Friday, March 11, 2016

Why hello Youtube....

I finally did it!  I made my first Youtube video!  I've been wanting to start doing Youtube videos for the longest time, but I've always put it off because the 1st video is always so awkward to me.  I was was pretty dang awkward haha....see for yourself...

I love writing in my blog, and I'll still write in here because there's just something Therapeutic about it that I like, but I'm also excited about having the Youtube videos, because I feel like I'm on there all the time anyways.  I can't even tell you how many videos I watch a day on it.  I just love watching weight loss journeys, makeup tutorials, and of course workouts.  I got inspired to start my weight loss because of some videos I saw on Youtube!  Ok ok so you get the gist of the love I have of youtube, so let's get down to the nitty gritty.

I finally had energy yesterday after being sick.  I ended up spending like  2 hours at Target with my best friend.....what can I say, as a mom going to Target is kind of like going on vacation.  My husband stayed home from work yesterday, so I got to go alone....and yea I sort of milked that chance lol.  Don't judge, you know you do that same ;-)

I really wanted to workout my arms yesterday, and planned on getting to the gym in time to do that, then go to this class they were having, but we got there kind  of late so we only got there for the  class.  As disappointed as I was to not do arms, I was sooooo glad I made it to the class!  The class is called, "Treat while you Train"  they use Therapy balls to do trigger point therapy on your muscles to help relax.  At times it was pretty intense because I have some stiff muscles, but it was amazing! They have 2 classes a week, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to go to at least 1, if not both.  Now this class focused on the upper body, shoulders, neck, shoulder blades, and that felt great but what really bugs me are my hips and lowers back.  The class on Tuesday focuses on that part of the body, so I'm super excited to go to that one!  My lower back has been killing me lately, so I need some kind of relief.

I'm not sure if I'll be going to the gym today, because my In-laws are going to be visiting later this evening, and I'm sure we'll be visiting for awhile!   Who knows, I might try to make a late session.  I feel so guilty when I miss going to the gym now, I love it!  It's taken me along time to get to this point again, and I don't ever want that to go away.

This really has been the only thing going on since last time I blogged, hopefully next time I'll have more workouts to post!  If you are on Youtube be sure to subscribe to my channel so you can come along with me on the video updates and hopefully get to know even more about me!!  Until next time guys :-)

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