Monday, August 31, 2015

I'm losing it!

Fat that is.... ;-)

I was looking at the scale today and was so sad because it shows I haven't lost any weight, but I did splurge a little over the weekend seeing as how it was my 5 year anniversary!  I didn't go crazy, but I definitely ate more than I have been.  So I decided to take the risk and take my measurements which is funny because I just did this not even a week ago.  I don't plan on doing this every week, but for some reason I was just curious.  I have lost some inch-age (a new word I just made up) so I'll be putting those down at the bottom!  It's not an insane difference, but in under a week's time, I'm happy with it!

I finally got the CLA supplement in the mail that I had been waiting on.....
From what I've read about this, is that it's a natural supplement, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (say that 5 times fast!), which is found in all our meats we eat.  It's just that when we cook our meat, this specific thing gets cooked out so we don't get that absorbed into our bodies.  This is supposedly a good fat that helps block bad fats, specifically from the stomach.  I'm just going off my memory on this explanation, I may not be getting everything exact, so if you're interested in this product pleeeease do your research to decide.  Anywho, they are 1000 ML each pill, and you're supposed to take 1, 3x a day.  You have to take 3000 ML a day in order for it to even be effective.  It is recommended for optimum results to take up to 6000 ML a day, so I'm going to do that! On the bottle it'll tell you to take 1-2 pills 3x a day with a meal, so I'm going to take 2, 3x a day with my meals.  As with all the products I take, I don't expect this to be a magic pill, I'm still going to be diligent on my diet and exercise.  This is just supposed to amp up my results!  I wasn't going to take my Herbalife pills, but I may take 1 or 2 of them still, because this CLA doesn't curb your appetite or anything.  One of the herbalife pills helps with my hunger control, and there's another one that helps me not retain water.  I'll still take this CLA alone for about a week and see how I feel, but depending on everything, I may still take my herbalife supplements along with this.

Another thing I wanted to share with you is my first set of pictures.  Ewwwwe I hate sharing pictures of myself, but hey pictures don't lie.  If you're going to see any results, you'll see them in your pictures.  So I'm going to show you my first comparison pictures since starting this!

The pictures on the left were taken 8/14/15, which was about 2 weeks into my gym routine.
The pictures on the right were taken today, 1 month into my gym routine.

In the top picture it's really hard to see the belly difference, but I can def. tell the diff. in my waist. I have more of my hour glass definition!  It may just be wishful thinking, but my thighs seem to be slimmer too lol.

In the bottom picture I saw a pretty good decrease in my belly!  It doesn't seem to stick out as much.  Trust me I know I have along way to go still.  But these are just my 1 month differences, and I'm pretty damn stoked about it!

My goal is to keep doing my cardio, which I've ditched the treadmill and just going to stick with elliptical.  I have flat feet, and treadmill just hurts my feet too bad.  Elliptical is easier on my body, and I just feel like it engages more muscles when I'm on it.

My leg day routine is definitely more intense than my arm day.  I just would rather focus on legs and booty.   I want my  arms toned, but I'm not really trying to build those muscles up.  I still do about a 30 min. arm routine (not including a 25 min cardio session).  But my leg day usually lasts almost 2 hours (cardio included into that time).

Anywho that's my update for now!   I still feel as motivated as ever to continue this process.  It's funny because when I'm certain places (mostly restaurants) in my head I'm just like, "Man I kinda wish I was at the gym right now".  I mostly do that if I've gone more than 1 day without going to gym.  I just don't want to fall behind at all!!  I'll post the measurements below :-)  Until next time guys!


Updated Measurements:
*Chest/Back: 43"
*Waist: 371/2"
*Hips: 44 1/2"

As you can see I've just posted the ones that I've lost.  All the other measurements have stayed the same.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

I really need to write my thoughts more often!

I don't know why I've been slacking on writing in this blog, but when I do write in it, it helps me stay motivated.  So let's not have such a HUGE gap next time shall we ;-)

A little update on myself....I've been consistently going to the gym for about 3 weeks now.  I joined a gym 1 month ago, but it took me about a week to stay consistent with going.  I feel SO GREAT!  I know I tried to stick to routines at home and go to my apartment gym, but I never stayed on track.  There's something about paying for something that makes you use it to the full!   Plus Skyla LOVES the little kid's club they have there.  I was so scared of how she was going to do, but she gets super excited to go, and never wants to leave.

I've noticed a huge difference in myself since staying consistent with everything.  I don't really trust my scale 100% as of lately, but I do know that I've lost 6lbs so far!  I should've measured myself in the beginning (like I always intend to)  But I have my measurements now, so I'll post those below.
I was looking at my previous blog when I posted my last measurements, and they are definitely bigger than those. Of course I was down to 195 lbs then, and I gained quite a bit back since that time, so I'm not super concerned about it.

My diet has been more controlled as well.  I just hate the idea of sabotaging my gym sessions with bad foods, so it's been easier to make better food choices.  No one is EVER perfect of course, so there were some meals where I had food that wasn't good for me.  But my portion control was there, so at least that right?   I sometimes take the Herbalife shakes still, like for breakfast, or sometimes before my workouts.  For the most part tho I don't take them as meal replacements anymore.  They were kind of a crutch, so for me personally I just need to learn what foods to eat that would help me, and just go with that!  I do still take the supplements because I believe they help me with breaking down bad food fats, hunger control, and not retaining water.  I did order a new supplement from, it's called CLA.  I've heard really good things about it, so when I get it, I'll actually stop taking all my herbalife supplements and just take this CLA and see how it compares.  It's supposed to help with weight loss, speed things up I guess.  We shall see which one I like better!  Of course the CLA is cheaper, but if I don't like it, I will most likely stick with the herbalife ones.

Well I think this is long enough for now.  I'll post my stats below, and hopefully I'll remember to keep up in this blog again!  I've never felt so motivated and good about myself in awhile, so it's been easier to stick with this.


SW- 210lbs   (Ugh I know I can't believe I went back up to 210 from 195)
CW - 203lbs

Now it's time for measurements ugh I don't like this part .....
Arms:  R- 13 1/2"      L- 13 1/2"
Chest/Back:  44"
Bust Line:  38"
Waist: 38"
Belly:  44"
Hips:  45"
Thighs: R- 26 1/2"    L- 26 1/2"

I'll always keep track of my weight, but I'm going to be more diligent about keeping up with my measurements.  I'm trying to build muscle as well, so I know the scale won't show my true weight loss like my measurements will!  Stay tuned :-)
I just wanted to add one of my recent personal best!  When I first started at the gym, the longest I could last on the elliptical was 5 mins!  What a pansy I know, but I was THAT out of shape.  I worked my way up to 10 mins. and was happy, but still felt like I could push myself more.  The other day I made it up to 15 mins. with 2102 strides.  I was super excited then too!  Yesterday I topped myself!  22 mins, 2736 strides and burned 205 calories.  I was so happy with myself, mainly because I pushed myself harder, and I seriously could've kept going, but I had to go get Skyla from the kid's club.  So here's to pushing yourself harder each time!