and it was the easiest for me to cook up!  

I'm starting to become more comfortable in the gym again.   It's always intimidating walking in, seeing all these awesome people working it out, looking the way you want to look like and you feel all excited, and then you look at yourself in the mirror and you're like, "Oh ok, I am sooo not there yet."  It's weird because when I workout, I always feel like I look different than I do.  When I look at myself in the mirror it brings me back down to realizing that I'm no where near what I want to look like.  But I keep telling myself that I'm doing what I need to do to get there, and everyone else there had to work hard to receive their results too.  It's just a dumb self confidence issue I'm trying to get passed. 

Ok I think that's pretty much everything for now!  I most likely won't go to gym until Monday so I have time to recover and also to spend some time with my husband.  We haven't had the chance to spend too much time together so I'm sure that's what my focus will be today and tomorrow.  Here's what all I did yesterday at the gym!

Leg/Booty work:
(All workouts I did 3 sets of 10 reps each)
Seated Leg Extension
Seated Leg Curl
Leg Press (3 sets of regular, and 3 sets of sumo position for inner thigh)Also 3 sets of calf raises on this machine.
Weighted Kickback machine (My favorite!)
Dead lifts with 30 lb. free weights
75 Russian Twist w/6 lb. medicine ball
30 reps back raises
Finished it all off with 10 minutes on the bike,

All in all it was a great workout, and I'm feeling it today, so I know I did something right ;-)

Stay motivated and stay with it guys!! We got this!


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