Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Recipe Time Ya'll

I've decided to post some of the recipes I've cooked.  Mostly so I can look back and remember which ones I particularly liked so I can go back to them easy.  Last night I made my own recipe, I didn't follow anything, so I'll try to explain it best way possible because it was super easy and delicious!

~Ground Turkey and Pork Chorizo Enchiladas :-) ~

What you'll need:
1 package Ground Turkey ( I had Jennie-O because they were having a sale on them)
1 Package of Pork Chorizo
1 Small to medium onion (Depending on how much onion you like)
1 Package Taco seasoning mix
Corn Tortillas
Shredded Cheese

For the Sauce:
1 can Rotel W/Chiles
1 small can Evaporated Milk

Preheat oven to 400 degrees
Chop onions to desired size and saute them on medium high heat until they are nice and translucent.
Add the Ground turkey and the chorizo together, give it a stir to mix and then add the Taco Seasoning mix.  Let that all cook until done...  So simple!  You won't need to add any liquids to it, it produces enough and it'll be nice and juicy tender.

In another pan add the Evaporated milk and can of Rotel and let it heat up a bit, then transfer to blender and blend.  I was happy with the flavor so I didn't add anything else, but if you like it more spicy just add some hot sauce to it.

Heat the tortillas on a skillet just to get warm and pliable.
Time to assemble your enchiladas!
I was able to get about 16 enchiladas out of this, and this was me filling them pretty full.
After you have the enchiladas filled and in pan, pour the sauce over them.  Add shredded cheese and in the oven they go!
Just keep in oven long enough for cheese to melt and BOOM you have yourself some delicious enchiladas :-)

Let me know if you try this recipe out!  I love Chorizo, and I've found that added it to Ground Turkey really works well and amps up things.

Monday, February 15, 2016

I'm not dead....

My last post was in December oh my goodness!!  I was using a different blogging site, but I guess I have a soft spot for Blogger because here I am.  Update on myself....I have been doing NOTHING.  I've slacked off in the greatest sense in that I haven't been to the gym in about 3 months I believe (I quit counting because I'm so ashamed) I haven't been concerned about my diet whatsoever, and I've been back on pop :-(  Man I hang my head in shame after reading what I just typed.  I can't even tell you the reason why I back slid so bad.  I was doing SO good for the longest time, and I just quit.  Straight up quit.  It has taken me awhile to get motivation to do anything lately, but today I'm finally getting back into the gym.  Yesterday I went grocery shopping and got healthy foods, no sweets for the house, and no pop!  I went ahead and grilled ahead some chicken for the week for both myself and my husband, so I have no excuse to be lazy because it's already done.

I'm not even sad about eating healthy because I think my body is just fed up with unhealthiness.  I got to the point where nothing sounded good to me to eat, which is weird for me because I seriously love food.  It was probably because I was feeding my body so much crap it was just like, "Enough woman!".  I didn't really make a whole meal plan with recipes I'm going to make.  I just got the healthy proteins and I'm going to make it up as I go along.  I've been kind of steering away from recipes lately, and just using my creative mind.  It's been going good so far, so I'll just keep doing it now with healthier foods!

Today will be Leg day at the gym, I know really going hard the first day.  I kind of dread this because I just know how sore I'll be afterwards, and I tend to have a lot of lactic acid build up in my legs, so that'll just add to the pain.  But I gotta get back to the gym somehow!  I'll try to not go AS hard, but once I'm at the gym I tend to just go all out.  I also went ahead and prepared my dinner so that when we're done and get home all I have to do is heat it up.  My husband doesn't get off work until 7 p.m. and we wanted to go to gym together today, so yea it'll be a late workout and late dinner, but better sleep right?

So today is first day that I'm back at the ol' grind.  I really hope I can stick with this.  I'm tired of feeling so unhealthy.  So here's to starting all over again!


SW: 212 lbs <<<BOOOO